82.把(B)句改写成意思相同的简单句.The audiences were to clap their hands all the time. 查看更多



【注】 ①毕侍郎:毕沅,乾隆时进士,官至湖广总督。②衖,同“巷”。 ③阿妳:母亲。④繐帷:灵账。 ⑤相如病肺:据《史记》载,司马相如“常有消渴疾。”消渴疾,如糖尿病,古人误以为肺病。⑥昌谷:唐朝诗人李贺 ⑦论髓:即沦肌浃髓,比喻感受之深。⑧旐:画龙蛇的旗,此指出丧时的灵旌。⑨风兹来祀:即劝勉后人。风“同讽”,劝。⑩率启:草率地禀告。不宣:不尽,即书不尽意的意思,旧书信的结尾词。
【小题1】对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分)(  )
【小题2】下列句子中,全部表现毕侍郎“高风厚谊”的一组是(3分)( )
①遗弃一世之务,留连身后之名者也  ②生则为营薄宦
③省其遗言,为之堕泪              ④死则为恤衰亲
⑤复发德音,欲梓遗集              ⑥梓后尚望付其遗孤,以为手泽耳
【小题3】下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(3分)( )


CCTV held a charity show in May to raise money for the earthquake-hit areas in Sichuan. Many famous stars took part in the show. (A) They didn’t ask for any pay, they all did it for free. There were a lot of performances like singing, dancing and cross-talks(相声 ). (B)The audience(观众) were so excited that they clapped(鼓掌) their hands all the time. Almost everyone was moved to cry by a lot of sad or moving stories. During the performances, they donated money to the disaster areas(灾区). The show was so successful.

Besides that, many other stars are doing things for disaster areas in many ways. Kungfu star Jackie Chan and the foundation(基金) named Hong Kong Emperor Group have together donated 10 million yuan. And he also sent his consolation(安慰) to the people in the disaster areas and encouraged them to hold on because “People all over the country are with you.” Xiao Ke, a songwriter, wrote and recorded a song “I Know You Will Come” to warm the hearts of the people in despair(绝望). CCTV’s top show “The Same Song” also held a charity special to help them.

Both the ticket money and the donated money will be sent to the disaster areas. As the Chinese saying goes (C) “One in trouble, all to help.” I believe that the whole world will become better if everyone of us gives charity to others.


They did it __________ any __________.


The audience were _____ ______ to clap their hands all the time.



4.用斜体句中的“both…and” 仿造一个句子。




CCTV held a charity (慈善) show in May to raise money  for  the  earthquake-hit  areas  in  Sichuan. Many famous stars took part in the show. (A) They didn’t ask for any pay, they all did it for free. There were a lot of performances like singing, dancing and cross-talks (相声). (B) The audience (观众) were so excited that they clapped (鼓掌) their hands all the time. Almost everyone was moved to cry by a lot of sad or moving stories. During the performances, they donated money to the disaster areas (灾区). The show was so successful.
Besides that, many other stars are doing things for disaster areas in many ways. Kungfu star Jackie Chan and the foundation (基金) named Hong Kong Emperor Group have together donated 10 million yuan. And he also sent his consolation (安慰) to the people in the disaster areas and encouraged them to hold on because “People all over the country are with you.” Xiao Ke, a songwriter, wrote and recorded a song “I Know You Will Come” to warm the hearts of the people in despair(绝望). CCTV’s top show “The Same Song” also held a charity show to help them.
Both the ticket money and the donated money will be sent to the disaster areas. As the Chinese  saying  goes (C) “One  in  trouble,  all  to help.” I believe that the whole world will become better if everyone gives charity to others.

  1. 1.

    They did it ____________ any ____________.

  2. 2.

    The audiences were ____________  ____________ to clap their hands all the time.

  3. 3.


  4. 4.

    用斜体句中的 “both ... and” 仿造一个句子。


CCTV held a charity show in May to raise money for the earthquake-hit areas in Sichuan. Many famous stars took part in the show. (A) They didn’t ask for any pay, they all did it for free. There were a lot of performances like singing, dancing and cross-talks(相声 ). (B)The audience(观众) were so excited that they clapped(鼓掌) their hands all the time. Almost everyone was moved to cry by a lot of sad or moving stories. During the performances, they donated money to the disaster areas(灾区). The show was so successful.
Besides that, many other stars are doing things for disaster areas in many ways. Kungfu star Jackie Chan and the foundation(基金) named Hong Kong Emperor Group have together donated 10 million yuan. And he also sent his consolation(安慰) to the people in the disaster areas and encouraged them to hold on because “People all over the country are with you.” Xiao Ke, a songwriter, wrote and recorded a song “I Know You Will Come” to warm the hearts of the people in despair(绝望). CCTV’s top show “The Same Song” also held a charity special to help them.
Both the ticket money and the donated money will be sent to the disaster areas. As the Chinese saying goes (C) “One in trouble, all to help.” I believe that the whole world will become better if everyone of us gives charity to others.
They did it __________ any __________.
The audience were _____ ______ to clap their hands all the time.
小题4:用斜体句中的“both…and” 仿造一个句子。



CCTV held a charity (慈善) show in May to raise money  for  the  earthquake-hit  areas  in  Sichuan. Many famous stars took part in the show. (A) They didn’t ask for any pay, they all did it for free. There were a lot of performances like singing, dancing and cross-talks (相声). (B) The audience (观众) were so excited that they clapped (鼓掌) their hands all the time. Almost everyone was moved to cry by a lot of sad or moving stories. During the performances, they donated money to the disaster areas (灾区). The show was so successful.

Besides that, many other stars are doing things for disaster areas in many ways. Kungfu star Jackie Chan and the foundation (基金) named Hong Kong Emperor Group have together donated 10 million yuan. And he also sent his consolation (安慰) to the people in the disaster areas and encouraged them to hold on because “People all over the country are with you.” Xiao Ke, a songwriter, wrote and recorded a song “I Know You Will Come” to warm the hearts of the people in despair(绝望). CCTV’s top show “The Same Song” also held a charity show to help them.

Both the ticket money and the donated money will be sent to the disaster areas. As the Chinese  saying  goes (C) “One  in  trouble,  all  to help.” I believe that the whole world will become better if everyone gives charity to others.


They did it ____________ any ____________.


The audiences were ____________  ____________ to clap their hands all the time.



4.用斜体句中的 “both ... and” 仿造一个句子。(2分)



