D: 74. ?S: It costs only 150 yuan. D: Wow! That’s a good price. Can you show me how to use it?S: Certainly. Oops! We don’t have any more batteries. Could you come back later?D: Sure! When shall I come back?S: In five minutes, OK? 查看更多




   (S=Salesman; D=Daniel)

S: 1. __________________________________?

D: I am looking for a birthday present.

S: 2. __________________________________?

D: I want to buy a Walkman for my father. Can you show me some?

S: Sure. Here are some Walkmans. 3. ________________________________?

D: It looks nice. But I wonder why you recommend this one to me.

S: Because old people like the colour and it’s cheap.

D: 4. ______________________________?

S: It costs only 150 yuan.

D: Wow! That’s a good price. Can you show me how to use it?

S: Certainly. Oops! We don’t have any more batteries. Could you come back later?

D: Sure! When shall I come back?

S: In five minutes, OK?

D: 5. _____________________________.


--- Could you tell me ________?

--- It’s twenty minutes by underground.

A. how can I get to your school

B. how long does it take me to get to your school

C. how far it is from your home to your school

D. how much it costs to get to your school


-----Could you tell me ______ to go to Hannan by air?

  -----Just a minute, please. Let me have a look.

A. how much does it cost     B. how much did it cost 

C. how much it cost         D. how much it costs



1补全对话  从每题A、B、C、D中, 选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项。

A: Hey, John.

B: Hi, Michael.

A:     1    

B: I’m reading a book.

A:     2     I have got the latest movie video. Let’s watch it together.

B: Great. Where is your house?

A:     3    . There is a small bookstore at the crossing. I’ll meet you there.

B: Oh, OK.    4    

A: What about 2 pm?

B: OK. By the way, I haven’t finished my homework yet and I have some problems with it.

A:    5     We can do it together then.

1.A. How is the weather?        B. How are you?

C. What are you doing?            D. How’s it going?

2.A. Do you want to come over to my house?

B. This book is boring.

C. Can you help me fix my TV?

D. I like to watch TV.

3.A. He is eating at home.

B. It’s on Bridge Street.

C. It’s on the table.

D. Let’s play table tennis.

4.A. When shall we meet?

B. How can I get there?

C. What time is it?

D. How far is it from my house?

5.A. So have I        B. Neither I do

C. So I do           D. Neither have I.



— ________?

— It’s purple.

A. What’s this     B. What color is it  C. Where’s it     D. How’s it


