In which city will Judy go to travel first if she gets enough money? 查看更多



1. What did the boy get yesterday?
A.      B.      C.
2.Where are they going on vacation?
A.      B.      C.
3. Where has Peter done volunteer work?
A.      B.      C.
4. In which city will Judy go to travel first if she gets enough money?
A.      B.      C.
5. When did the man begin to collect stamps?
A.      B.      C .


1. What did the boy get yesterday?

         A                         B                        C
2. Where are they going on vacation?

         A                         B                       C
3. Where has Peter done volunteer work?

          A                     B                         C
4. In which city will Judy go to travel first if she gets enough money?

             A                    B                             C
5. When did the man begin to collect stamps?

           A                        B                         C

