3 5. the office building.there is a big square. A.In front of B.On C.At D.In There is an apple tree behind 36 house.Tom is near the tree.There are some apples 37 the tree.Tom is looking at the apples.They are big and red.Tom is hungry.He wants to get an apple. Tom is not 38 .He is short.He can not reachthe apples.He is putting a chair 39 the tree.Can he reach the apple now?No.he 40 .He is too short.Here comes Bill.He is Tom’s brother. Hello.Tom.What are you doing? “Please help me.Bill.I can’t reach the 41 . Tom is short 42 Bill is tall.He can reach the apples.He is getting 43 of them. Here you are.Tom One is 44 you.and one is for 45 ! “thank you Bill. 查看更多



        Andy Barton worked in an office. He was in a     1     mood (心情) this Friday.
        At six o'clock his favourite programme "Travel with it!" was on TV. Andy liked to get home in good time
for that, so he was leaving the office a little     2    .
        "I can get home in time if I hurry." Andy told himself when he     3    out of the office. But when he drove
off in his car, he    4      that he was almost out of gas (汽油). "I'll have to stop at Fenton's." Andy thought. He
     5     Fenton's because it was a self-service gas station. You do all the work yourself, but you pay     6    for
the gas. Fenton's pump (泵) was not working properly and it     7     too much time to get gas.
        So when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. "Shall I answer
it?" Andy thought. He tried to fix his attention on the programme and forgot the phone. But it kept on ringing and
finally he picked it up.
         "Mr. Barton?"     8    said, "Fenton's Garage here."
         "Fenton's?" said Andy, "      9     , I was at your place only a few minutes ago, getting some gas. Did I
    10      something behind or what?"
         "No, you didn't. Mr. Barton." the voice went on. "That's just the point! You didn't leave anything behind!
You went off without paying for your gas, you see! When that happened, we usually ring up the police. But 
    11      I recognized you and I know it was a mistake."
         "I'm really very sorry." Andy said. "
         Oh,    12     , Mr. Barton. But could you come round now and pay for your gas? And please hurry! We
close at half past six!"
(     )1. A. good    
(     )2. A. late    
(     )3. A. rushed  
(     )4. A. saw    
(     )5. A. knew    
(     )6. A. less    
(     )7. A. took    
(     )8. A. he      
(     )9. A. Right  
(     )10. A. lose  
(     )11. A. suddenly
(     )12. A. that's all right
B. bad    
B. later  
B. went  
B. noticed 
B. enjoyed
B. much  
B. cost  
B. a man    
B. OK      
B. leave 
B. nearly
B. don't mention it 
C. happier     
C. earlier     
C. walked     
C. knew        
C. loved       
C. the same    
C. spent    
C. Mr. Fenton  
C. Why         
C. get     
C. unfortunately
C. you're welcome
D. worse   
D. early   
D. stepped 
D. believed
D. hated   
D. more    
D. paid    
D. a voice 
D. Oh well 
D. take    
D. luckily 
D. not at all


report, so, parents, same, understand, child, that, much
     A generation gap (代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a 1.         about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after quarries (争吵)
with 2.______. I think this is because they don't have a talk with each other.
Parents now spend 3.          time in the office, 4.           they don't have much time
to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel 5._______they don't
have the 6.______ topics(话题)to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more
with or 7.          , get to know them and understand them, and for children, show
your feeling to your parents. They are the people who love you. So tell them your
thoughts(想法). In this way, you can have a better understanding of each other.


(     ) 1.  A. Amy is in the tree.              
             B. Lucy is in the tree.   
             C. Lily is in the tree.              
             D. They are all in the tree.
(     ) 2.  A. Nancy .                      
             B. Mike.            
             C. Bob.                        
             D. Jim
(     ) 3.  A. In the office.                  
              B. In the school.  
              C. In the classroom.              
              D. At Mr Green's home.
(     ) 4. A. She wants Jim to help her.      
            B. She can send her e-mail.    
            C. Jim wants to help her.          
            D. Jim can't help her.
(     ) 5. A. A writer and a teacher.          
            B. A worker and a writer.  
            C. A student and a teacher.         
            D. A writer and a student.


It was cold outside. Jack wanted to buy a jacket for himself. He went into some clothing stores and then he found a store which had a sign outside, "Second -hand clothes bought and sold" He was carrying an old jacket and asked the owner(主人) of the store, "How much is it?" The man looked at it and then said, "Three dollars."

     "What?" said Jack. "I thought it was seven dollars."

     "No," said the man. "I won't pay more than three dollars."

     "Well, here' s your money. " said Jack. "This jacket was outside your store, which said

$ 7, but I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to make sure how much it really was."

      Before the surprised store owner could think of anything to say, Jack left the store with the

jacket happily.

1.Jack wanted to____in the store.

A.sell a jacket                                             B.buy a jacket  

C.buy some food                                        D.take a photo of a jacket

2.The underlined word "sign" means "__" in Chinese.

    A.手势            B.记号           C.招牌           D.迹象

3.At first the owner of the store thought that Jack______.

    A.wanted to buy the jacket

    B.wanted to sell the jacket

    C.was just looking

    D.was trying to steal(偷)the jacket

4.In this story, Jack spent____ dollars on the jacket.

    A.7                  B.4                          C.8                 D.3

5.The store owner thought that the jacket was only three dollars because____.

   A.it was a good jacket

   B.he wanted to buy it at a low(底的)price

   C.he was a nice person

   D.he wanted to sell the jacket to Jack


It was Friday. Andy Barton was in a bad mood . At six o’clock his __1__ programme, “Travel with us”, was on TV. Andy liked to get home in ___2___ for that. But then, just as he was leaving his office a little earlier , a customer (顾客) rang up with a few complaints for the next fif­teen minutes. “I can ___3__ get home in time if I hurry,” Andy told himself as he___4___out of the office. As he drove off in his car, he ___5___ that he was almost out of petrol(汽油). “I’ll have to stop at Fenton’s”, Andy thought. He ___6___Fenton’s because it was a self-service petrol station. “You do all the work yourself, but you pay___7____for the petrol,” he used to complain. At Fenton’s, the pump (泵) was not working properly and it ___8__ much time to get petrol. So when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. “Shall I answer it?” Andy thought. He tried to___9__ his attention on the programme and forget the phone. But it kept ringing and finally he picked it up.

“Mr Barton?”__10__said. “Fenton’s Ga­rage here.”“Fenton’s?” Andy said. “Why, I was at your place only a few minutes ago, getting some petrol. Did I _11_ something behind or what?” “No, you didn’t, Mr Bar­ton.” And the voice went on. “That’s just the __12__ ! You went off without paying for your petrol, you __13___! Now normally, when that happens, we ring up the police. But Luckily I knew you and I know it was a _14__.” “I’m really very sorry,” Andy said. “Oh, that’s all right, Mr Barton. But could you __15__round now and pay for your petrol? And please hurry! We close at half past six!”

1.                A.favourite       B.funny          C.popular   D.lovely


2.                A.chance         B.time           C.seat D.spirit


3.                A.surely          B.obviously       C.normally  D.still


4.                A.stepped        B.climbed         C.looked   D.rushed


5.                A.observed       B.noticed         C.thought   D.suggested


6.                A.hated          B.liked           C.meant    D.promised


7.                A.a little          B.the same        C.a lot D.the bill


8.                A.cost           B.spent          C.took D.spared


9.                A.draw           B.pay            C.fix   D.force


10.               A.a woman       B.a man          C.a recorder D.a voice


11.               A.lose           B.leave          C.forget D.destroy


12.               A.trouble         B.worry          C.excuse    D.reason


13.               A.remember      B.see            C.do   D.drive


14.               A.mistake        B.joke           C.trick  D.truth


15.               A.look           B.come          C.show D.turn



