A. Yes, I'm looking for a pen. B. No, I am full. C. No, I can do it by myself. 听对话.选择适当的选项.每组对话读一遍. 查看更多



(     )1. A. No, you can't.                
(     )2. A. Yes, I'm looking
                 for a camera.
(     )3. A. The farm and
                the people.      
(     )4. A. Of course, I will.            
(     )5. A. Yes, I am.                    
B. I'm pleased,
   but I need it now.    
B. Thanks.                            
B. It's about a poor,
    kind-hearted man.
B. Thanks. I won't.                  
B. No, I'm not.                       
C. Sorry, you can't.
     I need it now.
C. You must
     help me.                
C. Very interesting.                
C. Be careful                        
C. Neither.                      


Tom: Hello, 86679032.
Sally: Hi, this is Sally speaking. 1.                                                   ?
Tom: Hi, Sally. It's Tom. I've heard you will go to China.
Sally: Yes. I'm looking for information about China now. I know you have a pen friend in Beijing. What does she think of China?
Tom: Oh, she thinks2.                                                           .
Sally: I'm very excited. Which places should I visit in Beijing?
Tom: She suggested 3.                                                         .
Sally: It's great. By the way, what about Chinese people?
Tom: She said4.                                                         .
Sally: Good. Thanks a lot.
Tom:5.                                                                      .



(A boy is talking to the girl at the Lost and Found. )

Girl: Morning! Can I help you?

Boy: Yes. I'm looking for my schoolbag.

Girl: 92. ________________________________

Boy: It's black.

Girl: 93. _______________________________

Boy: Yes. There are some English books in it.

Girl: 94. ________________________________

Boy: I lost it this morning.

Girl: OK. Someone handed in a black bag this morning. Is it yours?

Boy: Let me see. ..........  Yes, it's mine. Thank you very much.

Girl: 95. ____________________________________


A. He likes the computer. He plays computer games sometimes.
B. He's in Junior 1. A big boy now.
C. Can I have a look at the one near the window?
D. Yes, the yellow one with big ears.
E. Nice. Can it sing?
F. No. We have many toy cars at home.
G. Good. I'll take a big one.
H. Good. I'm sure my son will like it. Do you have any big robot?
I. Yes. I'm looking for something for my son.
J. No. We have many planes at home, too.
A: May I help you, sir?
B: (1)_____
A: How old is he?
B: (2)_____
A: Do you want cars?
B: (3)_____
A: How about the toy plane?
B: (4)_____
A: What does your son like?
B: (5)_____
A: Then, I think he wants a robot. Boys like robots very much.
B: (6)_____
A: The one  near the window?
B: (7)_____
A: Here you are. This is a new model. It can walk and talk.
B: (8)_____
A: Yes. If you touch the nose, it sings.
B: (9)_____
A: Yes. This way, please. There are many over there.
B: (10)_____



—Yes, I' m looking for a pen.

A.What are you doing                            B.What do you want to buy

C.What do you like                                  D.Can I help you

