-- I've never copied others' homework. A. Neither I have B. Neither I do C. Neither do I D. Neither have I 查看更多



During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a quiz (小测验). I was a hardworking student and I did well    26   all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one, “What is the first name of the    27  who cleans the school?”
I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But    28   would I know her name? I have    29  talked with her before. In fact, I’ve never even thought about talking to her! I stared at (盯着) my paper and started to feel rather guilty (惭愧的). Finally, I handed in my paper   30   writing the answer to the last question.
Before the class ended, one student    31   the teacher if the last question would count (计入) into our grade. “In your life,” the teacher said, “you will meet many people. All are    32 . They deserve (值得) your attention (注意) and care, even if all you do is just smiling and saying hello.”
I’ll never    33   that lesson. Everyone deserves our attention and we should try to get to know all the people who work and live around us. That was the most important    34 of my life. Later that day, I    35  that the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.



During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a quiz (小测验). I was a hardworking student and I did well    26   all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one, “What is the first name of the    27  who cleans the school?”
I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But    28   would I know her name? I have    29  talked with her before. In fact, I’ve never even thought about talking to her! I stared at (盯着) my paper and started to feel rather guilty (惭愧的). Finally, I handed in my paper   30   writing the answer to the last question.
Before the class ended, one student    31   the teacher if the last question would count (计入) into our grade. “In your life,” the teacher said, “you will meet many people. All are    32 . They deserve (值得) your attention (注意) and care, even if all you do is just smiling and saying hello.”
I’ll never    33   that lesson. Everyone deserves our attention and we should try to get to know all the people who work and live around us. That was the most important    34 of my life. Later that day, I    35  that the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.


Alexis Rocha is a 13-year-old boy from California, US. He weighs 147 pounds (67 kg). But six months ago, he weighed more than 202 pounds (91 kg). How did he lose all that weight in only half a year?
“One day, I was surprised to find that I weighed about 200 pounds,” Rocha says. “I thought I had to do something.”
Rocha is from a boxing (拳击) family—his father and two older brothers are professional boxers. So he decided to start boxing. He began with simple exercises, like sit-ups and push-ups (俯卧撑). Then Rocha started jogging(慢跑). “No kid likes running,” he says. “I don’t want to do it, either, but I have no choice but to keep on.”
Months later, Rocha joined a boxing club in his city. He is always the first kid at the club to begin exercising, and the last to leave with sweat (汗水) on his face. Every day he boxes for about three hours.
“Rocha works very hard,” says his coach, Hector Lopez. “It’s surprising to see him lose the pounds so quickly. I’ve never seen anything like this in my 20 years of coaching.”
Rocha is very happy with his weight now. There is a family photo in his room from 18 months ago. “Each time I look at the photo, I laugh at myself. I was so big back then,” Rocha says. “I look 100 times thinner and 1,000 times stronger now.”
【小题1】How much weight did Rocha lose in six months?
A. At least 24 pounds.     B. At least 30 pounds.      C. At least 55 pounds.
【小题2】 Rocha said he had no choice but to keep on running because_______.
A. he liked running very much
B. he wanted to be thin and strong
C. he wanted to be a professional boxer
【小题3】What makes Coach Hector Lopez surprised?
A. Rocha lost weight so quickly.
B. Rocha was so fat 18 months ago.
C. Rocha comes from a boxing family.
【小题4】What’s the correct order of the following sentences?
a. He did some sit-ups and push-ups.
b. He lost the pounds quickly.
c. He joined a boxing club.
d. He began running.
f. He boxed for about three hours every day.
A. a-d-c-f-b     B. d-a-f-c-b     C. a-d-f-c-b 
【小题5】The writer mainly wants to tell us _______.
A. Rocha is a hardworking boy
B. it is important to get exercise
C. everything is possible if you work hard


---Do you like this movie?

--- Yes, I do! In fact I’ve never seen a ________ one than this.

A.good             B.better            C.bad              D.worse



George liked flying a plane. Once he bought a small plane and learned how to fly it. He soon became so good that he could make his plane do all kinds of tricks(技巧).
George had a friend. His name was Peter. One day George said to his friend, “ Peter, would you like to have a trip in my plane?” Peter thought, “ I’ve traveled in a big plane several times, but I’ve never been in a small one, so I’ll go.”
They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in a shaken voice(颤抖的声音), “ Well, George, thank you very much for these two trips in your plane.”
George was very surprised and asked, “ Two trips? ”
“Yes, my first and my last.” Answered Peter.
【小题1】Peter ______ his friend’s plane.

A.had to fly in
B.was asked to have a trip in
C.was asked to fly
D.asked George to fly
【小题2】Peter went up with George in the plane because ______ .
A.he liked traveling very much
B.George was good at flying his plane
C.he had never traveled in a small plane
D.Peter could do all kinds of flying tricks
【小题3】They were in the plane for ______ minutes.
【小题4】How many times did Peter travel in his friend’s small plane?
A.OnceB.TwiceC.Three timesD.Several times
【小题5】From the passage we know that ______ .
A.Peter thanked George for the nice trip
B.Peter thought it was wonderful to have such a trip
C.Peter felt surprised that his friend could fly so well
D.Peter was worried about his safety while George was doing tricks in the sky

