6.1 spent $6 on the book.I $6 the book. 查看更多



Steven Park and his wife Susan were having financial(财政) problems. One day, they each decided, without telling the other, to buy lotto ticket(彩票). Before buying these tickets, they had never spent money on the lotto. They both used numbers that were their anniversary(周年纪念) date and address. That night, they were watching the news on TV, and the winning numbers were drawn. Soon after hearing the numbers, they started jumping up and down. They were shocked(震惊) to find out that they each held a winning ticket! The ticket won $450,000.

1.Why did the parks buy a lotto ticket?

2.What number did the Parks use?

3.Where did the Parks get the news that they won?

4.When did the Parks start jumping up and down?

5.How much did the Parks win?



Steven Park and his wife Susan were having financial(财政) problems. One day, they each decided, without telling the other, to buy lotto ticket(彩票). Before buying these tickets, they had never spent money on the lotto. They both used numbers that were their anniversary(周年纪念) date and address. That night, they were watching the news on TV, and the winning numbers were drawn. Soon after hearing the numbers, they started jumping up and down. They were shocked(震惊) to find out that they each held a winning ticket! The ticket won$450,000.
【小题1】Why did the parks buy a lotto ticket?
【小题2】What number did the Parks use?
【小题3】 Where did the Parks get the news that they won?
【小题4】 When did the Parks start jumping up and down?
【小题5】How much did the Parks win?


One Saturday afternoon, Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.
As Kate was coming out of a 1, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green --- a good friend of Kate’s sister. Kate 2 her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She 3 the driver where he should go. Kate was 4 that it was not the in direction of her home.
5?” Kate asked. The lady smiled.
When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man 6, on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, and threw him out of the 7. At the same time, Miss Green took out of a knife and 8 it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep 9. The man then started the taxi.
“ Oh, my God! I’m being kidnapped,” Kate said to herself.
She tried to escape, but not 10. Suddenly an 11 came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红) from her pocket, wrote ‘SOS’ on the window, and covered the word with her 12.
A few minutes later, a police car 13 and the policemen saw the sign. When the kidnappers saw the policemen they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.
The policemen then 14 Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also 15 because their daughter had finally come back safely.
A.soppedB.leftC.passed D.turned


Danish was a very lazy girl. Her mother always asked her to learn to read, __1 __she didn't.It was disappointing.Her mother was __2__ about that.
One morning,Dinah just __3__ and was looking through the window.She saw her cousin skating on the __4__.He was wearing a pair of shoes she had never __5__ before.It was a pair of roller-skates(旱冰鞋).Dinah thought it was interesting to __6__ on the street.She got up quickly and went outside.She asked her cousin if she __7__ try his shoes on.Her cousin said to her,”I know that your __8__ has been asking you to learn to read,but you haven’t 1earned.It is just because you are __9__.If you can read by New Year’s Day,1 will send you a pair of __10__ like this.”
From then on,Dinah read every day and began to like reading.On New Year’s Day she received a pair of roller—skates from her cousin.
A.fell asleepB.got outC.woke upD.came in


Steven Park and his wife Susan were having financial(财政) problems. One day, they each decided, without telling the other, to buy lotto ticket(彩票). Before buying these tickets, they had never spent money on the lotto. They both used numbers that were their anniversary(周年纪念) date and address. That night, they were watching the news on TV, and the winning numbers were drawn. Soon after hearing the numbers, they started jumping up and down. They were shocked(震惊) to find out that they each held a winning ticket! The ticket won $450,000.

1.Why did the parks buy a lotto ticket?

2.What number did the Parks use?

3. Where did the Parks get the news that they won?

4. When did the Parks start jumping up and down?

5.How much did the Parks win?


