29.Mr. Johnson Was reading a magazine his wifewas cooking dinner yesterday evening. A.before B.after C.while D.until 查看更多




A letter to the editor(编辑)

13 October

Dear Editor,

    I am writing to ask what has happened to the young. They are not as polite, hardworking or clever as my generation(一代人). I'll give you an example.

    Last Friday, I got on the underground at 9:15 a.m. it was very busy so there were no free seats. There were some teenagers(青少年) sitting on the seats near me. I don't know why they were not at school. They were talking loudly and laughing. It was difficult to read my newspaper with all the noise. A heavily pregnant(怀孕的) woman and her daughter got on at the next stop, with lots of shopping bags. I expected the teenagers to let them sit down. They slowly did so but gave me an impolite look. I took off at the next stop and was glad that the teenagers didn't follow me.

    I worried about the future of our country. How could these young people become responsible (有责任心的)workers and parents? They sit around McDonald's after School instead of going to the library like I did at their age. Maybe they have too much money. Perhaps another reader can give us an idea about what to do with this "lost generation ".

                                                               Franz Johnson

A reply to Mr. Johnson's letter

                                                                  20 October


Dear Editor,

I read Mr. Johnson’s letter about the problem of today’s young people with much interest.

He described teenagers on a train not giving seat to a pregnant woman and her daughter. I was the woman. We must have seen things differently. I found the teenagers helpful and kind. Did Mr.

Johnson see the teenagers help me off the train? Did he see them carry me shopping bags to a taxi for me? Did he see them friendly to my daughter? Obviously(明显地) not.

"Older" people often say today's youth isn't as good as their generation. Their parents said that about them. Mr Johnson must accept(接受.) that the world is changing and young people are changing with it. I find today's young people are changing with it. I found today's young people mostly kind and more fun than my generation.

Perhaps Mr. Johnson should really try to get to know some young people before he calls them the "lost generation".

                                                               Linda  Black                                                                                                     1. Mr. Johnson wrote the letter to          .                              

   A. ask for help from the newspaper          B. find the way to solve the problem

   C. show his worry towards the young        D. teach the young people a lesson

2. When Mr. Johnson was young, he usually          after school.

    A. went to the library                        B. read newspaper

    C. went to McDonald' s                      D. helped people in trouble   

3. In the second letter, Mrs. Black         .

     A. discussed the problem with the old

     B. told another story about the young people 

     C. wanted to show her thanks to the young people

     D. wanted the "older" to understand the young

4. Which of the following is the correct order of what happened?

    ①Mrs. Black wrote to the newspaper.

 ②Mrs. Black took a taxi With her daughter.

③Mrs. Black got on the train with her daughter.

    ④Mr. Johnson asked the young to give her seat.

    ⑤Mr. Johnson thought the young might follow him.           

    A. ②③④⑤①    B. ③②④⑤①       C. ③④⑤②①    D. ⑤③①④②

5. From the two letters we can learn that             .

      A. Mrs. Black didn't like the old like Johnson 

      B. people have different ideas about the young 

      C. older people are more helpful than the youth  

      D. people should talk more about the same story


A letter to the editor (编辑)
13 October
Dear Editor,
     I am writing to ask what has happened to the young. They are not as polite, hardworking or clever as my
generation (一代人). I'll give you an example.
     Last Friday I got on the underground at 9:15 a. m. It was very busy so there were no free seats. There
were some teenagers (青少年) sitting on the seats near me. I don't know why they were not at school. They
were talking loudly and laughing. It was difficult to read my newspaper with all the noise. A heavily pregnant
(怀孕的) woman and her daughter got on at the next stop, with lots of shopping bags. I expected the teenagers
to let them sit down. They slowly did so but gave me an impolite look. I got off at the next stop and was glad
that the teenagers didn't follow me.
     I worried about the future of our country. How could these young people become responsible (有责任心的) workers and parents? They sit around McDonald's after school instead of going to the library as I did at their
age. Maybe they have too much money. Perhaps another reader can give us an idea about what to do with this
"lost generation".
                                                                                                                                       Franz Johnson
A reply to Mr. Johnson's letter
20 October
Dear Editor,
     I read Mr. Johnson's letter about the problem of today's youth (青少年) with much interest. He described
teenagers on a train not giving seats to a pregnant woman and her daughter. I was the woman. We must have
seen things differently. I found the teenagers helpful and kind. Did Mr. Johnson see the teenagers help me off
the train? Did he see them carry my shopping bags to a taxi for me? Did he see them friendly to my daughter?
Obviously (明显地) not.
     "Older" people often say today's youth isn't as good as their generation. Their parents said that about them.
Mr. Johnson must accept (接受) that the world is changing and young people are changing with it. I find today's youth mostly kind and more friendly than my generation.
     Perhaps Mr. Johnson should really try to get to know some young people before he calls them the "lost
                                                                                                                                         Linda Black
1. Mr. Johnson wrote the letter to _____.
A. ask for help-from the newspaper
B. find the way to solve the problem
C. show his worry towards the young
D. teach the young a lesson
2. When Mr. Johnson was young, he usually _____ after school.
A. went to the library
B. read newspapers
C. went to McDonald's
D. helped people in trouble
3. In the second letter, Mrs. Black _____.
A. discussed the youth problem with the old
B. told another story about the young people
C. warned to show her thanks to the young people
D. wanted the "older" people to understand the young
4. Which of the following is the correct order of what happened?
① Mrs. Black wrote to the newspaper.
② Mrs. Black took a taxi with her daughter.
③ Mrs. Black got on the train with her daughter.
④ Mr. Johnson asked the young people to give her a seat.
⑤ Mr. Johnson thought the young people might follow him.
A. ②③④⑤①      
B. ②④⑤③①
C. ③④⑤②①    
D. ⑤③①④②
5. From the two letters we can learn that _____.
A. Mrs. Black didn't like the old like Johnson
B. people have different ideas about the young
C. older people are more helpful than the youth
D. people should talk more about the same story


Mr. Johnson lives outside the town. He works in a post office. His wife is often ill and six children __26____ at school. He works hard but he is often short of __27____. In the end of every month his family are always__28____.
One afternoon, on his way home, it suddenly began to __29____. When he got home, he was wet through. He hurried to go __30____ after supper and his wife washed the clothes and shoes for him. __31____ she went to bed, she brought the clothes into the room but __32____ the shoes. The next morning Mr. Johnson couldn’t find his shoes. His wife found a pair of __33____ shoes under the bed for him. Then he went to __34____ and told the policeman about it.
“I __35____ ten dollars for my shoes, sir,” said the man. “Look! I have to __36____ such a pair of worn-out shoes!”
Several days later the police __37____ a thief and found the shoes. They were as worn-out as the __38____ which Mr. Johnson was wearing.
“You’ve fooled us, Mr. Johnson,” said a policeman. “The shopkeeper told me a pair of new shoes like them __39____ only seven dollars!”
“You’re right, ,sir,” said Mr. Johnson. “I’ve __40____ them for five years and I had them mended six times. And I paid three dollars to the shoemaker for mending them!”

A.to workB.to sleepC.to bedD.swimming
A.After B.BeforeC.WhileD.Because
A.bus stopB.bus stationC.post officeD.police station
A.look forB.findC.wearD.dress


M: What about your history class this afternoon, Millie?

W: We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was ill   36  . So we had a geography class instead.

M: Your mother and I will go   37   on Saturday. Will you join us?

W: I’d like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday. I think I’d better   38   at home and study. By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains?

M: Yes, why?

W: I know it’s summer   39   it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coat with you. You’ll need   40   in the early morning.

M: OK, we will.

1.A. in hospital                  B. in a hospital          C. in a school             D. at school

2.A. climbing            B. climbs                    C. climbed                  D. walking

3.A. to stay             B. stay                        C. not stay                 D. not to stay

4. A. and                    B. but                          C. so                           D. or

5. A. it                       B. that                       C. one                         D. ones  



Mr Johnson was having trouble with his __16__  , __17__ he went to see a __18__. The doctor ___19__ his stomach carefully but couldn’t find any problem. Then he said, “Well, Mr Johnson, take it easy. There is __20__ serious(严重). Stop smoking and then you will be all right very __21__.”

“But doctor,” answered Mr Johnson, “I___22__. I don’t like smoking at all.” “ Oh, I see,” said the doctor,” then stop drinking wine(酒) __23__.”

“ But I don’t drink wine,” answered Mr Johnson.

“ Don’t drink __24__ tea or coffee then,” the doctor said to him.

“ I __25__ drink water,” answered Mr Johnson, “I don’t like tea or coffee.”

The doctor __26__ for a while and then said,” Well, what __27_ you like to eat then?”

“ Potatoes! I like potatoes very  __28__..” Mr Johnson answered at once.

“All right, Then stop __29___ potatoes.” Said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye __30___  Mr Johnson.

1.A. stomach      B. head         C. tooth          D. eyes

2.A. so           B. but          C. or             D. For

3.A. dentist       B. nurse         C. doctor          D. teacher

4. A. looked for            B. looked at 

         C. looked over          D. looked after

5. A. anything     B. something     C. nothing         D. everything

6.A. early        B. soon          C. late            D. much

7. A. often smoked           B. never smoked

  C. always smoked        D. usually smoked

8.A. from now on             B. From then on

         C. until now              D. until today

9.A. any       B. many          C. some            D. a few

10.A. never     B. only           C. don’t            D. hardly

11. A. thinks     B. thought        C. is thinking        D. Think

12.A. does      B. do            C. did              D. Doing

13.A. well      B. good          C. much            D. many

14.A. cutting    B. buying         C. washing         D. eating

15.A. at        B. for            C. to               D. from


