19.--Pizza Express. --Yes.I’d like a large pizza.A.Can I help you? B.Thank you.C.Excuse me. D.Who are you? 查看更多



Sheila bought a new lunch bag for school.

On the way to school, she looked inside. She hoped that a new lunch bag meant something new for lunch,   16   she found the same lunch as always---a sandwich.

When the lunch bell rang. Sheila found her bag and carried it to the dining hall. She opened it and   17   two pieces of fried chicken, several strawberries, and an egg.

“Wow!” Sheila said, “That’s what I call   18   !”

The next morning, Sheila opened her lunch bag and looked inside. Sure enough, she found another   19   . But when she opened the bag at lunchtime in the dining hall, she discovered a piece of pizza, an orange, and a cake.

“My lunch bag  20   be magic,” Sheila said.

“There’s no such thing as magic,” her friend Douglas  21   .

“There is,” Sheila said. “My mother   22   packs me a sandwich. But ever since I got this new lunch bag, the sandwich has changed into something I like.”

“Maybe your mother’s packing   23   things for a change.”

“No,” Sheila said. “I checked in the morning. The sandwich changes   24   .”

“You are not the   25   one with a magic lunch bag,” Beatrice said, turning around from the table behind her. “I have one, too. See? This is my magic bag.”

“Hey,” Sheila said. “My lunch bag really looks like yours.”

“Mine is magic,” said Beatrice. “Every day my dad  26   leftovers(剩饭), but at lunchtime I find a sandwich---my favorite!”

Sheila started   27   .

“What’s so funny?” Beatrice asked.

“That’s the sandwich my mother packs,” Sheila said. “We’ve been getting our lunch bags   28   up.”

Sheila and  29   shared their lunches every day after that. Sheila loved making new discoveries each time she opened her lunch bag. But her best discovery was magically finding a new   30   .

1.A. and             B. so                C. but              D. or

2.A. showed          B. discovered         C. wanted           D. offered

3.A. lunch bag         B. dining hall         C. breakfast         D. lunch

4.A. sandwich         B. chicken            C. egg             D. orange

5.A. can              B. must              C. may            D. need

6.A. disturbed         B. discovered          C. disappeared      D. disagreed

7.A. never            B. seldom             C. often           D. ever

8.A. different          B. same              C. easy            D. delicious

9.A. at home          B. during school         C. on the way       D. after lunchtime

10.A. last              B. next                C. extra            D. only

11.A. packs            B. cooks               C. leaves           D. checks

12.A. shouting          B. nodding             C. laughing         D. finding

13.A. fixed             B. used                C. broken          D. mixed

14.A. Douglas          B. Beatrice              C. Sheila’s mother   D. Beatrice’s father

15.A. friend            B. classroom            C. classmate        D. school



    Medusa Disco

    The best dance music in town!

    Every night 8:00 pm一4:00 am


    Hudson Theatre


    Hudson Theatre and Dance School

    Thursday.Friday 8:00 pm

    Saturday 5:00 pm and l1:00 pm

    Students$3.O0.and seniors$8.00

    Foreign Film Festival

    This Monday-Friday

 See theatre lists for titles,theatres and times

    $5.OO at all theatres

    “The Banff’i n Concert

    Mason Park Stadium

    Thursday,Friday,8:30 pm


  Mamma Mia.The real Italian Restaurant

    Perfect pasta and pizza

    Live music 9:00 pm一11:00 pm

  Open Tuesday—Friday,11:00 am-1:00 am

    Football  Matches

    League Stadium

    Saturday and Sunday

    Games start at l:00 pm


1. What days can you watch sports?

A. Tuesday and Sunday.              B. Thursday and Friday.   

C. Friday and Saturday.               D. Saturday and Sunday.

2. What time are "The Band" playing?

    A.5: 00pm.      B.8: 00pm.     C.8: 30pm.    D.11: 30pm.

3. If you are a student going to see Macbeth with your parents, you will pay.   

A. $9.00          B. $10.00       C. $19.00      D. $16.00

4. You can enjoy music at

    A. Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Mamma Mia

B. Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and Hudson Theatre    

C. Mason Park Stadium, Mamma Mia and League Stadium    

D. Medusa Disco, Mason Park Stadium and League Stadium

5. At 11:00 pm on Saturday, you can go to

     A. have pasta and pizza               B. enjoy Macbeth

     C. watch football match              D. see foreign films


1. How much is it if I want to buy a large spicy chicken pizza?
[     ]
A. $15
B. $19
C. $22
D. $ 23
2. Bobby wants the digital watch. What must he buy in order to get it?
[     ]
A. Half a dozen chicken wings.
B. Buy something over forty dollars.
C. Order something over eighty dollars.
D. Five pizzas or more.
3. The service hour on Saturday is _______ hours longer than on Fridays.
[     ]
A. 7
B. 6
C. 8
D. 5
4. Chris ordered ten large California pizzas for his team of workers. How much did he pay for his order?
[     ]
A. $ 176
B. $220
C. $230
D. $224



Bacon Green Pepper Pizza Bacon and green pepper Reg.$15 Large $21

Spicy Chicken Pizza Chilly chicken and cheese Reg.$19 Large $23

California Pizza Mushroom beef and ham Reg.$16 Large $22

There are four seasons in Beijing.It is clear of them.In spring,it is warm and usually it’s sunny.In summer,it’s too hot to stay without air conditioners.And there is much rain so it’s wet.In autumn,the weather is cool and people have to wear more clothes.In winter,it’s be cold that people should wear thick clothes.Also,it’s rather dry.

We’re thinking about a yard sale.We have so many things in the house.All of them are new.But we don’t need them at all.We’re planning to sell them.Come to my yard on October 1st.The address:Building l5,New enter Street.

Air Hostess Wanted:1.Age between 20 and 33;2.Height from l.6m to 1.75m;3.Two foreign languages;4.College graduate

Teacher Needed:For private language school;Teaching experience necessary;Secretary Wanted:With good computer skills;Part-time job

1.How much is it to buy five large California Pizza and two large Spicy Chicken Pizza?

A.$160.                B.$ 220.              C.$ 156.              D.$ 230.

2.The best time to pay a visit to Beijing is ________ because it's cool.

A.between September and November               B.in spring

C.in February                                                D.from June to July

3.A yard sale means people can _____ in a yard.

A.sell things                              B.go camping

C.find their lost things                       D.buy things

4.Ma Lan, aged 26, 172cm tall, knows English and Japanese.Which job can be given to her?

A.Teaching for a private school.                B.Working for China Airlines.

C.Secretary in some company.              D.A computer programmer.


1. How much is it if I want to buy a large spicy chicken pizza?

[     ]

A. $15
B. $19
C. $22
D. $ 23
2. Bobby wants the digital watch. What must he buy in order to get it?

[     ]

A. Half a dozen chicken wings.
B. Buy something over forty dollars.
C. Order something over eighty dollars.
D. Five pizzas or more.
3. The service hour on Saturday is _______ hours longer than on Fridays.

[     ]

A. 7
B. 6
C. 8
D. 5
4. Chris ordered ten large California pizzas for his team of workers. How much did he pay for his order?

[     ]

A. $ 176
B. $220
C. $230
D. $224

