24.A.In the mountain. B.In the tree. C.In the village. 查看更多



There is ________ tree in the mountain village.

[  ]

A.an 18-metres-tall

B.an 18-metre-tall

C.a 18-metres

D.a 18-metre-tall


There is ________ tree in the mountain village.

[  ]

A.an 18-metres-tall

B.an 18-metre-tall

C.a 18-metres

D.a 18-metre-tall


Today is fine. The sky is blue, Now it's nine o'clock in the morning. There's a sports meeting in the forest(森林)on the big mountain. Look,a horse, a panda and a cat are running. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing. There are some other animals there, too. The elephants are standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag(旗)in his hand. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the tree. They are all watching.

1.—What color is the sky today?—It’s____________.





2.How    many animals are running and jumping?





3.Which animals are climbing the tress?

A. The monkeys.

B. The pandas and the foxes

B. The elephants and the cats.

D. The horses and the pandas

4.There’re  __________ at the sports meeting.

A.not any birds

B.a lot of animals

C.many people

D.many monkeys

5.Who’re all watching at the meeting?

A.A tiger, a baby horse and some cats

B.Polly, an elephant and some small fish

C.A fox, a baby panda and some animals

D.A monkey, a baby cat and some birds




 Long long ago, there was a tiger in the forest. One day, she was very hungry. She was walking in the forest and wanted to find something to eat. Suddenly, she saw a fox. The fox was sleeping under a big tree. She came up slowly and jumped on the fox.

 “What could I do? the fox thought hard. Then he had an idea.He said to the tiger loudly.

 “How dare you eat me?

 “Don't you know I am the king of all the animals? said the fox. I am sent by the God. If you eat me, you will be punished.

 The tiger didn't believe at first. The fox went on saying, If you don't believe what I said, you can walk after me. All the animals are afraid to see me.

 Then, the tiger and the fox walked through the forest together. All the animals ran away as fast as they could when they saw the tiger coming towards them.

 “ Why? the tiger was very surprised .

1 The story happened ________.   

[  ]

Ain the mountain      Bin the forest

Cin the far away place    Din the village

2 When the tiger came up to the fox, ________.

[  ]

Athe fox was frightened

Bthe fox ran away quickly

Cthe fox thought hard and had an idea

Dthe fox was sleeping under the tree

3 Why did all the animals run away when they saw the fox? Because ________.

[  ]

Athe fox was their king

Bthe fox was very strong

Cthe fox would eat them

Dthe tiger walked with him

4 The tiger didn't dare to eat the fox because ________.

[  ]

Athey were good friends

Bthey fox was stronger than she

Cthe fox was sent by the God

Dshe believed what the fox had said

5 The fox was very ________.

[  ]

Aclever   Bhonest

Cfoolish   Dcareful



  Once there lived an old man in a mountain village.He was a famous hunter(猎人).He often went hunting alone in the mountains.He was not afraid of any animals, even a tiger.

  One night, someone saw a tiger come into the village, and stole two sheep away.The next night the tiger came again.The villagers were frightened.They asked the old hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.

  When the old man heard the tiger, he thought hard.He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep.The next night he walked about outside the village.Suddenly he saw the tiger coming.He quickly threw himself on the ground.To his surprise, the tiger did not come at him, but went away.He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man.Then everything was clean.

  On the fourth day, when it got dark, the hunter took some animal skins(皮)with him and hid himself behind a big tree near the village.He was waiting for the “tiger”.As soon as the“tiger”came near the tree, the old hunter jumped out, caught the“tiger”by the“leg”and said,“Don’t be afraid.I do not mean to hurt you.You know who I am, don’t you?”

  The“tiger”said“Yes”and took off the tiger’s skin.

  “You are poor.But you mustn’t steal anything from others.Here are some animal skins for you.You may sell them at the market.With the money, you can buy food and clothes for your family.Work harder and make a living.”With tears in his eyes, the poor man thanked the kind-hearted old hunter and walked home.


Where did the old hunter live?

[  ]


Near a village.


Outside a village.


In a village.


On a farm.


How many times did the tiger come into the village?

[  ]


Only once.




Three times.


Four times.


What did the old hunter do when he first saw the tiger?

[  ]


He was frightened.


He threw himself on the ground.


He ran away.


He hid himself behind a tree.


How did the old hunter know the tiger was a man?

[  ]


The tiger came to the village only at night.


He saw the tiger run on its two feet.


The tiger only stole sheep.


The tiger could speak.


Why did the old hunter take some animal skins with him when he was waiting for the“tiger”?

[  ]


To make himself well hidden.


To sell them at the market the next morning.


To buy food on his way home.


To help the poor man.

