26.Did Tom invite his classmates the film last night? A.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen 查看更多



Did Tom invite his classmates ________ the film last night?

  1. A.
  2. B.
    to see
  3. C.
  4. D.


1. Which is Sally's favourite season?
A. Winter.                    
B. Summer.              
C. Autumn.
2. What will the boy do tomorrow?
A. He'll do his homework.      
B. He'll go to work.      
C. He'll do his housework.
3. How much is the red T-shirt?
A. 40 dollars.                
B. 14 dollars.            
C. 54 dollars.
4. What's the weather like today?
A. It's sunny.                
B. It's rainy.              
C. It's cloudy.
5. At what time did Tom leave?
A. 7:15.                    
B. 6:45.                  
C. 7:00.
6. Who runs the most slowly of the three?
A. Tom.                    
B. Li Lei.                
C. John.
7. In which month did Tom's father go to Paris?
A. June.                    
B. May.                  
C. August.
8. What's Jim doing?
A. Watching TV.            
B. Listening to the radio.    
C. Doing his homework.
9. How old is the man now?
A. 22.                      
B. 24.                  
C. 26.
10. Where was Timmy when the earthquake stopped?
A. In a restaurant.            
B. In a hospital.          
C. In a dark place.


1. Why did Tom make the phone?
A. Because he wanted to invite Bruce to his birthday meal.
B. Because he wanted a birthday present from Bruce.
C. Because he wanted Bruce to go to the park with him.
2. When are they going to meet?
A. At 12:00        
B. At 12:30        
C. At 2:30


Tom Smith was a writer. He wrote detective (侦探) stories for magazines (杂志). One evening he could not find an end for a story. He sat with his pen in front of him, but had no idea. So he decided to go to the cinema.

When he came back, he found that someone had broken into (闯入) his house. The man had a drink, smoked several of Tom's cigarettes (香烟) and read the story. The man left a note (便条),

"I have read your story and I don't think much of it. please read my advice (建议) and you can write a wonderful story. By the way, I am a thief. I am not going to steal anything tonight. But if you become a famous writer, I will return."

Tom read the thief's advice. Then he sat down and finished the story. Tom is still not famous now, but when he goes out in the evening, he always leaves a half-finished story on his desk.

(  )26.  Tom went to the cinema because he ____.

A. hoped to get an idea   B. wanted to let the thief in  

C. was feeling tired D.finished the story

(  )27.  The man came to Tom's house to ____.

A. steal something B. have a drink    

C. smoke cigarettes D. read a story

(  )28.  The man thought Tom's story was ____.

A. quite good              B. very poor       

C. wonderful              D. helpful

(  )29.  What did Tom think about the thief's advice? He thought it was very ____.

A. bad             B. terrible          

C. good D. cheap

(  )30.  From the story we know that Tom ____.

A. wanted to catch the thief                 B. would like to meet the thief

C. hoped to get more ideas from the man       D. was afraid of losing something


1. Where did Tom go when Jeff called?
A. To the hospital
B. To the school
C. To the post office
2. Who has a cold?
A. Tom
B. Tom's father
C. Tom's mother
3. Why does Jeff call Tom?
A. He wants to invite Tom to his house
B. He wants to visit Tom
C. He asks Tom to his party
4. What is Tom going to do on Wednesday?
A. Visit Jeff
B. Stay at home
C. Go shopping
5. When is Tom having a math test?
A. Thursday.
B. Next Monday.
C. Next Tuesday.

