28.Danny his finger last week.A.hurts B.hurted C.is hurting D.hurt 查看更多



Many years ago, a rich man found that someone wan taking valuable things from his house. He locked all the doors and all the windows .Still the things went. It must be one of the servants! How could he catch the servant? He thought of a good plan.
Late one evening. When it was dark, he called all the servants together, “There is a thief in the house, but I know how to catch him.”He said.”In the next room there is a square box. In that box there is a chicken which is magic. Each of you must go into the room alone. It is quite dark in the room. You must feel your way to the table and press the first finger of your right hand on the top of the box. If you are not the thief, nothing will happen. If you are the thief, the chicken will make such a loud sound that everyone in the house will hear it.”Some of the servants said that they did not want to do this. They were frightened of the magic chicken. But the man said that they must do what he said. If they had done nothing wrong. They had nothing to fear.
So the servants went into the dark room one at a time, while the rest listened carefully. Soon everyone had been in the room. but the chicken made no sound.”Good “said the man.”Now I know who the thief is! The servants looked very surprised.“Show me your right hands! The chicken did not make a sound for a very good reason. There is no chicken in the box at all! But the top of the box was covered with paint. You all have paint on your fingers, except for one person. That person is the thief, and he was afraid to put his finger on the box.”He pointed to one of the servants.”Your finger is clean! You are the thief!”
【小题1】Were the rich man call all the servants together?
A. Yes, they were.  B. No, they weren’t.   C.I don’t know.
【小题2】When did the rich man call all the servants together?
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening
【小题3】 Did the rich man catch the thief at last?
A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t   C. He gave up the plan
【小题4】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A. There was paint on the box.
B. All of the servants touched the box.
C. All of the servants went into the dark room
【小题5】 What do you think of the rich man?
A. Brave.   B. Clever   C. Friendly.


Pen pal wanted
His name is Wang Lei. He is a(1)C_____ boy. He wants a pen pal in(2)F_______ . He thinks it's a very(3)i______  country and he wants to learn some French. He(4)l_____  in Beijing, China with his parents now. He is 14 (5) y______  old and his (6) b______  is in November. He can speak Chinese and a little English. What are his (7) l______ ? He likes watching sports games on TV and (8) p_____ computer games with his friends. His favorite subject is computer science. It's (9) f______ . He doesn't like math, because it's too difficult.
Please write to (10) h____ and be his pen pal.


What would you do if you had an accident in your daily life?

It is important for you to get some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he / she needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must know three things:

First, when a person stops breathing (呼吸), open his / her mouth to see if there is food in his / her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, try to start his / her breathing at once, using a mouth-to-mouth way. Third, if a person is hurt badly, try to stop the bleeding (流血) at once. And then take him / her to a doctor, because if a person loses one third of his / her blood, he / she may be in great danger.

Many accidents may happen at home, and everyone should know some first aid to deal with common injuries. When a person is bitten by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water before he / she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while, then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. If a person is badly burnt, take him / her to the doctor. If a person cuts his / her finger, clean it and put a piece of clean paper round the cut.

In the future we should learn more about first aid and try to spread (传播) it.?

1.How many steps should you pay attention to when you give first aid?

A. Two.????? ????????????? B. Three.???? ????????????? C. Four.?????? ????????????? D. Five.

2.If a person is hurt badly and bleeding, what should you do first?

A. Try to stop the bleeding at once.?

B. Wash the wound with cold running water.?

C. Try to start his / her breathing at once.

D. Open his / her mouth and see if there is food in his / her mouth.?

3.The underlined word “is bitten” means “??????? ” in Chinese.

A. 被打????? ????????????? B. 伤害????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. 被控制?????? ????????????? D.被咬??

4.If Jim cuts his finger, what first aid should you give according to the passage?

A. We should wash the cut with cold running water.????????????? ?????????????

B. We should put a piece of dry clean cloth over the cut.

C. We should clean it and put a piece of clean paper round the cut.

D. We should wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while.

5.Which can be the BEST title for the passage?

A. How to give first aid????????????? ????????????? ??????? ????????????? B. How to stop the bleeding?

C. How to deal with different cuts??????? ????????????? D. How to deal with common injuries?????????????



  I was in my third year of teaching writing at Ralph High School in New York, when one of my students, 15-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence from class the day before:

    "Dear Mr. McCort, Mikey's grandmother, who is eighty years of age, fell down the stairs from too much coffee and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job. Please excuse Mikey and he'll do his best in the future. P.S. His grandmother is OK."

    I had seen Mikey writing the note at his desk. l said nothing. Most parental-excuse notes I received were penned by my students. The writers of those notes didn't realize that honest excuse notes were usually boring: "Peter was late because the alarm clock didn't go off."

    The students always said it was hard putting 200 words together on any subject, but when they produced excuse notes, they were excellent. So I decided to give the first class to study the art of the excuse note.

    “Today I'd like you to write 'An Excuse Note from Adam to God' or 'An Excuse Note from Eve to God'. "Heads went down. Pens raced across paper. They had to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.[来源:学|科|网Z

    The next day everyone had excuse notes. Heated discussions followed. But suddenly I saw the headmaster at the door. He entered the classroom and walked up and down, looking at papers, and then said. "I'd like you to see me in my office." My heart sank,

    When I stepped into his office, he came to shake my hand and said, "I just want to tell you that lesson, that task, was great. Those kids were writing on the college level. Thank you."

1.What did the writer do when he found the students dishonest?

A. He reported them to the headmaster.

B. He lectured them hard on honesty.

C. He had them take notes-n class.

D. He helped improve their writing skills.

2.We can learn that when Mikey was absent from the class, he was____.

A. somewhere enjoying himself

B. taking care of his baby sister

C. looking after his grandmother

D. studying the art of the excuse note

3.How did the writer usually find out his students' parental excuse notes were dishonest?

A. They were written in boring words.

B. He called their parents and found out the truth.

C. They were more like stories than facts.

D. The handwriting clearly looked like children's.

4.Which of the following is true?

A. The writer has many years of teaching experience.

B. The students are good at writing excuse notes.

C. The headmaster was angry with the writer.

D. Most of the excuse notes were written by the parents.

5.Which of the following best describes the writer as a teacher?

A. Honest.               B. Strict.                   C. Hardworking.    D. Wise.



Pen pal wanted
His name is Wang Lei. He is a(1)C_____ boy. He wants a pen pal in(2)F_______ . He thinks it’s a very(3)i______  country and he wants to learn some French. He(4)l_____  in Beijing, China with his parents now. He is 14 (5) y______  old and his (6) b______  is in November. He can speak Chinese and a little English. What are his (7) l______ ? He likes watching sports games on TV and (8) p_____ computer games with his friends. His favorite subject is computer science. It’s (9) f______ . He doesn’t like math, because it’s too difficult.
Please write to (10) h____ and be his pen pal.

