85.自从六岁时.我就一直搜集各种各样的邮票.第六节 书面表达假如你是Gina.请根据内容提示.写一篇60至70词左右的短文.内容提示:八年级的生活即将结束.暑假即将开始.请你根据提示给你的英语老师Miss Green写一封感谢信.主要内容有: 查看更多





Father often ________ ________ ________ get better grades.


She ________ ________ ________ the piano since she ________ six years old.


Would you ________ ________ the windows? It's kind of hot here.


Is your friend ________ ________ ________ stamps?


If you ________ your homework on Friday night,we ________ ________ on vacation on the weekend.



101. 我想知道那部影片是否值得看。

I___________ if/whether the film ___________________________ .

102. 警方正在忙于找到事故的原因。

The police ___________________________ the causes of the accident.

103. 我自从六岁起就对跳舞感兴趣。

I _________________________________________ since ________________________ .

104. 瞧不起或嘲笑残疾人是错误的。

It’s wrong of us to ___________________ or ____________________  the disabled people .

105. 他宁可住在乡下,也不愿意在城市里谋生。

He ___________________________ than ___________________________.






The famous scientist and thinker, Charles Darwin, was born on February 12, 1809. His family lived not far from the River Severn, England.

      Charles’ father was a well-known doctor and the son of a still greater doctor and scientist. Charles’ father hoped that his son would also become a doctor.

      As a boy Charles liked to go for walks in the fields and forests. He watched nature and compared what he saw with everything he had read in science books. He also liked collecting very much. He collected many things: eggs, stones, and leaves. His father did not like this, as Charles was not studying very well at school.

      ①为了成为一名医生,十六岁时达尔文就被送到爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh University) 学习。But he was interested in the history of nature.

      Then he studied at Cambridge University until 1831.

      Some time later, he heard that the ship Beagle was going on a trip to South America and wanted a scientist. His professor advised him to go. He said the trip would be just for Darwin. So when the ship left England in December 1831, Darwin was on it. The research lasted almost five years. The Beagle studied the waters in the sea near South America. It also visited New Zealand, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Darwin saw many new plants and animals. He collected all kinds of plants, which he sent home from the places he visited.

      When he returned home, Darwin was warmly greeted by his families and many friends.

      In 1842, Darwin went to live in Kent, where he continued his studies of the changes in nature. ②Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same, and that they really change.

      By 1859, Darwin had finished his famous book The Origin of Species. It made a great hit in the world of science. ③He was opposed (反对) by the church and even by some scientists. But later, more and more scientists agreed with him.

      Darwin continued his studies in science until he died in 1882.


1.Why didn’t Charles become a doctor?


2.When did Charles start the research with the Beagle?







5.请改写③处划线句子, 使其意思与原句一致(每空一词)。

The church and even some scientists ____________ ___________ him.




1. 那个衬衫上带血的男人前天闯入一家服装店。

The man_______________ on his shirt ______________________ a clothes shop the day before yesterday.

2. 带有打斗场面的电影不适合孩子。你最好不要看。

Films with fights ________________________ children. You had better _____________________________.


She _____________________________charity before she entered__________________________________.

4. 我认为玩游戏对我们的学习没有坏影响。

I________________ playing games ___________________________________________________our study.


It is reported that the boss is ___________________and _______________________ his parents all the time.





He ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. 你走得太匆忙了,连灯都忘了关。

You ______ in such a hurry that you ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.


I ______ ______ ______ ______ him ever since.

4. 在故事的结尾,怀特一家找到了儿子。

______ ______ ______ of the story, the Whites found their son.

5. 最后,他还是留了下来。

______ ______ ______, he stayed.

6. 今天天气真好!既不冷也不热。

What a nice day! It’s ______ cold ______ hot.

7. 当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。

Mr. Li was ______ excited ______ say anything when he heard this piece of news.

8. 王楠是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。

Wang Nan is ______ ______ the best ______ in the world.

9. 尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功地到达了山顶。

______ ______ ______ all the difficulties, the climbers reached the top of the mountains successfully.

10. 自从我们上次见面以后,已经有十个多月了。

______ is more than ten months ______ we met last.


