20.--Which one is .the big one or the small one?--The small one.A.cheap B.cheaper C.expensive D.expensiver(A)A Better PlaceThe Zhao family live in a very nice district.They want to have the best of everything.They live next to the Wu family and watch them all the time.The Zhao family wants their place to be better than the Wu's.They have a bigger television.bigger refrigerator and even bigger shoes.Listen to them talking.“Little Wu has a new bicycle for getting high marks.It goes faster than yours.Tomorrow I will buy you a better bicycle. “Mr. Wu has a large fish.I’m going to the market to buy a bigger fish. “Mrs. Wu has a new chair.I am going to get a bigger.stronger.prettier one.My place is going to be better than hers. A friend asks Mrs. Wu.“Do you think the Zhao family have a better home than you? Mrs. Wu says.“The Zhao? Oh.the people next door.I don't think about them much.They always look a bit sad.I think we have a much better life and home.We are happier,we have more fun and our family life is warmer. Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案 查看更多



Some animals in the world are very small.and the others are very big.Giraffes are one of the tallest and most interesting animals.Male giraffes are usually about six meters tall.Half of the giraffe’s height conies from its neck.which is longer than its legs.

      A giraffe has big brown eyes which are protected by very thick lashes (睫毛).Since it lives in parts of Africa which are usually dry with a great deal of dust,the lashes are an important source of protection.It can also cover its nostrils(鼻孔) in order to protect its nose.It has brown spots on tan skin and this coloring helps protect the giraffe.The giraffe also has tⅥo short horns on its head.

    Like the camel.the giraffe can go a long way without drinking water.One source of water is the leaves which the giraffe eats from trees.Since it is so tail.the giraffe can reach the tender(嫩的)leaves at the top of a tree.

    Giraffes usually live in small herds and often feed with other animals.A baby giraffe is two meters tall at birth.It can stand up by itself within a few minutes and run well in about two days.

    Giraffes have two ways of serf-protection.If something frightens an adult giraffe,it can run away at about fifty kilometers per hour or stay to fight with its strong legs.

1.What animal does this passage talk about?


      2.How long is a male giraffe’s neck?


      3.Why are giraffes’ lashes an important source of protection?


      4.How soon can a baby giraffe run well after its birth?


      5.What can it do when something frightens an adult giraffe?



Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Newcastle is beginning to draw tourists from all corners of Europe. It's one of the fastest developing cities in the United Kingdom. It is said most visitors come here to see the famous soccer team play. The mood of the locals is often changed by the success or failures of the local team.

Newcastle's most popular place is the Gate. It's in the center of the city and has many attractions including bars, restaurants, sports bars, pubs and so on. During a home game it becomes a real home to happiness.

Culture and local history lovers can make their dreams come true by taking one of the local city tour buses. They come and leave every few minutes and stop at all the important historical sites in the city. Also the seats and the environment on the buses are comfortable. It's the best way to see the city without tiring yourself out or getting cold. Places such as the Hancock Museum and Millennium Bridge are must-see attractions. But be careful if you're short of time, Newcastle is a big place. So you should be prepared to kill a few hours on one of these buses.

If you want to watch the local team play soccer in the St. James Park, remember to book a ticket as early as possible. The locals are crazy soccer fans, and you’ll find it hard to get a ticket if you don’t wait in the queue early.                                                                                 

As you can see, Newcastle is a fantastic city with so much to be offered and so many things to see. You’re sure to have a wonderful time here!                                   

1.From the passage we know Newcastle is most famous for its_______.

A.soccer team

B.city restaurants

C.rich culture

D.historical sites

2.If you want to learn about the history and culture of Newcastle, you_____.

A.can go to the Gate

B.can take a city tour

C.must go to St James Park

D.must drive a car

3.The underlined word “They” in Para 3 refers to ______.

A.history lovers

B.historical sites

C.city tour buses

D.culture lovers

4.Which place is not in Newcastle? ______

A.St. James Park

B.The Hancock Museum

C.the Gate

D.the Tower Bridge

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Tourists will enjoy delicious food and have a good time in the Gate.

B.It's usually easy to get a ticket for a local soccer team play.

C.Many world famous soccer matches are held in Newcastle every year.

D.Newcastle is a very small city with many famous attractions.

6.The author wrote this passage mainly in order to_______.

A.introduce the culture and history of Newcastle

B.tell people the popularity of soccer teams in Newcastle

C.introduce the characters of people in Newcastle

D.encourage people to visit Newcastle



  New Books This Month

The Long Night

This is David Relly’s first book.

David lives in Paris now.He was an English teacher before.

  Maha is a nurse in Australia.She works in a small hospital.One day a baby is ill.So Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city.They have a lot of problems getting there and···

Hospital or Cinema?

  Marcie Jacome is a famous writer from New York.Now she is studying art in a school in London.She wrote this story earlier this year.

  Tina is a young Brazilian woman.Her dream is to become a doctor.She goes to London to study English and medicine.But one day she meets a man,and the man asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film star…What will Tina do?

(  ) 51.Who’s the writer of Hospital or Cinema?

    A.David.  B.Maha.  C.Marcie.  D.Tina.

(  ) 52.Which book is about a difficult journey?

    A.David’s second book.  B.The Long Night.

    C.Marcie’s first book.   D.Hospital or Cinema?

(  ) 53.What does Tina want to be in the future?

    A.A teacher.  B.A doctor.  C.A nurse.  D.A film star.

(  ) 54.Where is the writer of Hospital or Cinema from?

    A.England.  B.Brazil.  C.America.  D.France

(  ) 55.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

    A.Maha works in a big hospital.

B.Marcie Jacome is a school teacher.

    C.Tina is a student in London.

    D.David has to drive all night to take a baby to a big city.





  People have sailed (航海) the world in quite small boats. It is not an easy thing to do. That can be the end of everyone in it. Sometimes the weather gets bad. Accidents can happen easily and quickly.

  One family once had an accident. A big fish swam under their boat and bit (咬) holes in it. Sea water came in and the boat soon went down. Luckily these people had another small boata life-boat, and they all got into the life-boat. They lived and hoped for many days. They ate and slept, and always hoped …. At last a ship saved them. How do people live in a very small life-boat for days or weeks even for months? They must be strong in every way. They must have hope, they must want to live.

  They can not drink sea water. Drink a lot of sea water, and you will quickly die. They must catch rain water and drink it. They must also catch fish and birds for food. Life-boats do not often carry a cooker. So people can not cook their food in the life-boats. Raw (生的) fish and bird-meat is not very nice but it is their only food. They must eat raw food, or they will die.

1.When the boat sank the life-boat gave the people ________.

[  ]

C.rain water

2.One family once had an accident at sea, because ________.

[  ]

A.their boat met bad weather

B.the boat hit a big rock and it was broken

C.a fish bit holes in their boat

D.none of them knew how to sail the sea

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

[  ]

A.Sailing around the world in quite small boats is difficult.

B.All the food people have in life-boat is cooked fish and bird-meat.

C.Anyone who drinks a lot of sea water will die.

D.No one can live for weeks in a life-boat if he is not strong.




 Many people like to watch TVWatching TV is  1  of the most important activities (活动) of the dayTV brings the outside world closer to people' s homesSome people  2  the world is  3  than beforeBecause of TV

 What' s going on in other countries? How  4  people live in faraway places?  5  there a good sports game somewhere? What' s life in the deepest (最深的) part of the sea?

 If you want to  6  these and other kind of questions, just turn  7  the TV and watch itOf course people can also learn through reading or listening  8  the radioBut TV can help them learn better and more easily,  9  ? Because they can hear and watch tooTV can give  10  new ideasIt' s a wonderful thing










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