4.A.Bad Luck. B.I don't agree. C.I'm afraid not. 查看更多




I                        II

1.Shall we meet at 4:00?                      A.Bad luck!

2.I won the first prize in the speech contest.       B.Let's make it earlier.

3.I lost my new sunglasses.                     C.I agree.

4.Why don't you get her a 3G mobile phone?        D.Congratulations!

5.I think students should wear school uniforms.    E.That's too expensive.




1.A.You're welcome. B.That's all right. C.Thank you!

2.A.It's Saturday. B.It's 9∶02. C.It's June 14th.

3.A.Never mind. B.You're right. C.Why not?

4.A.Bad Luck. B.I don't agree. C.I'm afraid not.

5.A.Please be quick. B.Oh, sorry. C.Good idea.


6.What’s the weather like today?

7.What sport does Eric like best?

8.Which glass is Amy's drink?

9.Where are they talking now?

A.In a hospital. B.At a school. C.At home.

10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A painting. B.A book. C.A person.


11.What's the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A.Friends. B.Passengers. C.Relatives.

12.How many flights did the woman take before this one?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Never.

13.Which city does the plane fly to?

A.New York. B.Paris. C.Sydney.

14.What does the man fly to Australia for?

A.To see his grandson. B.For a holiday. C.On business.

15.When does the conversation happen?

A.Before the plane takes off.

B.While the plane is flying.

C.When the plane nearly lands.




1.A.That's a good idea.

B.Yes,you are right.

C.I'm sorry to trouble you.

2.A.Bad luck.

B.Not at all.

C.Thanks a lot.

3.A.I agree too.

B.I think so.

C.English maybe.

4.A.She's short.

B.She's my sister.

C.She's fifteen.

5.A.That's OK.

B.Yes,here you are.

C.Sorry,I can't.





2.A.He is playing.

B.He is reading.

C.He is singing.

3.A.Four days

B.Five days

C.Three days

4.A.Li Ping.

B.Lin Tao.

C.Han Meimei.





11.Many English people have three meals a day.

12.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine.

13.Afternoon tea comes at four o'clock.

14.People don't have soup for their dinner.

15.All English people have their dinner in the evening.


16.The Browns live ________.

A.in a small house in London

B.in a small house not far from London

C.in a small town far from London

D.in a tall building in the city of London

17.Sometimes Mr Brown comes back very late and his wife and child are asleep and he ________.

A.wakes up his wife to help him open the front door

B.knocks at the door

C.opens the front door with his key

D.rings the doorbell

18.One night he couldn't come into the house because ________.

A.he gave the key to his wife

B.Mrs Brown was not at home

C.he lost his key

D.the door was broken

19.________ after he knocked at the bedroom window and shouted and spoke like a child.

A.Nobody answered him

B.Mrs Brown opened the door at last

C.His child got up

D.His wife and child woke up

20.Mr Brown spoke like a child because ________.

A.he knew his wife could wake up easily when she heard the child's voice

B.he wanted to make joke with his wife

C.he wanted to wake up his child

D.he didn't want to trouble other people around the house

