8.A.lonely B.happy C.worried D.strange 查看更多




  Tina Lin was not like many of her classmates.She didn’t listen to popular music.She didn’t watch many movies, and she wasn’t interested in nice clothes.

  When she got together with her friends, they wanted to listen to rock and top music.When Tina asked if they would like to try classical music, they all looked at her strangely.

  “Classical music is for old people,”one of her friends said.

  Tina was worried that something was wrong with her.She decided to talk to her father.As she entered his study, he could sense something was wrong.

  “Dad, am I strange?”she asked her father.

  “Of course not,”he answered.“Why do you ask that?”

  “Because I don’t like the same things as my classmates.They want to listen to Mariah Carey”s music.I like Yo Yo Ma.”

  “I think I understand.Tina, it’s all right to be your own person.You don’t have to copy what other people do.Everybody has different tastes.Some of them are popular, and others aren’t.”

  After Tina spoke with her father, she felt better about herself.She realized that being different made her special.It was an important lesson for her to learn.


Why did Tina speak with her father?

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To tell him about Yo Yo Ma.


To discuss a problem she was having.


To give him some advice.


To tell him what her friends like doing.


How did Tina’s father make her feel?

[  ]










What does the underlined phrase“be your own person”mean?

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Do what’s right for you.


Try to make other people happy.


Do what others hate.


Try to own everything yourself.


What is the main idea of the passage?

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Classical music is better than pop music.


Friends can say cruel things sometimes.


Tina found a new friend.


You don’t have to be like everyone else.



    Being shy keeps many Chinese people from getting to know Westerners.You may feel nervous about making language mistakes in front of a native English speaker.

    But remember,Westerners living in Asia know how it feels to try to communicate(交流)in a foreign language.They have made many mistakes when speaking Chinese.

    So don′t worry that you cannot speak perfect English.The important thing is simply to communicate.Start talking,and find some friends today.

    Many Westerners value(注重)their privacy(隐私).Don′t be surprised if your new friend doesn′t include you in everything he does.This may seem strange to Chinese who worry that their friends will get lonely.

    Chinese people often want their good friends to give advice and take care of them in many ways.If you expect(期望)this kind of care from Westerners,you may be frustrated. Why? Because most Westerners value independence.They feel unhappy if others think they can′t take care of themselves.

    Of course,these tips are just rules of thumb(经验之谈)and may not be true with all Westerners.Each person will have his or her own ideas about friendship.When you get confused(迷惑的),don′t worry to ask questions.Your new Western friends also have many questions about Chinese culture,and they may be hesitant(犹豫)to ask…So encourage them to ask questions,too.

    Be honest and open to your friends.Respect each other′s differences.The friendship you make can be lifelong treasure(财富)for you and for your new friends.

   1.Why do Chinese people feel worried to speak to foreigners?

        A.They may make language mistakes.

        B.English is different to speak.

        C.They have nothing to say.

        D.They can′t speak foreign language.

   2.What′s the important thing to speak perfect English?

        A.Never be nervous.           B.Meet foreigners.

        C.Try to communicate.         D.Study English.

   3.What do you think the foreigners may be happy with?

        A.Giving advice.              B.Taking care of themselves.

        C.Getting care from friends.  D.Getting help.    、

   4.What does” independence” means?

        A.独立主义     B.依靠       C.失落感      D.伤心

   5.What may make you to make lifelong friends?

        A.To be honest.              B.To be open to your friends.

        C.To respect each other.     D.All of above

