4.My English writing is good.but I need to i my listening skills. 查看更多



I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some______?

      A. advice   B. decisions     C. information     D. messages



I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some________?

     A. advice       B. decisions      C. information    D. messages



I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some_?

    A. advice  B. decisions        C. information      D. messages


71. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some a______?

72. New Year’s Day is the first day of J______.

73. The boy is shy. He is a_____ of speaking English in front of his classmates.

74. My English teacher has lots of teaching e______ in the junior high school.

75. My mother is too busy and can’t go. My father will go i______.

76. The weather report said that the t______ would fall below zero this evening.

77. It was my brother’s birthday yesterday, and he r_____ many presents.

78. To our s______, Lucy failed her Chinese exam. We thought she did well in Chinese.

79 .I don’t think I can get to the top of the mountain because the air is too t_____.

80. Mr White was very a____ with the students, because they didn’t clean the classroom.



Because of different reasons, I could neither go abroad nor attend a language course to improve my English. So, I finally (66)d    ___ to read books in English. I chose Irving’s novel A widow for One Year.

  What was my experience (67)l    __? Very challenging(有挑战性的)! At the beginning, I tried to stop thinking in Chinese about (68)w    ___ I was reading. I just kept reading instead of looking up the new words in the dictionary. At first it seemed to be (69)i   __ to read and understand without using a dictionary, but then I began to get the meaning (70)s    __. Finally, I was so interested in the wonderful characters and the surprising plot of the novel (71)t   __ I completely forgot that I was reading the book in English.

   (72)R    __ this novel was very good for my English learning. I found that Irving’s way of writing was very clear and easy to read. This made me feel really satisfied and encouraged me to read (73)m    __ other books (not only by Irving). I discovered that when you read a book in English you will stop thinking in your mother tongue at some point. It’s just as if you were there, inside the story, among the characters who speak English in the book.

Reading Irving’s novel also enabled me to learn a large (74 )n    __ of new words and expressions used in different contexts. It is really a good (75)w______ to improve our English. 

