A. He begins his class at fifteen past eight.B. He is fifteen minutes late.C. It takes him fifteen minutes to get to school.Ⅱ.请听句子.选择正确的应答语. 查看更多




  Little Peter is a boy of nine.He began to go to school last year and now he is in Grade Two.He lives not far from the school but he's often late for class.He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late , so he can't get up early in the morning.

  This term Mrs.Black , Peter's aunt , works in Peter's school.She teaches Grade Two English.She often tells the boy to obey the school rules(遵守校规)and come to school in time.Yesterday morning Peter got up late.When he got to school , it was a quarter past eight.His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

  “You are ten minutes late for the first class , Peter ,” Mrs.Black said angrily(生气地).“Why are you often late for class?”

  “Every time when I get to the street corner , I see a guidepost(指路牌).It says ‘SCHOOL-GO-SLOW(慢)!'”


Peter is in school for ________.

[  ]


half a year


more than one year


less than one year


more than two years


Peter is often late for school because ________.

[  ]


his school is far form his home


he likes playing very much.


he can't get up on time in the morning


he has much food in the morning


Mrs.Black is a ________.

[  ]










The first class begins at ________.

[  ]


ten to eight




five past eight


fifteen past eight


The guidepost is for ________.

[  ]










Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now he's in Grade Three. He lives not far from the schoolbut he's often late for school. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late. so he can’t get up early in the morning.

This term Mrs. BlackPeter's auntworks in Peter's schoo1.She teaches Grade Three English. She is strict(严格) with Peter and often tells the boy to obey the school rules(遵守校规) and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he got to schoolit was a quarter past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

"You're ten minutes late for the first classPeter"Mrs. Black said angrily. “Why are you often late for class?"

"Every time when I get to the street cornerI see a guidepost. It says’ SCHOOLGO SLOW'!”


1.Peter is in school for ________years.( )

A. one and a half              B. two

C. more than two              D. more than three

2.Peter is often late for school because________.( )

A. his school is far from his home

B. he is too young to get up early in the morning

C. he can’t sleep well at night

D. he can't get up early in the morning

3.Mrs. Black is a________.( )

A. worker              B. teacher

C. bookseller              D. policewoman

4.The first class begins at________.( )

A. ten to eight              B. eight

C. five past eight              D. fifteen past eight

5.The guidepost is for________.( )

A. drivers              B. Peter

C. students              D. teachers




  Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now he's in Grade Three. He lives not far from school, but he's often late for school. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can't get up on time in the morning.

  This term Mrs Black, Peter's aunt, works in Peter's school. She teaches Grade Three maths. She's strict (严格) with Peter and often tells the boy to get up early and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he hurried to school it was a quarter past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

  “You are ten minutes late for the first class, Peter.”Mrs Black said angrily.“Why are you often late for class?”

  “Every time, when I get to the street corner, I always see a guidepost. It says,‘SCHOOL?GO SLOW’”

1.Peter is often late for school because ________.

[  ]

A.he likes watching TV

B.he goes to bed late

C.he can't sleep well at night

D.he can't get up on time in the morning

2.The first class begins at ________.

[  ]

A.ten to eight
C.five past eight
D.fifteen past eight

3.The guidepost is for ________.

[  ]



Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now he’s in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school, but he’s often late for school. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can’t get up early in the morning.

This term Mrs. Black, Peter’s aunt, works in Peter’s school. She teaches Grade Three English. She is strict(严格)with Peter and often tells the boy to obey the school rules(遵守校规)and come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he got to school, it was a quarter past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.

“You’re ten minutes late for the first class, Peter,” Mrs. Black said angrily. “Why are you often late for class?”

“Every time when I get to the street corner, I see a guidepost. It says ‘SCHOOL GO SLOW’!”


1.Peter is in school for______years.

A. one and a half


C.more than two

D.more than three

2.Peter is often late for school because______.

A. his school is far from his home

B.he is too young to get up early in the morning

C.he can’t sleep well at night

D.he can’t get up early in the morning

3.Mrs. Black is a______.

A. worker              B.teacher            C.bookseller          D.policewoman

4.The first class begins at______.

A. ten to eight


C.five past eight

D.fifteen past eight

5.The guidepost is for______.

A. drivers             B.Peter             C.students            D.teachers


