16.Which floor do they start from? A.The first floor. B.The second floor. C.The fourth floor. 查看更多



We all know the dangers of fires. It’s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.
Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
★Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
★Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
★What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.
【小题1】 When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _________.

A.you have to get up B.water is running to the floor
C.something is burning D.someone breaks your window
【小题2】 The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire, which one is not right?
A.we practise for a fire B.we make escape plans
C.we buy fire extinguishers D.we use electrical cookers
【小题3】 When a fire happens,____ if you open the hot door.
A.the door will soon be on fire B.the electricity will be cut off
C.the fire will grow more quickly D.the house will fall down
【小题4】What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A.Stop, run, roll. B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll. D.Roll, drop, stop.
【小题5】 What is the best title for this passage?
A.Be Ready for a Fire. B.The Causes of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher. D.The Dangers of a Fire.


We all know the dangers of fires. It’s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.
Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
★Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
★Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
★What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.
小题1: When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _________.
A.you have to get up B.water is running to the floor
C.something is burningD.someone breaks your window
小题2: The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire, which one is not right?
A.we practise for a fireB.we make escape plans
C.we buy fire extinguishersD.we use electrical cookers
小题3: When a fire happens,____ if you open the hot door.
A.the door will soon be on fireB.the electricity will be cut off
C.the fire will grow more quicklyD.the house will fall down
小题4:What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A.Stop, run, roll.B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll. D.Roll, drop, stop.
小题5: What is the best title for this passage?
A.Be Ready for a Fire.B.The Causes of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.D.The Dangers of a Fire.











6What are they talking about?

AThe dining room

BThe bedroom

CThe house

7How is the kitchen?

AIt is large

BIt is nice

CIt is modern


8Which bank was robbed last night?

AThe bank in Green Street

BThe bank near Green Street

CThe bank near the railway station

9How much money was taken?

ANot one dollar

BAll of the money in the bank

CSome of the money in the bank

10How many robbers were caught at first?





11Where are the man and the woman talking?

AAt home

BIn the shop

CIn the office

12Who does the man want to buy a present for?

AHis friend

BHis mother

CHis father

13Why doesn't the man take the wallet?

ABecause he dislikes the colour

BBecause it is too expensive for him

CBecause there is no place to put photos

14How much money does the man just have with him?




15What does the man decide to buy at last?


BA wallet



16Which floor do they start from?

AThe first floor

BThe second floor

CThe fourth floor

17What can they see on the second floor?

ATechnology in the old days

BInventions in different centuries

CModern inventions in the 20th century

18Where can they have a drink?

AOn the first floor

BOn the second floor

COn the fourth floor

19Which is the most helpful way to find more information about the museum?

ASearching the Internet

BAsking the guide for help

CBuying books or magazines

20What is the speaker?


In some western countries, many children do chores (家务) to get pocket money. They usually start to do this when they are ten years old.
School students have to do homework and study for tests.  They don’t have much free time on weekdays. They often do chores on weekends.
Young kids only do easy chores. So they don’t get much money. But that’s enough. Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.
When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. So they have to work harder! They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.
Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower ( 割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first.
小题1:How do many children get pocket money in some Western countries?
A.By studying hard.B.By doing chores at home.
C.By doing part - time jobs.D.By asking their parents for it.
小题2:Mary wants to get more pocket money to buy something expensive. She may _________
A.do the dishesB.feed the pet cat
C.cook mealsD.sweep the floor
小题3:Which of the following is not true?
A.Young kids do easy chores because they can get much money from their parents.
B.School students often do chores on Saturdays and Sundays.
C.If kids get older and want something more expensive, they can help wash their family car.
D. Kids can learn how to cook with the help of their parents.
小题4:The passage mainly tells us how children in some Western countries_________
A.find jobsB.get pocket moneyC.study at schoolD.do chores




  Regent's Park is the largest grass area for sports in London.It's also the second largest park in the city.It opens at 5∶00 a.m.all the year around, but the closing time   1  , depending on the season.Regent's Park has a lake, several public gardens, some sports grounds and three   1   playgrounds.Queen Mary's Garden inside it is famous for   3   of beautiful roses.In the north of Regent's Park is the London Zoo.It's   4   than any other zoo in the world.People can play many sports in Regent's Park, including tennis and   5  .People can go boating on the main lake and enjoy a picnic in the park, too.There will be sports events of the London Olympic Games in Regent's Park in 2012.


  Both the British and Americans speak English.However, there are several differences between American English and British English.For example, the words they use in daily life are not the same.The British call the first floor of a building the ground floor.The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans call the second floor.Once you go to Britain and America, you may notice other differences.The British usually hide their feelings.They don't often start a talk with strangers.On the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books.But Americans are more active and easier to talk with.


1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________


6.a________ at or to a higher point

7.h________ to stop somebody or something from being seen.


However, there are several differences between American English and British English.

However, American English is 8.________ 9.________ British English in several ways.


What do the British often spend their time reading on the train?


