30.The train delayed the heavy snow. A.because B.so C.but D.because of 查看更多



1 . 这兄弟俩长得一样。
     The two brothers look _____ _____ _____ each other.
2 . 做运动有益于健康。
     Doing  sports _____ _____ _____ health.
3. 医生对病人很友好。
    The doctor _____ _____ _____ his patients.
4. 我很高兴能得到你的邀请。
    I _____ _____ _____ get your invitation .
5. 由于天气不好,火车晚点半小时。
    The train _____ _____ arriving for half an hour because of the bad weather
6. 你从哪里来?
    Where do you _____ _____?
7. 埃米莉关了灯,然后去睡觉。
    Emily _____ _____ the light and goes to bed.
8. 上周我从苏珊那里借了一辆自行车。
     I _____ a bike _____ Susan last week.
9. 给我一次机会试试那份工作。
    _____ _____ _____ _____ to try the job.
10. 你能把你的背包借给我吗?
      Can you _____ your backpack _____ me?



airplane; cigarette; coach; departure; get off nod; set off; tear; though; towards
1. He stood up, dropped his____on the floor, and disappeared.
2. She walked_____the door.
3. She_____to show that she agreed with me.
4. He wanted to____early in order to get there on time.
5. The cheapness of____travel is its only advantage.
6. The____of the train was delayed.
7. ____ the bus when you get there.
8. ______rolled down his face.
9. ______ they may not succeed, they  will still try.
10. He goes to Europe by_____.


_________, the air pollution here is getting more and more serious.
Computers _________ widely ________ in many areas.
We should _________ the hard-working students.
Everyone _________ me at the class meeting.
We must _________ the train station before 8:00 tomorrow morning.


Mr Brown _______ the train station _______ three o' clock in the afternoon .

A.took  , at .B.  arrived , in   C. reached, in   D. got to , at



You should get up early _______ you would catch the train.

A. or??? B. because???? C. but?? D. so that


