90.我写完所有作业之后才看电视.I watch TV I finished all my homework.九.完成下列对话.每空限填一词.A:Who’s your 91 friend?B:My best friend is Xiao Li, but last week we had a big fight and now she isn’t taking to me.A:How did it 92 ?B:It all started when she asked me 93 she could copy my homework.A:Why did she want to do that? B:She said she had forgotten to do 94 .A:What did you do then?B:I told her that it was a bad idea.A:Did she think so?B:No, she got really 95 at me.十.书面表达下面是一份生活方式自我评价表.请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打√.根据你的选择和问题提示.以My Lifestyle为题写一篇不少于80个词的英文短文. 查看更多



1. 看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。
   It               that he _______that match.
2. 他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的事。
   He _______me something_______Tom yesterday.
3. 做班里的拔尖学生不容易。
   It isn't _______the top students in the class.
4. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。
   _______Me _______your party.
5. 中国人对外国朋友很友好。
  Chinese _______always _______foreign friends.
6. 你能帮我搬这个大箱子吗?
   _______You_______me_______the heavy box?
7. 我们学校至少有1500名学生。
  _______Are _______1,500 students in our school.
8. 你和你的朋友们相处得如何?
   _______are you _______your friends?
9. 昨天我们举办了家宴。
   Yesterday we_______ .
10. 我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。
    I _______until I_______ all my homework.


1. 这个问题太难了,以至于我算不出来。
This problem is                           I can't work it out.
2. 今天天气真糟糕啊!
                           it is today!
3. 这本书是鲁迅写的.
This book                           Lu Xun。
4. 我到家的时候,看见她在看电视.
When I got home,I saw                           
5. 为了赚足够的钱,他总是工作到深夜。
                                   enough money, he always works late into the night.




A. 同义句改写。

1. Her father joined the Party two years ago.

   Her father ________________________________________.

2. Both Lily and Lucy like the film.

   ______________________________________ likes the film.

3. It seemed that the man was very nervous.

   The man _________________________________________.

B. 对划线部分提问。

4. My friend Jack goes to the Reading Club twice a week.

   ____________________ your friend Jack go to the Reading Club?

5. The girl wearing a red skirt is my new classmate.

   ______________________ is your new classmate?

6. Tony spent 30 yuan on that pretty teddy bear.

   ____________________________ on that pretty teddy bear?

C. 根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。

7.I _____________________________ (直到…才看电视)I finished my homework last night.

8. _________________________(你觉得怎么样)our fashion show?




【小题1】 Her father joined the Party two years ago.
Her father ________________________________________.
【小题2】 Both Lily and Lucy like the film.
______________________________________ likes the film.
【小题3】 It seemed that the man was very nervous.
The man _________________________________________.
【小题4】 My friend Jack goes to the Reading Club twice a week.
____________________ your friend Jack go to the Reading Club?
【小题5】 The girl wearing a red skirt is my new classmate.
______________________ is your new classmate?
【小题6】 Tony spent 30 yuan on that pretty teddy bear.
____________________________ on that pretty teddy bear?
【小题7】I _____________________________ (直到…才看电视)I finished my homework last night.
【小题8】 _________________________(你觉得怎么样)our fashion show?


【小题1】 Her father joined the Party two years ago.
Her father ________________________________________.
【小题2】 Both Lily and Lucy like the film.
______________________________________ likes the film.
【小题3】 It seemed that the man was very nervous.
The man _________________________________________.
【小题4】 My friend Jack goes to the Reading Club twice a week.
____________________ your friend Jack go to the Reading Club?
【小题5】 The girl wearing a red skirt is my new classmate.
______________________ is your new classmate?
【小题6】 Tony spent 30 yuan on that pretty teddy bear.
____________________________ on that pretty teddy bear?
【小题7】I _____________________________ (直到…才看电视)I finished my homework last night.
【小题8】 _________________________(你觉得怎么样)our fashion show?

