18.A.David. B.Jack. C.Becky. 查看更多




A: Hi, David.    1.   

B: It’s 5:00.

A: The class will be over soon.     2.   

B: I’ll go to the English Club. And you?

A:     3.   

B: Is swimming your favorite sport?

A: Yes, I like it best.

B:     4.   

A: Because it keeps my heart and lungs healthy.

B: I think so.    5.   

A: Certainly. I’ll call you if I go.




I go to school by school bus every day, because my home is far from the school. It takes more than 30 minutes to get to school. The school bus is very beautiful, wide and strong. We go home at 4:30 in the afternoon.

David Smith, 14, America

     We often go to school at 7:00, because I have a far journey to go to school. I like riding a bike and I think it’s good for my health. Riding is one of the greenest ways. I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon.

Wang Runze, 15, Beijing

   I went to school by bus half a year ago, but now I walk to school with my parents or my classmate—Liu Bin now. It’s because the school bus accident. In the accidents, lots of students died. I have to go to school one hour earlier than before. I spend one and a half hours getting to school. I got home at about 6:30 every day.

Wu Daqiang, 10, Jiangsu

1.How old is David Smith?

A.14.              B.15.               C.10.              D.16.

2.How does Wang Runze go to school?

A.By bike.           B.On foot.           C.By train.           D.By car.

3.Why can’t Wu Daqiang go to school by school bus?

A.Because it’s slow to go by bus.

B.Because there are the school bus accidents.

C.Because they like sports.

D.Because their school hasn’t got buses.

4.David Smith’s school bus isn’t _________.

A.safe                                  B.beautiful

C.strong                                D.dangerous

5.________ gets home earliest in the afternoon.

A.David Smith                            B.Wang Runze

C.Wu Daqiang                           D.Liu Bin




New Books this Month

The Long Night

This is David Reilly’s first book. David became a writer after teaching English for several years.

Maha is a nurse in northern Australia. She works in a small hospital. One day a baby is so ill that Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city. They have a lot of problems getting there and …    Hard Work

This exciting story is Joanna’s twentieth.

Hard Work is about Sombat. He works with his father, a carpenter, in Thailand. They work long, hard hours making tables and chairs, but they do not have any money. Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shop… Hospital or Cinema

Marcie Jacome, who studies English in London, wrote this story earlier this year.

Tina is a young Indian woman whose dream is to become a doctor. She goes to London to study English and medicine, but one day she meets a man who asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film star…What will Tina do?


1.The Long Night was written by _________.

A.David Reilly        B.Maha             C.Joanna            D.Marcie Jacome

2.The story of Hard Work happened in _______.

A.Australia          B.Thailand           C.India             D.England

3.From the passage we can see Tina is_________.

A.a doctor          B.a film star          C.a writer           D.a college(大学) student

4._______ is about a difficult journey.

A.Hospital or Cinema  B.Hard Work         C.The Long Night     D.Harry Potter

5.The passage above is___________.

A.an advertisement(广告)                  B.a story            C.a novel D.a diary





A: Hi , David ! _______1._____________ ?

B: Hi , Sarah ! I am going to see Anna . She is in hospital .

A: __2.____________________________ ?

B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt .

A: ____3.________ . Is there anything serious ?

B: Yes , there is something wrong with her leg .

A: Oh , my God ! _________4.______.

B: I hope so , too .

A: ____5.____________________________ ?

B: Sure . Let's go !



A: Hi, David! 1                               ? ?
B: Hi, Sarah! I am going to see Anna. She is in hospital.?
A: 2                              ? ?
B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt.?
A: 3                              . Is there anything serious??
B: Yes, there is something wrong with her head.?
A: Oh, my God! 4                                . ?
B: I hope so, too.?
A: 5                              ? ?
B: Sure. Let's go!?

