--Tom and Bob playing volleyball. -- Me, too.A. doesn't like B. likes C. don't like D. like 查看更多




1. They spent three years building the bridge.(改为同义句)
    It ______ ______ three years ______ _______ the bridge.
2. Lucy can't speak Chinese or French.(改为同义句)
    Lucy can speak ____ Chinese ____ French.
3. They have never been to Shanghai, _____ ______? (完成反意疑问句)
4. Both Tom and Bob want to have a big one.(改为否定句)
    ____ Tom ____ Bob ____ to have a big one.
5. Let us go to school together, _____ _____? (完成反意疑问句)


1. She is a woman teacher. (改为复数形式)
    They are ______  ______.
2. The twin needs some bananas. (改为否定句) 
    The twin ______ need ______ bananas.
3. You mustn't throw anything at the animals when you are in the zoo. (改为祈使句)
     ______  ______ anything at the animals when you are in the zoo.
4. The Changjiang River is the longest river of China. (用Yellow River 改为选择疑问句)
    ______ is the longest river of China, the Changjiang River ______ Yellow River?
5. I don't think you can finish it on time. (改为反意疑问句)
    I don't think he can finish it on time, ______  ______?
6. The river is 10 meters wide. (对划线部分提问)
    ______  ______ is the river?
7. Not only Tom but also Bob has been to that island. (改为同义句)
    ______ Tom and Bob ______ been to that island.
8. I sent a letter to you last month. (改为被动语态)
    A letter ______  ______ to you last month.
9. Your living-room is very bright. (改为感叹句)
    ______  ______ your living-room is!
10. Does the earth go round the sun? My son asked the teacher. (合并为宾语从句)
     My son asked the teacher ______ the earth ______ round the sun.


—Would you mind ________ our classroom, Tom and Bob?

—Certainly not. We’ll do it right away.     

       A. cleaning   B. to clean   C. clean   



      "What's the matter, Bob?" asked his mother. "Why do you look so sad?"
"I don't have anyone to play with," said Bob. "I wish we had stayed in Salt
Lake City. I had friends there."
      "You will soon make friends here,"  said his mother." Wait and see!"
       Just then there was a tap on the door. Mrs Miller opened it.
       There stood a woman with red hair. " Hello," she said. "I'm Mrs Carey.
I live next door."
       " Come in," said Mrs Miller. " Bob and I are so glad you come."
       "I come to ask for two eggs," said Mrs Carey. "I want to bake a cake."
       "You may have the eggs," said Mrs Miller. " But do sit down. Let's have
coffee and talk a little."
       That aftermoon there was another tap on the door. Mrs Miller opened it.
There stood a boy with red hair. "My name is Tom Carey," he said.
       "My mother sends you this cake and these two eggs."
       "Oh, thank you, Tom," said Mrs Miller. " Come in and meet my son Bob."
       Tom and Bob were about the same age. Soon they were having cake and milk.
"Can you stay and play with me?" asked Bob. "Yes, I can stay an hour,"  said Tom.
"Then let's play a ball,"  said Bob. " My dog will want to get in the game,  too."Tom
found it was fun to play with Trix. He had no dog of his own.
      "I'm glad you live next door," said Bob." Now I have someone to play with." 
      "Mother said we would soon be good friends," answered Tom. "I'm glad
your mother needed two eggs." said Bob.
      Tom laughed, " She didn't really need the eggs," he said. "She just wanted to make
friends with your mother!" Then Bob laughed, too." That's a funny way to make friends,"
he said. " But it's a nice way. It worked!"
1. Why did Mrs Carey come to Mrs Miller?
[     ]
A. To borrow two eggs.
B. To send a cake.
C. To play with Trix.
D. To make friends with Mrs Miller.
2. Mrs Miller was _____ at Mrs Carey's visit.
[     ]
A. glad 
B. surprised
C. unhappy
D. worried
3. Trix was the name of _____.
[     ]
A. Tom's toy
B. Bob's dog
C. Mrs Miller's daughter
D. Mrs Miller's son
4. This story is about one way _____.
[     ]
A. to borrow things from the neighbour
B. to play with little dogs
C. to bake cakes
D. to make friends
5. The underlined word "tap" in Paragraph 3 means _____.
[     ]
A. a light knock
B. a noise
C. a voice
D. a push


______ room is on the 5th floor.  
[     ]
A. Tom and Bob          
B. Tom and Bob's  
C. Tom's and Bob        
D. Tom's and Bob's

