5.“Don’t play football on the street, little boys. the policeman said. The policeman told the little boys football on the street..Everyone enjoyedthe radios.They wentthe news room.and Chen Hua told them that newsreaders must be ableEnglish well.They saw a sports reporter and Daming was happythat China won the match against England.Chen Hua wasn’t ableall their questions because they had totalking.At the end of the visit, they thanked Chen Hua forthem around the studios.and told him how much they likedto his progremme.He said that he hope them again. M:Why do you look unhappy these days? W:Because l M:Are you serious? Is it true? 2 W:I don’t care about the scores, but I didn’t find out 3 .Maybe I don’t work hard. M: 4 . W:Yes.I spent the whole weekend on my lessons. M:You’d better 5 A.Did you study hard for the exams?B.I feel very sorry for youC.why I failed in the examinationD.I failed in the biologyand geographyexaminations.E.ask the teacher for advice.五.书面表达. 请你根据中文要点提示内容.用英文给网友Henry发封电子邮件(开头称谓及最后落款已给出).字数为60字左右.内容要点如下: 查看更多



— Don’t play football in the street, Tom._________________.

A. Yes, I will.? B. No, I will.? C. Sorry, I won’t.?? D. Yes, I do.



1. 李磊花了30元买这本书.
    Li Lei paid 30 yuan _____ the book.
2. 书店在银行的对面.
    The bookstore is _____ _____ the bank.
3. 不要在街上踢足球.
    Don't play football on the _____.
4. 在第五大街上有一个大超市.
    There is a supermarket on Fifth _____ .
5. 这个村庄位于两座大山之间.
    The village lies _____ two mountains.
6. 这个村庄位于群山之间.
    The village lies _____ mountains.
7. 这个饭馆在邮局和医院之间.
    The restaurant is _____ the post office _____ the hospital.
8. 房子前面有一个女孩.
    There is a girl _____ the house.
9. 在教室的前面有一张大桌子.
    There is a big desk _____ the classroom.
10. 你的背包里有一本书吗? 有一本.
    — _____ _____ a book in your backpack?
    — _____, _____ _____.
11. 你的背包里有一些书吗? 没有.
    — _____ _____ any books in your backpack?
    —_____, _____ _____.
12. 在学校图书馆里有许多书.
      There _____ many books in the school library.
13. 课桌上有一把尺子和两支钢笔.
      There _____ a ruler and two pens on the desk.
14. There is a bank near here. (改为一般疑问句)
      _____ _____ a bank near here?


1. Mike enjoys _______ (ask) questions.
2. You must _______ (put) up your hands if you want to answer questions in class.
3. Don't _______ (play) football in the street.
4. I have to practice _______ (speak) English.
5. It's raining all day. So I have to_______ (stay) at home.
6. It's good for health _______ (take) a walk after supper.
7. Do you mind my _______ (open) the window?
8. He often goes to school without _______ (have) breakfast.
9. You all must _______ (wear) hats and heavy coats because it's too cold outside.
10. Old people want _______ (look) young and beautiful. Do they love wearing colorful clothes?
11. "Please be quiet. Don't _______ (talk)!"says our English teacher.
12. Don't _______ (go) out on rainy night. It's not safe.
13. You need _______ (practice) your drums every day.
14. Jack goes to the zoo _______ (see) the lovely pandas.
15. After school he also _______ (have) to help his mum with some housework.



71. I was standing at the bus stop when an a_______ happened. A car hit a dog.

72. Do you think I still have e______ time to go over all the textbooks?

73. The cake smells awful. You’d better t______ it away.

74. Don’t play football in the street. It is quite d____________.

75. We should never l______ at other people’s mistakes.

76. I am a football f_____. I seldom miss watching the big matches on TV.

77. These dresses are made of c_____ but not silk.

78. The young lady left the restaurant without paying the b_____ after having dinner.

79. Here is a s _____left for you. You can sit down and have a cup of tea with us.

80. Drinking p_____ of water is good for your cold.



1.People will use the subway more.(改为一般疑问句)

______ _____ use the subway more?

2.He said, “Can you help me with English?  (变为间接引语)

He asked me _______ I ________ help him with English.

3. It won’t rain tomorrow. We will go hiking in the mountains.(改为条件句)

______ it ______ rain tomorrow, we will go hiking in the mountains.

4.It seemed that he had lunch at home.(改为同义句)

He ______ _____ have lunch at home just now.

5."Don't play football in the street, "the teacher said to them.(改为同义句)

The teacher told them _______ ______ play football in the street.


