64.快点.该上课了! Hurry up. class. 查看更多



1. 我想他现在没看书。
 _________________________ he’s reading now.
2. 快点儿,不然你上课要迟到了。
Hurry up, or you will _________________________ class.
3. 这本书的副本,不是Sam有,就是Ben有。
 _________________________ a copy of the book.
4. 昨晚,Bill直到12点才上床睡觉。
Bill _________________________ 12 o’clock last night.
5. 他们不得不想出个新办法来阻止她花更多的钱来买衣服。
They had to work out a new way of _________________________ on the clothes.


1. 我们应该把我们的错误记在笔记本上。    
    We should_____ _____our mistakes in our notebooks.
2. 如果你告诉他实情,他会生你的气,但至少证明你是诚实的。  
     If you tell him the truth,he''ll be angry with you,but_____ _____you'll prove how honest you are.
3. 在回家途中,我得去我女儿学校接她。    
    On my way home I have to go to my daughter's school    to_____ _____ _____.
4. 该上课了。咱们进教室吧!   
     It's time for class._____ _____into the classroom !
5. 汶川地震后,人们现在正忙着重建他们的家园。
    After Wenchuan earthquake,people_____ _____ _____their homes now.


1. 萨莉每周向她的妈妈要5美元零花钱。
    Sally _____ her mother _____ five dollars every week.
2. 丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。
    Lily asked me _____ _____ _____ _____ tell her mother the good news.
3. 听说你和比尔现在都忙着准备考试。
    I hear you and Bill are busy _____ _____ the exams.
4. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。
    Reading in bed _____ _____ _____ your eyes.
5. 该上课了,咱们进教室吧!
    It's time for class _____ _____ to the classroom !
6. 非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。
    _____ _____ _____ _____ inviting me to your party
7.  Tom很爱他的爷爷奶奶,他每周周末都去看望他们,还帮着做些家务。
    Tom loves his grandparents so much that he visits them and helps _____ _____ _____ weekend.
8. 我们学校里仅有六个女教师。
    There are only six _____ _____ in our school.
9. 母亲节就要到了,为什么你不给你妈妈买一些花呢?
    Mother's Day is coming _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ you mother?
10. 不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人总是对的。
      Don't _____ _____ _____ making mistakes because nobody is right all the time.


1. Tom 的确在这场篮球赛中表现出色。
Tom __________________ in this basketball match.
2. 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的快歌。
She likes music __________________.
3. 我有一个月没收到我澳大利亚亚笔友的来信了。
4. 王叔叔教我们如何修自行车。
Uncle Wang teaches us __________________.
5. 妈妈脸上露出了满意的笑容。
Mother __________________ on her face.
6. 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。
This building __________________.
7. 你对这部新影片有什么看法?
What do you __________________ of the new film?
8. 这顶帽子非常适合您,女士!
This hat __________________, madam!
9. 导演正在为他们的新影片寻找一位女演员。
The director __________________ for his new film.
10. 快,电影已经开演约十分钟了。
Hurry up! The film __________________ for about ten minutes.


1. 该上课了,请停止说话。      
It’s time for class.Please          .    
2. 他累了,因此他停下来休息一下。     
  He is tired,so he          have a rest.
3. 凯西留着美丽的长的黑色直发。  
Cathy has                                     hair.

