52.Whose birthday is on Sunday?A.Liu Ying’s. B.Nancy’s. C.Mary’s. D.Lily’s. 查看更多



1. Whose birthday is on July lst?
A. The mother's.
B. The father's.
C. The boy's.
2. What are they going to get for their father?
A. A watch.
B. A flower.
C. A sweater.


               City Zoo 
     Would you like to see lovely little elephants?
     We've got two. Their names are Qingqing
 and Yangyang.
     Children under 14: 15 yuan
     Adults: 30 yuan
                                                                  City Zoo
                       Science Market
    ★Great sale for computers and laptops
     (Lenovo, Philips, Sony)
    ★Pans of computers (mouse, keyboard,
      monitor, stereo)
     You can get a present for a surprise here.
Tel: 6544588
Email: wns@163.corn

Dear Lily,
     Welcome to my friend's birthday party.
Time: 4:30 pm-6:00 pm
Date: Sunday
Add: In the People Park
Name: LiuYing
                 Luck Snack
     We offer enough healthy fast food. 
Cheap and clean
Breakfast: milk, porridge, cakes, eggs.
Lunch: beer, pork, beef, fish and vegetables.
Supper: beer, dumplings, noodles, bread, cakes
and fruits.

1. How much does it cost if a father goes to the zoo with his 12 years old child?
A. 15 yuan.
B. 30 yuan.
C. 35 yuan.
D. 45 yuan.
2. Whose birthday is on Sunday?
A. Liu Ying's.
B. Nancy's.
C. Mary's.
D. Lily's.
3. What can you have for breakfast in the luck snack?
A. milk, porridge, bread.
B. cake, eggs.
C. milk, porridge, noodles
D. fruits, milk, fish.
4. What do you buy if you'd like to get a present?
A. Animals.
B. Beer.
C. Birthday present.
D. Computers.
5. What time does the birthday party begin?
A. At 4: 00 am.
B. At 4: 30 pm.
C. At 4: 30 am.
D. At 6: 00 pm.


     Jakie was nine years old. One day, his friend Amy said to him, "I'm going to have a birthday party on
Sunday, Jakie. Can you come?"
     Jakie asked his mother, and his mother said,"Yes, you can go."On Sunday afternoon, his mother said
to him again "Now, Jackie, when you go to the party, remember this, you must be polite (有礼貌的),
don't ask for food until (直到) someone gives it to you."
     "All right, Mum," Jakie answered, and he went to Amy's house on his bike.
     There were many children at the party. They played together for an hour and then Amy's mother
gave them some food; but she forgot Jakie and didn't give him any. He waited politely for a long time,
and then, he took up his plate and said loudly (大声地), "Does anyone want a nice clean plate?"
1. How old is Amy??
[     ]
A. Ten.
B. Nine.?
C. Sorry, we don't know.
D. Eight.
2. When is the birthday party??
[     ]
A. Saturday.
B. Sunday.?
C. Friday.
D. Last Sunday.
3. Whose birthday is it??
[     ]
A. Jakie's mother.
B. Amy's.?
C. Jakie's.
D.Amy's mother.
4. Did Jakie go to Amy's home??
[     ]
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn't.
C. Sorry, we didn't know.
D.Sorry, we don't know.
5. Why did he take up his plate??
[     ]
A. He wanted others to look at his clean plate.?
B. He had a nice clean plate.?
C. He wanted some food.
D. His plate was very clean.


     Everyone has a birthday, and most people's birthday aren't on the same day. But there is one special
birthday for every Chinese. We celebrate it together. 1._____ It is our motherland's birthday -2._____ On
October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong declared the founding of the People 's Republic of China in
Tian'anmen Square. From then on, 3._____ There are many activities on that day all over China.4._____.
Last year was China 's 60th birthday. The great National Day parade in Tian'anmen Square was exciting.
We all were proud of our great country. This year China is 61 years old . 5._____ No matter what Plans
you have, wish everyone happy National Day!
A. National Day of China.
B. Whose birthday is it?
C. our National Day is on October1 every year.
D. How are you going to spend your National Day?
E. People can have a long holiday on National Day
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____


     Peter was ten years old. One day, his friend Mary said to him, "I'm going to have a birthday party
on Saturday, Peter, can you come?"
     Peter asked his mother, and his mother said, "Yes, you can go." On Saturday afternoon, his mother
said to him again. "Now, Peter, when you go to the party, remember this, you must be polite (礼貌的),
don't ask for food; wait until someone gives it to you. ''
    "All right, Mum." Peter answered, and he went to Mary's house on his bike.
     There were many children at the party. They played together (一起玩) for an hour, and then Mary's
mother gave them some food; but she forgot Peter and didn't give him any. He waited politely for a long
time, and then he took up his plate and said loudly, "Does anyone want a nice clean plate?"
1. —How old is Peter?   
A. Ten                      
B. Nine               
C. We don't know
2. —When is the birthday party?       
    —It's on ______.     
A. Saturday                  
B. Sunday             
C. Friday
3. —Whose birthday is it?  
A. Peter's                    
B. Mary's             
C. Mary's mother's

