6.A.won B.lost C.beat D.defeated 查看更多



Sudha Chandran was a dancer from India.She lost her chance to be a  1 when her right leg had to be cut off after a car accident.

Though the  2  brought her bright career to a stop,she didn’t  3 .In the terrible months that followed,she met a doctor  4  had developed an artificial limb(假肢).

After she was fitted with an artificial leg,she decided to go back to  5  .

Sudha believed that she could  6   her dream come true.Then she did   7  for her


After every public show,she would ask her dad about her act.“You  8  have a long way to go.”was the answer she used to get  9  her father.

In January 2004.Sudha made an important return by  10  a public show in Bombay.She gave a show in such an amazing manner  11  it moved everyone to tears.In the end,she  12 the final prize of the show.

That evening,when she asked her dad the  13  question,he didn’t say  14  .He just touched her feet as praise to a great artist.

When someone asked Sudha  15   she could dance again with her artificial limb,she said quite simply.“I don’t need feet to dance.”

1.                A.runner         B.player          C.star  D.moon


2.                A.chance         B.accident        C.dancer   D.leg


3.                A.give up         B.give away       C.give in    D.give out


4.                A.which          B.where          C.what     D.who


5.                A.sing           B.dance          C.cut D.stop


6.                A.take           B.bring           C.make     D.keep


7.                A.a lot           B.a few           C.a little    D.a bit


8.                A.still            B.only           C.just D.ever


9.                A.in             B.to             C.from     D.for


10.               A.going          B.giving          C.getting    D.watching


11.               A.and            B.so             C.but   D.that


12.               A.won           B.beat           C.had   D.told


13.               A.different       B.unusual        C.usual D.strange


14.               A.something      B.anything        C.everything     D.nothirig


15.               A.what           B.how           C.why  D.when




Mr. Evmas lived in a city.He was a math    l   three years ago.He taught well and his students   2   him.So he decided to work in the middle school all his life.But a terrible accident   3    his fortune(命运).

One spring he took his class to   4   a place of interest(名胜)by bus.The children saw a lot of    5    things and had a great time there.But on their way to school,their   6   was hit by a truck because the young driver was drunk(喝醉).Five students   7   and more than half of the children were    8    in the accident.He didn't know how it had happened and very   9    it and after he came out of hospital,he left the school and became a  __10  .He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic rules.He worked hard and was strict with the drives.So they were afraid of him.

One afternoon it was very hot.Mr. Evans was    11   .He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic.Suddenly he saw a    12    rushing towards the crossing.It run so fast that it almost hit a man    13    a bike.He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.

   14   your license to me,madam,”said Mr. Evans.

The girl passed on her bag to him and said,“Please look for it in the bag  15  .I can’t see anything without glasses.”

1.A.worker                  B.teacher                C.doctor                 D.farmer

2.A.liked                      B.wished                 C.helped                    D.answered

3.A.beat                      B.won                    C.lost                        D.changed

4.A.build                     B.break                   C.visit                       D.find

5.A.terrible                  B.dangerous            C.safe                       D.interesting

6.A.bus                       B.train                    C.car                         D.ship

7.A.left                        B.lived                    C.died(死)             D.fell

8.A.beat                      B.injured                 C.touch                     D.stopped

9.A.sad about               B.afraid of               C.interested in            D.worried about

10.A.soldier                 B.policeman            C.bookseller              D.cleaner

11.A.in the corner        B.at home               C.on duty(值班)     D.in the office

12.A.runner                 B.policeman            C.player                  D.car

13.A.riding                  B.selling                  C.buying                   D.making

14.A.Throw                 B.Show                         C.Lend                   D.Copy

15.A.you                     B.I                         C.yourself                 D.myself


One day,a poor boy 1 was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left.He was hungry so he decided to beg 2 at the next house.

    However,he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.3 a meal he asked for a drink of water.She thought he 4  so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly,and then asked,“How much do I  5 you?”   

  “You don’t owe(欠)me 6!”,she replied.“Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness.”He said,“Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”As Howard Kelly left that house,he 7 felt stronger physically,but it also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.

8 the young woman became seriously i11.The local doctors were no idea.They finally sent her to the big city,where specialists(专家)can be called in to study her disease.Dr.Howard Kelly,now famous was called in for the consultation(会诊).When he 9 the name of the town she 10,a strange tight filled his yes.Immediately,he rose and went down through the hospital hail into her room.

    11 in his doctor’s clothes he went in to see her.He recognized her at once.He went back to the consultation room and 12 do his best to save her life.From that day on,he gave 13 her case.

    After a long struggle,the battle was won.Dr.Kelly ask the business office to pass the final bill to him.He looked at it and then wrote something on the side.The bill 14 her room.She was afraid to open it because she 15 that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off.Finally she looked,and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention.She read these words…

   “Paid in full with a glass of milk.”

    (Signed)Dr.Howard Kelly

    Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed(祈祷)silently:“Thank You,God.Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”

1.A.which        B.who             C.whose              D.whom

2.A.for a meal   B.for some water  C.for some milk      D.for some money

3.A.With         B.Without         C.Instead of         D.Besides

4.A.1ooked happy B.1ooked hungry   C.1ooked angry       D.felt thirsty

5.A.pay          B.pay for         C.ask for            D.spend on

6.A.something    B.neither         C.nothing            D.some things

7.A.not only     B.neither         C.suddenly           D.really

8.A.Afar that    B.Since then      C.Years later      D.From then on

9.A.1istened to  B.heard           C.wrote            D.told

10.A.1eft         B.1ives in        C.was born         D.came from

11.A.Wore         B.Put             C.Dressed          D.With

12.A.made a decision                 B.made up his mind

C.decided to                      D.agreed to

13.A.special attention to            B.some money to 

C.something to                    D.great interest in

14.A.sent to      B.was sent to     C.post to          D.was e-mailed to

15.A.didn’t believe    B.did sure  C.was believed     D.was sure


Anna lived by the river.One summer, there was a very big flood,and a lot of houses were washed away.Anna's house was   1     enough to escape the flood.Her house was still all right when the   2   was gone.

Her house was quite small,her husband was dead,and she had four children,  3   Anna took in one of the families that had lost   4   in the flood.She shared her home with them until it was  5    for them to rebuild their houses.

    Anna’s friends were puzzled when they saw Anna do this.They could not understand why Anna wanted to give herself so much work and    6    when she already had quite a few children to  7   

    “Well,”Anna said to her friends, “at the end of the First World Wall a woman in a town found herself very poor, because her husband was   8   in  the war and she had a lot of children, as I have now.

    “The day   9   Christmas, this woman said to her children.’We won't be able to have much for Christmas this year, so I’m going to   10  only one present for all of us.Now I'll go and get it.She   11   with a girl who was even poorer than they were,and   12   had no parents.

    “’Here's our   13  .she said to her children.”

    “The children were excited and   14  to get such a present.They welcomed the little girl as their   15  .Such was that present.”

1.A.low                       B.high                     C.small                     D.beautiful

2.A.fire                       B.snow                   C.water                     D.ice

3.A.but                        B.so                       C.for                        D.though

4.A.nothing                  B.everything            C.anything                 D.something

5.A.possible                 B.important             C.fun                        D.difficult

6.A.time                      B.trouble                 C.energy                   D.money

7.A.have                      B.spend                  C.waste                    D. feed

8.A.killed                     B.eaten                   C.fooled                    D.sold

9.A.of                         B.for                      C.before                    D.after

10.A.get                      B.send                    C.open                      D.make

11.A.ran off                 B.went away                  C.came back             D.got up

12.A.who                    B.which                  C.whose                   D.what

13.A.relative                B.friend                  C.present                  D.classmate

14.A.sorry                   B.sad                      C.happy                    D.nervous

15.A.mother                B.aunt                     C.daughter                D.sister


My hobby is playing chess---one of the greatest games in the world.My mum taught me 1______ to play when I was seven years old.She 2 _____ me every time for the first year.But then, on my 3_______ birthday ,I won for the first time.Now I am always the winner between us .

    It takes about a day to learn the rules 4______ if you want to be good ,you have to practise for years.You don’t need much to play chess----just a chess set and someone to play with .

    Chess sets 5______ be very cheap ,or quite expensive.Some people collect chess sets as a hobby ,but I 6_______ to play.

    There is a chess club in my school.We meet every week to play each other.I am the best 7______ in the club ,and the captain of the school chess team.This year we 8_______ the all England Schools’ Championship(冠军).I had to go up on stage (台子)in front of the whole school to collect the prize.

    I’m saving up my money to buy a chess 9______ .It’s very good for practice.That way I’ll 10_______ have someone to play with ,and I’m sure I’ll make more progress.

1.A.what                        B.why                       C.how                D.where

2.A.hit                            B.lost                     C.beat           D.fought

3.A.seventh                    B.eighth                   C.ninth               D.tenth

4.A.And                     B.So                     C.Yet            D.But

5.A.can                    B.must                   C.should         D.will

6.A.want                    B.wish                  C.prefer         D.choose

7.A.player                  B.fan                    C.leader         D.learner

8.A.received                   B.won                   C.lost           D.owned

9.A.computer                  B.book                   C.dictionary    D.game

10.A.sometimes                     B.sometime               C.always         D.seldom

