42.A.have B.get C.take D.sit 查看更多



I work in a nursing home and my job is to take care of the elderly.
This year, a very sweet old lady that I cared for, Alice, had gone through a difficult time. She got dementia and so she had been in the hospital twice. In November I was finally able to get her back to her “home”.
Alice had thought her daughter was coming to visit her on Christmas day and that they were going to have the whole family together like the old days. When she finally realized that that happy moment was not going to happen, she was very sad. Knowing that her daughter was coming after Christmas was not enough to make her feel happy, I hated the idea of her being alone on the holiday!
On Christmas Eve, I gave her a surprise by asking if she would like to go to a candlelight service at church that night.
Instead of taking her to my church, I took her to her old neighborhood church where all her friends were. We got there early and I got her a seat where her friends could see her as they came in. Then soon some of her friends came to the church and they rushed over to greet her and sit with her.
The candlelight service was beautiful and Alice got a lot of love from her old and new friends there.
The truth of the story is that I am the one who got the best gift: the smile on Alice’s face.
小题1:The underlined word “dementia” in Paragraph 2 probably is _____.
A.an illnessB.a letter C.a houseD.a plan
小题2:What was the best gift that the author got on Christmas Eve?
A.The candlelight service.B.Praise from Alice’s friends.
C.Thanks from Alice’s daughter.D.Alice’s happiness.
小题3:Which of the statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Alice’s daughter came to visit her on Christmas Eve.
B.None of Alice’s friends came to the church.
C.The candlelight Christmas Eve made Alice really happy.
D.Alice’s family never got together on Christmas Day in the old days.
小题4:What is the best title for this passage?
A.A special candlelight Christmas EveB.The dream of an old lonely lady
C.My special jobD.The true love



  If you are in America or go to American families to have meals, you should learn some table manners.Here are some tips:

  Don't circle your plate with your arms.If you do so, you will become the focus(焦点)of the table.Everyone would wonder," Is there anything wrong with the food?" This may give a wrong message that you don't like the food or something like that

  Don't push the plate back when finished, leave it where it was.Do you want to let the hostess know that you've just done a labor?

  Don't lean(倚靠)back and say “I'm through" or "I'm full".Just put the fork and knife across the plate.That's all.

  Don't cut up everything before you start to eat.Cut only one or two bites(块)at a time.

  Never take a huge mouthful of anything.Do you want to show how hungry you are? Don't do that.It 's not so good.

  It's never good to reach across the table for anything.If the thing you want is not at hand, simply ask the nearest person for help, like" Mrs Smith, could you pass me the dish? "


According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG?

[  ]


Leave the plate where it was when finished.


Cut up one or two bites before you start to eat.


Push the plate back where it was.


Don't take a huge mouthful of anything.


After finishing dinner, you should _________.

[  ]


put the fork and knife across the plate


stand up and leave the table


say "I'm full"


say "Thank you"


If you want a dish far from you at table, you should _________.

[  ]


ask the nearest person for help


leave your seat to get it


sit there until others help you


stand up and reach across the table for it


If you are at table and circle your plate with your arms, other people will think _________

[  ]


you don't like the food


the food isn't good for you


there is something wrong with the food


all above


Which can be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


How to Behave in America?


Table Manners in America


What you Can Do in America?


Table Manners


Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example in the United States, some people think that you can catch a cold if your feet get cold. So, mothers tell small children to wear warm boots in the winter. In other places, including parts of the Middle East, some people believe that strong winds cause colds. So, on trains and buses, people usually don’t like to sit next to open windows. In parts of Europe, some people think that wearing wet clothes will give you a cold. They say that after you go swimming, you should quickly put on dry clothes. Today, scientists know that colds are caused by a virus(病毒). But the old ideas are still very strong, and many people still follow them to avoid(避免)getting ill.
小题1:What is the main idea of this reading?
A.People still believe old ideas about why they catch colds.
B.Colds are the biggest health problem in the world.
C.Some people think that strong winds cause colds.
D.You should take good care of your health in winter.
小题2:Which is NOT a cause(成因)of colds in the reading?
A.bad foodB.wet clothesC.a virusD.strong winds
小题3:In "people still follow them to avoid getting ill", what does "them" mean?
A.scientistsB.old ideasC.coldsD.dry clothes
小题4:According to the reading, which of the following is NOT true?
A.There are many different ideas about how people catch colds.
B.Scientists don’t know how people catch colds.
C.Some people think that wearing wet clothes gives you a cold.
D.In the U.S., many small children wear boots in winter.
小题5:Many people in different countries have ________ ideas about why people catch colds.
A.noB.oneC.the sameD.different



  This Thursday, across the US, kids are skipping school(缺课)and going to work with their parents.They'll be making copies, sending faxes(传真)and sweeping floors.This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US.This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.

  I still remember when this day started, I was very happy.Not only did I have the chance to miss school, but I also got to sit in my dad's taxi all day long and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.

  But after only 20 minutes of driving around the city.I was very bored.I couldn't read my book in the car as I would get carsick(晕车)and my dad didn't like to turn on the radio.I got hot and uncomfortable.people wouldn't get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passenger:me-so nothing happened.It seemed years before we went out for lunch.I actually started to miss school.

  While the point of the day is to give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs and give them an idea of the possibilities(可能性)for their futures, I got something completely different from the day.I learned to appreciate(重视)school.Where else do you get to play with your friends, do science experiments, read great books and write stories all in one day?

  Just as you'll have to learn to love your job later in life, learn to love school now.If you don't already, try spending the day at work with your dad.


When is the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”all over the US?

[  ]


On February 28.


On March 28.


On April 28


On May 28.


That day the writer was happy at first for the following reasons except ________.

[  ]


she didn't have to go to school


she would work as a grown-up


she could sit in her father's taxi all day.


she would go our for lunch with her father


Why didn't people get into the writer's father's taxi?

[  ]


Because her father didn't like to turn on the radio.


Because they thought the writer was a passenger.


Because her father's car was hot and uncomfortable.


Because her father didn't stop to take any passengers.


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”?

[  ]


To teach kids to appreciate school.


To give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs.


To give kids an idea of the possibilities for their futures.


To show kids what it means to be adults in the working world.


What did the writer learn that day?

[  ]


It's boring to drive a taxi.


Working with dad is fun.


It's hard to make money.


School life is much better.



  Our spiritual intelligence quotient, SQ(精神智商)helps us understand ourselves and live fuller, happier lives.

  While we’re all born with SQ, most of us even don’t know that we have it.Luckily, you don’t have to sign up for classes to learn how to enhance(加强)your SQ.Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding:

  Sit Quietly.The step of developing SQ begins in solitude(独处)and silence.To tune in to its whisper, you have to keep away from your busy, noisy, complicated life and make yourself do nothing at all.At home, for example, shut the door of your bedroom, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly.

  Step Outside.For many people, nature makes their spirit free.Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset.Follow the flight of a bird; watch clouds floating overhead.

  Find An Activity You Enjoy.It’s important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit.Garden, walk or jog, arrange flowers, listen to music that touches your soul.

  Ask Questions Of Yourself.Some people use their thoughtful time to focus on scriptures(经文).Others ask open-ended(无确定答案的)questions, such as “What am I feeling? What are my choices?” But don’t expect an answer to arrive through some super-natural form of e-mail.Later that day you’ll suddenly find yourself thinking about a problem from a perspective(角度)you never considered before.

  Trust Your Spirit.While most of us rely on gut feelings(直觉)to warn us of danger, SQ usually nudges(渐渐推动)us, not away from, but toward some action that will lead to a greater good.


To enhance your SQ, you should first ________.

[  ]


stand loneliness and silence


make your life simpler and less busy


give up the daily things in your life


listen more to your whisper


The underlined phrase “tune in to your spirit” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]


get your spirit relaxed


keep up your spirit


listen to your spirit


change your spirit


What will happen after people ask questions of themselves?

[  ]


People will lead to a greater good.


People will think about a problem in a different way.


People will expect answers through e-mails.


People will keep away from their busy life.


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Advantages and disadvantages of SQ


The relationship between your SQ and you


What SQ is and in what ways it can be improved


What SQ is and in what ways you can make your life easier

