― Hello, can I speak to Tom, please? ― A. You’re welcome. B. With pleasure.C. I’d love to. D. Just a moment, please. 通读下面短文.掌握其大意.然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中.选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项. One day the bathroom door had slammed on Timmy’s finger. The doctor asked if we had found the tip of Timmy’s finger. He said there was a small chance of 33 it if we could get it to him quickly. Pulling myself out of a daze, I ran back to the bathroom. 34 , it had already turned blue. I knew from the look on the doctor’s face that it was too late. I felt helpless, unable to take the pain away from my little boy. Then a(n) 35 came to me. I whispered in his ear, “Timmy, did you know that lizards grow their tails 36 and little boys can grow their fingers back too? Timmy’s soft green eyes grew wide with 37 .“They can ? he asked, obviously surprised by the thought, “And 38 ? I told him, “Inside your head you have a little voice telling your finger how much you love it and how much you 39 it. I could see Timmy’s little face focused in deep concentration. Then I continued, “Now just say, grow for me finger, grow. I love you and I need you. A few days later, Timmy said to me quietly, “ I’m talking to my finger every day, 40 it well. Weeks later, with a joyful burst of 41 , Timmy ran towards me. “See, he said, “It’s growing back really good! A year later, Timmy’s finger grew back and became well again just as any finger 42 be. Timmy remains forever in my heart as a constant reminder of the 43 of miracles. He also inspires me to 44 beyond the accepted knowledge of the times, and to remember that all things are possible if you truly believe. 查看更多



— Hello, can I speak to Tom, please?


A. You’re welcome.                       B. With pleasure.

C. I’d love to.                            D. Just a moment, please.

