B) 把下列对话内容补充完整.使其意思连贯. 查看更多



(S = Shirley; E = Eric)
S: Hi, Eric! Great news!
E: 1. _________?
S: Plastic (塑料的) bags thinner than 0.025 mm will not be allowed to use in the supermarket.
E: Really? Glad to hear that.
S: Me too. But I think they are really useful in our daily lives. 2. _________?
E: Yes. It's really convenient (方便的) to use them.
S: But do you know 3. _________after using them?
E: Yes. Some people often throw them away carelessly.
S: They don't realize they have made the environment polluted.
E: 4. _________?
S: Well use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
E: That's a good idea. Though using cloth bags will cost us money, it's our duty to protect the
    environment. What do you think?
S: 5. ________.


(P=Policeman S=Smith)
P: Good morning, sir.(1)________________________________________
S: I've come to report a theft, officer.
P: Right, sir.(2)_______________________________________________
S: Yes, I'm John Smith and my adress is Flat 505, 134 New Road.
P: (3)______________________________________________________
S: Oh, yes. My phone number is 62222222.
P: Now, sir (4)__________________________________________
S: Well, the notebook computer and a gold necklace. That's all missing.
P: When did you notice this theft?
S: Early this morning.
P: OK. Don't worry. (5)___________________________________________
S: Thank you, officer.



   (S=Salesman; D=Daniel)

S: 1. __________________________________?

D: I am looking for a birthday present.

S: 2. __________________________________?

D: I want to buy a Walkman for my father. Can you show me some?

S: Sure. Here are some Walkmans. 3. ________________________________?

D: It looks nice. But I wonder why you recommend this one to me.

S: Because old people like the colour and it’s cheap.

D: 4. ______________________________?

S: It costs only 150 yuan.

D: Wow! That’s a good price. Can you show me how to use it?

S: Certainly. Oops! We don’t have any more batteries. Could you come back later?

D: Sure! When shall I come back?

S: In five minutes, OK?

D: 5. _____________________________.


A) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的选项完成此对话,将选项填入空格内,使其意思完整。

(K="Kitty;" D=Daniel)
K: Did you know that【小题1】__________________?
D: Oh, really?
K: Yes, it’s true. What is your favourite colour?
D: Red.
K: 【小题2】 _____________and it’s also the colour of heat.
D: 【小题3】________?And do you know what it represents?
K: I prefer green. 【小题4】_____________.
D: 【小题5】___________. Can you tell me more about colours?
K: Sure. I will show you the article I found on the Internet.
(P="Peter," W="Wang" Tao,)
W: 【小题6】_________________________________________________if I want to join a charity walk?
P: First, you need to pay attention to the weather. Will it be cold or rainy?
W: 【小题8】___________________________________________________________?
P: You must carry enough water because you need to drink a lot of water during the walk.
W: 【小题9】___________________________________________________________?
P: It’s wise to take a map and a mobile phone.They’ll be useful, especially【小题10】_________________.




A) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的选项完成此对话,将选项填入空格内,使其意思完整。

 (K=Kitty; D=Daniel)

K: Did you know that1.__________________?

D: Oh, really?

K: Yes, it’s true. What is your favourite colour?

D: Red.

K: 2. _____________and it’s also the colour of heat.

D: 3.________?And do you know what it represents?

K: I prefer green. 4._____________.

D: 5.___________. Can you tell me more about colours?

K: Sure. I will show you the article I found on the Internet.


(P=Peter, W=Wang Tao,)

W: 6._________________________________________________if I want to join a charity walk?

P: First, you need to pay attention to the weather. Will it be cold or rainy?


W: 8.___________________________________________________________?

P: You must carry enough water because you need to drink a lot of water during the walk.

W: 9.___________________________________________________________?

P: It’s wise to take a map and a mobile phone.They’ll be useful, especially10._________________.


