( ) 50. What does Tom do according to the form? A. A doctor. B. A student. C. A cook. D. A cleaner. (B)Some people say that today, reading is not as important as it was. These days we have photos, films, radio, and television. Why read a description of something when you can look at a photograph? Why read a novel when we can see a film? Why read a newspaper when the latest news is brought to us every hour on radio and TV? Photographs can give a very clear idea of places and of people that we have never seen. An encyclopedia, for example, is always better when it has good illustrations. But we also need words to explain the photographs and drawings. A photograph of an elephant may give us a very good idea of what an elephant looks like, but it tells us nothing about the different kinds of elephants there are and where they are found, their exact size and weight, how they can be useful to man and so on.In the same way a good film has action, movement, color, and maybe music. These are things we do not find on the printed page. But reading a novel has certain advantages over watching even an excellent film. Reading a novel requires imagination. Each of us imagines a story differently.Watching news on television can certainly be exciting. But we need newspapers as well. Some important news stories happen when there are no cameras around. More importantly, a newspaper does not just report the news. It explains why something has been happening. It also contains interesting articles on different subjects. Newspapers are an important part of our lives, if we want to understand what is going on in the places we live as well as in other parts of the world.Reading is very important for information and pleasure. We need to be good readers to enjoy a full life as human beings. Reading is a skill and like other skills, it needs practice. The more we read, the better readers we become. And the better readers we become, the more we enjoy reading! The secret is to get the reading habit. Read at least a little every day. 查看更多



The story starts in a German classroom. A teacher gives an exciting speech to his students about the glory of war. He encourages his students to join the war, so that they could bring honour to Germany. So the whole class of students join the war and leave together.

They are brought to a training camp and then are sent to a post with some soldiers that have been on the front for quite some time. The soldiers try to gather food up to satisfy their hunger. More and more young boys die of hunger.

Most of the soldiers wonder about why the war is happening and why they cannot just go home. They wonder why they can't just throw all of the kings into a large field and let them fight it out among themselves. It is not long before only one of the young men from the start of the movie is left. All of the other young men have died. Paul (the last young man) is wounded(受伤) badly. He returns home to see his mother. He goes around town and it seems like nothing there has changed. The people are still talking about the glory of war. Paul can't help feeling sorry for them, because those people who never go to the war field cannot understand how terrible the war is.

When he returns back to the front, his friends all have died. The film ends with the death of Paul. A gun shoots him when Paul is catching butterflies. On the newspaper there is only A// Quiet on the Western Front.

50. What does the underlined word "glory" mean in Chinese?

51. Why do more and more boys die?

A. Because of coldness.                      B. Because of hunger.

C. Because of fighting.                         D. Because of environment.

52. What does the film talk about?

A. It shows the terrible truth of the war.     B. It tells a story of a young man.

C. It speaks highly of the glory of war.      D. It encourages young people to join the war,


    Have you ever posted your photos on the Internet? Would you mind if people cut part of your photo, perhaps your face, and paste(粘贴)it into other photos as a joke? Most people would not like to be made fun of in this way. However, it is not uncommon for people to find such pictures of themselves on the Internet.

We are living in an age of information explosion. People work, play and communicate with others over the Internet. However, we must always bear in mind that some people may use others personal information for unpleasant purposes. A good example of this is what happened to a 25-year-old man. He received an e-mail that appeared to be from his bank, asking for his bank details. However, after he sent his account(账户) number to the sender, he found that money was  stolen out of his bank by online criminals.

This story warns us and reminds us never to tell strangers information such as our real names, parents names, telephone numbers or home addresses. Remember to remove any private information, like your photos, after using another person's computers. Also remember not to give out unnecessary but important information when filling in online forms. We need to learn to keep our private information safe. This is the key to protecting ourselves in a world where the Internet is becoming more and more important.

49. The underlined word ‘criminals' means _______in Chinese.

50. What does this passage teach us?

        A. Never give any information to anyone online.

        B. Only give some necessary but real information to the strangers online.

        C. Only give some unnecessary and unimportant information when filling in a form.

        D. Never give your personal information to strangers online.

51. How did the 25-year-old man lose his money?

        A. The bank lost his details and account number.

        B. The money was stolen from the bank.

        C. He gave his personal information to online criminals.

        D. It was stolen from him as he returned from the bank.

52. According to the passage, which of the following is not correct?

        A. People do not want their pictures to be cut and pasted into others just for fun.

        B. We are living in a world of information.

        C. We should learn how to communicate with others on the Internet in a safe way.

        D. We must be careful in daily life, because some criminals will get closer to us.


Ms X leaves home at 6:00 in the morning. She spends an hour and a half in the traffic and arrived at her workplace already tired at 8:00. At lunch time, she stands in a line and in the end finds there are no sandwiches left! On the way home she is in the traffic again and arrives home tired at 7:00. There is just time to cook something simple, watch an hour of TV and then have an early night.

Ms Y gets up at 7:00 and goes for a run or does some exercise. After breakfast, she sits down to work at 8:30 in the office at the top of her house. Halfway through the morning, she has a short break, make a cup of tea and drinks it in the garden. She takes a half-hour lunch break, and has a salad in the kitchen, while she listens to the radio. She finishes work at 4:30 and goes for a walk in the park. Then she cooks something for the family before they arrive home.

The first example is the old way of working ---- all travel and tiredness. The 2nd kind of working day is already with us. Many workers now work at home either 2days a week or full-time. This is possible because of modern machines like fax and PCs. Most offices these days are paperless places. Company workers send email documents to each other instead of heavy reports. They can design an advertisement and email it to their co-worker at home or workplace.

At present it is expensive for some companies to provide offices for all workers. The offices are used less than a quarter of the time, ______. In fact it is cheaper to buy PCs and office machines for their home workers.

46. How is life different for Ms X and Ms Y?

A.Ms Y has less time for exercise than Ms X.

B.Ms X works harder than Ms Y.

C.Ms X spends more time traveling than Ms Y.

D.Ms Y does not enjoy her lunch break as much as Ms X.

47.What does the passage say about teleworking?

A. It has not been popular so far. B. It needs some special equipment.

C. People must work at home.       D. It is mainly for designing ads.

48. The passage tells us that ______.

A. offices should be made better use of            

B. the company saves money if people work at home

C. people no longer like working in offices          

D. PCs and office machines are getting cheaper

49. Which sentence suits the blank in the last paragraph best?

A. but the companies have to light them and heat them

B. so the companies have to let their workers stay longer

C. and many people work there              

D. and have little equipment

50. What does the writer want to tell us through this passage?

A. The world is unfair. B. Knowledge is important.

C. Emails will be more and more popular. D. The working style is developing.


Two weeks ago, Ruichang City in Jiangxi Province was hit by an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale(里氏震级). It killed 18 people and left hundreds homeless.

   Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural disasters(灾难) in the world. They happen more often than you would expect.

   In the 24 hours after you read this, 400 to 500 earthquakes will shake the earth. You won't notice most of them because you live in a relatively(相对地) safe area or the quake is too far away or because the quake will be too small to notice.

   Earthquakes are caused by sudden breaks in rock masses(群) deep in the earth. Rock masses are always under very high pressure. If the pressure in a certain area become too much and the rock masses break, an earthquake happens. But exactly when the rock masses reach the breaking point is a mystery(谜).

   China is on the Eurasia(欧亚) plate, where earthquakes happen very often due to the earth's plates knocking against each other. Up to 17,139 earthquakes have taken place in China in the past 44 years, according to scientific research.

50. What happened to the City of Ruichang?

A.18 people were killed in an earthquake.

B. Hundreds homeless people left the city.  

C. An earthquake ruined thousands of houses there.

D. An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale happened.       

51. How many earthquakes can happen in a day in the world?

A. 24.                   B. 44.                   C. 400 to 500.               D. 17139.

52. Why does the earth quake? Because ______.

A. we live in a relatively safe area                                                

B. the pressure in the earth is too big

C. the rock masses is reaching the breaking point

D. the rock masses break suddenly deep in the earth


The story starts in a German classroom. A teacher gives an exciting speech to his students about the glory of war. He encourages his students to join the war, so that they could bring honour to Germany. So the whole class of students join the war and leave together.

They are brought to a training camp and then are sent to a post with some soldiers that have been on the front for quite some time. The soldiers try to gather food up to satisfy their hunger. More and more young boys die of hunger.

Most of the soldiers wonder about why the war is happening and why they cannot just go home. They wonder why they can't just throw all of the kings into a large field and let them fight it out among themselves. It is not long before only one of the young men from the start of the movie is left. All of the other young men have died. Paul (the last young man) is wounded(受伤) badly. He returns home to see his mother. He goes around town and it seems like nothing there has changed. The people are still talking about the glory of war. Paul can't help feeling sorry for them, because those people who never go to the war field cannot understand how terrible the war is.

When he returns back to the front, his friends all have died. The film ends with the death of Paul. A gun shoots him when Paul is catching butterflies. On the newspaper there is only A// Quiet on the Western Front.

50. What does the underlined word "glory" mean in Chinese?

51. Why do more and more boys die?

A. Because of coldness.                      B. Because of hunger.

C. Because of fighting.                         D. Because of environment.

52. What does the film talk about?

A. It shows the terrible truth of the war.     B. It tells a story of a young man.

C. It speaks highly of the glory of war.      D. It encourages young people to join the war,

