A:Oh.Dad ! I think we can book the cheaper tickets.88. B:I agree with you.my dear.A:Thank you.Dad.Let’s make it tomorrow.第三节 书面表达背景设定:2007年8月8日是某外国语学校50周年校庆纪念日.为做好校庆活动的有关服务工作.学校决定在即将离校的毕业生中公开招聘志愿者.为此.九年级2班准备专门召集班队会.请同学们发言表达自己的愿望或想法.请看下面两位同学的发言内容:姓名发言中心内容 Wang Ju 查看更多



A: What is the date today, Mary?
B: __1__ May 21st.
A: Oh, tomorrow is your mother's birthday.  Do you remember?
B: __2__, I do.  How shall we celebrate it?
A: First of all,a birthday present.  What about buying her a beautiful sweater?
B: __3__, I think it will make mom happy.
A: Er... Shall we have a special dinner?
B: Yes, dad.  How about a Chinese dinner?
A: OK. Don't __4__ to buy a birthday cake and some candles.
B: __5__



    (Lanlan and Dad ale talking in the living-room after supper.)

A:Dad, summer holiday is coming.1.        

B.How about Shenzhen?

A:Shenzhen is a beautiful place, but 2.        

B:Beijing? We are surely going to visit Beijing.

A:Oh, see.We can also watch the Olympic Games.Err…I think we should book the     ticket now.3.        

      B:That’s easy.We can go to any Bank of China Olympic Ticket Outlet(终点).

      A:4.           Are they expensive?

      B:It depends on what kind of tickets you want.The price of the tickets is from ¥30 to ¥5,000.

A:Oh, Dad! I think we can book the cheaper ticket, 5.        

B:I agree with you, my deal.

      A:Thank you, Dad.Let’s make it tomorrow.


      Xiao Ling is a middle school student. She likes English very much and she is good at it. She often
 tells her parents about her. English study . Now she is talking with her father about her English study 
again. Xiao Ling says," Look, Dad, this is our new English book. There are a lot of interesting stories 
in it. "        
     "Mmm, not bad. Do you only speak English in class?" Dad asks.        
     "Oh, no! We speak English for most of the time in class! Our teacher speaks to us only in  English. 
Sometimes it's not easy for us to understand her, but she says listening and speaking can help us a lot , "
 Xiao Ling answers.        
     "I think she's right. Does she speak English very slowly?" asks Dad.        
     "Not always Sometimes we don't understand her. Then she has to say it again," answers Xiao Ling. 
     "It's interesting to study English, isn't it?" Dad says.         
     "Yes, it is. And I'm going to work harder at it. in the new school year. I'm going  to  do my best ," 
says Xiao Ling.         
      "That's good. I'm sure you can do better, " Dad says.
1. Xiao Ling does _________ in English.             
A. well    
B. good    
C .bad    
D. badly
2. _________ often talk(s) about her English study with her.
A. Her father           
B. Her mother
C. Her parents          
D. Her teachers
3. Do the students only speak English in class ?              
A. Yes, they do      
B. No, they don't.              
C. That's OK        
D. Of course.
4. The teacher _________  speaks to them in English in class.              
A. often              
B. usually              
C. always              
D. sometimes
5. What is Xiao Ling going to do?
A. She is going home.
B. She is going to school.
C. She is going to drop English.
D. She is going to do her best and work harder at English.



W: Hello, Tom. Are you free tomorrow?

A. She’s got long dark hair and she wears glasses.

B. Does she carry anything easy to recognize?

C. Can you help me to meet her at the airport?

D. What’s the flight number?

E. How does Kate think of China?

F. At half past three tomorrow afternoon.

G. Why does your sister come to China?

 M: Yes. Why?

W: My sister will come from England tomorrow, but I’m busy with my school work.


M: Sure. What’s her name?

W: Kate.

M: Oh, wait a moment. I’ll write it down. K-A-T-E, Kate. OK. What time will she arrive?

W: ________67________

M: ________68________

W: CA 715.

M: What does she look like?

W: She’s tall and thin. ________69________

M: How old is she?

W: She is 26.

M: ________70________

W: Yes. She carries a red handbag.

M: OK. I think I can find her.

66.           67.               68.          69.            70.           


A. Do you think that will help?
B. That's true.
C. You are wrong.
D. What's the trouble, Mike?
E. How long have you had the problem?
F. Good idea!
G. All right, doctor. I'll have a try.
(Mike comes to see Dr. White. W: White; M: Mike)
W: (1)__________
M: Well, doctor. It's my eyes. I can't see clearly.
W: (2)__________
M: Since last week, I think.
W: Let me have a look. Oh, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.
M: __________.(3) What should I do then?
W: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remember: never go to
      bed too late and don't read in bed.
M: (4)__________.
W: Sure, Mike.
M: (5) __________ Thank you very much.

