9.I wish you in the talented show. 查看更多



1. Wang Ming practices painting every day and he wants to be an a______.
2. —What would you like for breakfast, Mr Scotts? —Three pieces of b______ with a cup of green tea, please.
3. I have no money with me. I have to b______ some from. my friend to buy the new DVD.
4. I'm going to be an engineer in the future. I wish my d______ will come true.
5. My uncle bought an electric dictionary as my birthday g______.
6. They didn't have ______ (足够的) food to eat and they felt hungry.
7. I usually listen to some music on the ______ (收音机) and watch sports games on TV On weekends.
8. We often have a class ______ (会议) once a week in our class.
9. I wish you ______ (成功) in the talented show.
10. Plants and animals can't live ______ (没有) air or water.



water    no    Earth    it    for

Bill: I saw a great programme on TV about space yesterday evening.

Tony: What is   1.   about?  

Bill: Scientists have discovered   2.    on Mars.

Tony: Really? That’s very fantastic. Have they discovered life on Mars?

Bill: Well, they’re looking   3.   life but they haven’t found anything yet.

Tony: I know there’s   4.   life on the moon.

Bill: Yes, that’s right. So far there’s only life on  5.   .

Tony: Are we alone with so many stars in the universe?

Bill: I am interested in it, so I want to be a scientist when I grow up.

Tony: I wish you will.



A thief entered the bedroom of the 30th President of the United States, who met him and helped him escape punishment.
The event happened in the early morning hours on one of the first days when Calvin Coolidge came into power, late in August,1923. He and his family were living in the same third-floor suite (套房) at the Willard Hotel in Washington that they had moved in several years before. The former President’s wife was still living in the White House.
Coolidge woke up to see a stranger go through his clothes, remove a wallet and a watch chain.
Coolidge spoke, “I wish you wouldn’t take that.”
The thief, gaining his voice, said, “Why?”
“I don’t mean the watch and chain, only the charm (表坠). Take it near the window and read the words on its back, ” the president said.
The thief read, “Presented to Calvin Coolidge.”
“Are you President Coolidge?” he asked.
The president answered, “ Yes, and the House of Representatives(众议院)gave me the watch charm. I’m fond of it. It would do you no good. You want money. Let’s talk this over.”
Holding up the wallet, the young man said in a low voice, “I’ll take this and leave everything else.”
Coolidge, knowing there was 80 dollars in it, asked the young man to sit down and talk. He told the President he and his college roommate had overspent during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill.
Coolidge added up the roommate two rail tickets back to the college. Then he counted out 32 dollars and said it was a loan (借款).
He then told the young man, “There is a guard in the corridor(走廊).” The young man nodded and left through the same window as he had entered.
【小题1】What caused the thief to meet the President?

A.He knew the president had lots of money.
B.He knew the president lived in the suite.
C.He wanted to be a rich businessman.
D.He wanted to steal some money.
【小题2】Why did Calvin Coolidge live at the Willard Hotel in those days?
A.Because the former president was still in the White House.
B.Because the former First Lady hadn’t left the White House.
C.Because the hotel was suitable for the First Family to live.
D.Because the First lady liked to live there.
【小题3】Coolidge counted out 32 dollars______.
A.in order to be out of danger
B.to make more money from the loan
C.in order not to be killed by the thief
D.so that the student could overcome his difficulty
【小题4】The young man’s roommate went back to college _____.
A.by busB.by waterC.by trainD.by air
【小题5】Which of the following might happen afterwards?
A.The thief was put into prison.
B.The young man repaid the 32 dollars.
C.The President told many reporters the thief’s name.
D.The President ordered the young man to repay the money.


 4月23日是“世界读书日”(the World Book and Copyright Day),你将代表学校参加全市举办的英文演讲比赛,请你就以下要点写一篇演讲稿。



① 每年4月23日人们举办各种活动,鼓励更多的人热爱读书;

② 许多名著至今仍然流行,例如,孔子的论著(Counfucius’ works) 现在仍被很多人阅读;

③ 我把大部分空闲时间花在阅读名著上,他们对我的思想产生很大影响;

④ 我常跟家人和朋友分享读书的乐趣;

⑤ 我最喜爱读的书是……,因为……



① 词数90左右;

② 短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

③ 文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡词句,使短文通顺、连贯;

④ 文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。





Good morning, everyone! Today is the World Book and Copyright Day. It started in 1995.

I wish you will enjoy reading as much as I do. Thank you!



根据对话内容, 从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项, 将其答案的序号写在方框下面的横线上, 选项中有两项为多余项。
W: Sorry, I can’t.  (1) ____
M: Are you having an exam tomorrow?
W: Yes.  (2) ____
M: I wish you good luck.
W: Thanks.  But I am a little afraid.
M: Afraid? (3) ____
W: But I haven’t worked hard in the past few days.
M :(4) ____
W:Oh, I like my English teacher, Sue, best.  She teaches history and she always makes the lessons interesting.
M: Do all the students like history?
W :(5) ____  My friend Tom hates it, because we have lots of homework every Monday and every Wednesday we have a test.

A. Why do you like your history teacher?
B. Who is your favorite teacher?
C. Yes, it’s such an interesting subject that we all like it.
D. I have to go over my lessons.
E. Oh, no!
F.  We are having our mid-term exam.
G. You always study well.

