46.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 查看更多



Long long ago,there was a man and his wife who worked for an old man.One day,the old man pointed to a big box in his living room and said,“There’s only one thing you mustn’t do:Don’t open this 46  .”After saying this,he   47  home.

The woman said to her husband,“There must be   48  expensive in the box.Let’s open it,shall we?” Her husband didn’t want to do that,  49  the woman didn’t give up.

A few days later,the woman made a   50  to find out what was in the box.Before her husband could stop her,she opened the box and looked into it.To her   51  ,there was nothing in it.She tried hard to   52  the box,but she failed.

That evening,the old man came home and found that the box was open.He was very   53  and he asked the woman and her husband to leave his home at once.

“But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said,“We haven’t   54  anything at all.”

The old man shouted,“The box is not important.Now I know that I can’t trust(信任)you.That’s what’s   55  !”

46.A.bag       B.case       C.box       D.backpack

47.A.left       B.went       C.came       D.arrived

48.A.everything      B.nothing      C.something    D.anything

49.A.so        B.and        C.or        D.but

50.A.suggestion   B.decision       C.mistake     D.living

51.A.joy       B.fun       C.surprise       D.pleasure

52.A.close       B.open       C.throw       D.carry

53.A.afraid      B.angry       C.excited    D.tired

54.A.lent       B.broken      C.sold         D.taken

55.A.important    B.expensive      C.useful      D.lucky

