1. 他坐在窗前静静地读书。
2. 我决不相信他的话。
3. 经常有些时候我忘记了锁门。
4. 假如她不同意,我们怎么办?
5. 他没回家。他去了办公室继续写那份文件。
6. 他喜欢运动。他不喜欢看电视。
7. 在说话时,他变得更加激动。
8. 她非常激动,结果是一句话也说不出来。
9. 这篇文章很难,在场所有的人都读不懂。
10. 她是一个乐于助人的热心人。她经常尽其所能去帮助那些陷入困境的人。
11. 他正确发那个单词的音很困难。
12. 他父母的健康每况愈下,他为此很是忧虑。
13. 不顾天气的寒冷,那些球迷仍然在期待那位球星能够出现在机场。
14. 那项计划最终是失败的。
15. 他到澳大利亚去是为了主修新闻媒体专业。
16. 听到她的宠物猫不见了的消息,她哭得十分伤心。
17. 人人都知道台湾是中国的一部分。
18. 人们相信体育锻炼有利于健康。
19. 有一群人在路边。他们好像在等人。
20. 在英国学习期间,他们不仅练习了口语,而且了解了它的文化和习俗。
21. 另人不解的是,他老是在炎热的天关着窗户睡觉。
22. 在他很小的时候,他的父亲就去世了,没有留给他和母亲任何东西。
23. 他们一大早就不辞而别。
24. 由于一块大石头挡在路中间,我们无法通过。
25. 在任何时间、任何地点,我们都应注意言谈举止。
26. 去年我参观了那个辉煌的宫殿。它的美丽是无法用语言来表达。
27. 不久他们来到了一条河。在河岸上生长着茂盛的灌木丛。
28. 那场演出十分成功。这使演员们十分激动。
29. 她把自己锁在房间里看了一天电视。
30. 在炎热的夏天,人们更喜欢在户外纳凉。
31. 当你接近大自然的时候,你会发现它的美丽是任何东西所不能比拟的。
32. 个人电脑己成为人们日常生活中的必需。
33. 我们经常听音乐来放松一下自己。
34. 除非被问到你是否知道此事,否则你什么也别说。
35. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。
36. 昨天晚上,我们正看着一场精彩的篮球比赛,突然灯灭了。
37. 毫无疑问,不同的人有不同的爱好。
38. 天气预报说在未来几天将有一场暴风雪。
39. 由于气温的一天天降低,人们穿上了厚厚的冬装。
40. 很多年过去了,那个小山村依然如旧。村民们仍然以他们自己的方式生活着。
41. 再过几天就是春节了。难怪人们正在忙于购物和打扫卫生。
42. 那里曾经是一片茂密的树林,但现在它己经成了一片沙地。
43. 我不明白为什么你的自行车又丢了?
44. 他撒谎是司空见惯的事。
45. 一到家,他就开始玩电脑游戏,这占用了大部分他本该学习的时间。
46. 今天谁值日?
47. 当我们登门拜访他时,他不巧外出了。
48. 在有些城区,人们更愿意骑自行车外出。
49. 如果你把这款手机与那款手机比较一下,那么这一款在价格上和质量上均优于那一款。
50. 他们尽了最大的努力要回了那座属于他们自己的房子。
51. 尽管你可以试一下,但终归会遭受失败。
52. 如果有必要的话,我们可以暂时不告诉他真相。
53. 过了很久那个病人才苏醒过来。
54. 他站在那里不知所措。
55. 他很有可能己经知道了那个实验的结果。
56. 我不喜欢政治和历史。
57. 我们曾经在夕阳西下时在河边散步。
58. 由于校园里到处是树木和草坪,它看上去非常迷人,尤其是在春天和秋天。
59. 所有的旅客都安全着陆。
60. 李明是一个聪明、善良、自信、热情的孩子。
61. 河岸上长着许多不知名的植物。
62. 如果必要,我会及时把情况通告给你们的。
63. 要不是你及时帮助我,我不可能成功地通过高考。
64. 由于天气好,我们的旅行十分愉快。
65. 那位中年妇女背着一个孩子艰难地在雪地里行进。
66. 在交谈时要注意措辞。
67. 我的通话还没结束,电话就中断了。
68. 他有很多爱好。他喜欢郊游、集邮、爬山、读小说等。
69. 这篇作文写得很好,但有几个错别字。
70. 一座建于500年前的宫殿耸立在城市的中心。
71. 那个女该受到了很高的评价,那是因为她的绘画得了一等奖。
72. 直到老师走到他跟前,他才停止玩那支刚买的钢笔。
73. 在大街上走着一群唱着歌的少先队员。
74. 那些在公共场合随地吐痰的人必须被罚款。
75. 我不知道她在哪儿,我也不关心她过得怎样。
76. 一阵风吹来,他的帽子飞到了空中。
77. 他到这儿来不是来责备你的,而是来送你回家的。
78. 住在隔壁的那家人在我最需要帮助时帮助了我。
79. 他看见地上有一个装满了硬币的口袋。
80. 村民们看着那些巨大的脚印,心里充满了恐惧。
81. 看到家乡发生了这么大的变化,他高兴地笑了。
82. 人们希望人类和动物能够和睦相处。
83. 妈妈让我带上雨伞,以防下雨。
84. 一旦做出决定,它就必须立即执行。
85. 她的头发每天都在掉,这使她十分不安。
86. 他是值得信赖的。你在任何时候都可以依靠他的帮助。
87. 她的父母每周都去观看京剧,这己成为了一个惯例。
88. 这条路很宽。它可以容纳四辆卡车同时通过。
89. 美国朋友参观了实验楼以后,他们又去教学楼参观。
90. 他很晚才回家。但不幸的是,他发现屋子里的贵重物品不翼而飞了。
91. 这条河长100多英里,宽150米。
92. 布朗先生是我的好朋友。我曾在他的公司里工作了5年。
93. 天好像要下雨。
94. 那位老人坐在门口,膝上有一只可爱的白色小猫。
95. 教室里好像有人。
96. 大雨倾盆而下
97. 只有当人们看到自然资源一天天枯竭的时候, 他们才知道节约用水是多么重要。
98. 门开了,进来一位夹着一本厚厚的教科书的教授。
99. 他盯着电视屏幕,假装没看见我。
100. 就在那个我们经常去的超市我们发现了那个小偷。
Around the World by Wheelchair
Rick Hansen was always an active kid and loved to fish. 里克·汉森是一个十分活跃又喜欢钓鱼的孩子。When returning in a truck one day from a fishing trip, he had an accident and suffered injuries to his spine (脊柱). 一天在他钓完鱼坐卡车回家的路上,一次意外的事故中使他的脊椎受了伤。This 15-year-old young man awoke to find that he had lost the use of his legs.这个年轻人醒来时发现他的双腿已经不听使唤了。 However, he didn’t give up. Many months later he began to compete in wheelchair sports. At the age of 27, he decided to wheel around the world 好几个月之后他开始参加轮椅运动的比赛。 to raise awareness and money for spinal cord research. 很快他就开始为脊髓研究工作而奔走效力。他决定通过自己坐轮椅周游世界这一途径来为脊髓损伤的研究工作来筹募资金并引起世人的关注。His tour took him through 34 countries around the world between 1985 and 1987. 在1985年到1987年间,他的旅程遍及世界上的34个国家。In this Man of Motion World Tour, he wheeled 24,901.55 miles, which is equal to the distance around the earth.
Bad weather and difficult, rocky roads often provided challenges for Rick, but he continued to push himself to complete the trip. 恶劣的天气以及艰难坎坷的道路经常成为里克所面临的挑战,但是他一直强迫自己坚持完成了这次旅行。He was determined to succeed. 他一定会成功的。Even mountains did not stop Rick Hansen. 就算是崇山峻岭也无法阻止里克·汉森。He wheeled himself up the Rocky Mountains and several other major mountains in the world. 他坐着轮椅登上了落基山脉和世界上几座其他的主要山岭。He even wheeled himself along the Great Wall of China!
“Never Give Up On Your Dreams” was his motto and he hasn’t given up yet. “不要放弃你的梦想” 是他的座右铭,而且他从来没有放弃过。He completed his world tour raising $24 million. 他完成了他的环游世界的行程并从加拿大的资助者那里筹集了两千四百万美元的资金。He continues to work to increase knowledge of spinal cord injury. 他继续着他的工作以不断积累关于脊髓损伤方面的知识。He is a true Canadian hero who shows what determination can achieve.
54. What happened to Rick after the accident?
A. He lost the ability of living. B. He had to spend his life in hospital.
C. He couldn’t walk any more. D. He couldn’t do sports any more.
55. When did Rick begin his tour around the world?
A. At the age of 15. B. Soon after the accident.
C. A year after the accident. D. At the age of 27.
56. Why did Rick take his tour around the world in his wheelchair?
A. To gather money for the spinal cord research. B. To learn about the people of other countries.
C. To travel to different countries for fun. D. To take photos of beautiful mountains.
57. From the passage we can see Rick is a(n) ________ person.
A. unhappy B. determined C. careful D. quiet
A young boy loved football with all his heart. But being half the size of the other boys, this hopeful athlete 36 the bench and hardly ever played.
This young man was still the 37 of the class when he entered high school. He decided to try his best at every 38 , and perhaps he could play later. All through high school he 39 neither a practice nor a game, but 40 a bench-warmer all four years.
When the young man went to 41 , the coach kept him on the roster(候选名单) 42 he always put his heart and soul to every practice, and at same time, 43 the other members with the spirit they badly needed. But during his four years at college, he never 44 to play in a game,
In the last football match, the game was not going 45 . When the team was ten points 46 , the silent young man came to the coach and said “Coach, please let me 47 . Believe me.” The coach pretended not to hear him . There was no 48 he wanted the worst player in this close playoff(决赛) game.
But the young man 49 , and finally the coach, feeling sorry for him, 50 . “All right,” he said. “You can go in.” Soon, the coach, the players and everyone in the 51 could not believe their eyes. This little 52 man, who had never played before, was doing everything right. The opposing team could not 53 him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.
The 54 was(were) soon tied, In the closing seconds of the game, he intercepted(拦截) a 55 and ran all the way for the winning touchdown(触地得分). The fans applauded(鼓掌) and his teammates raised him onto their shoulders. Such cheering he never heard.
A. stood by B. sat on C. carried up D. moved away
A. smallest B. smartest C. bravest D. biggest
A. risk B. step C . practice D. match
A. missed B. hated C. joined D. watched
A. forgot B. earned C. displayed D. remained
A. his hometown B. his coach’s C. college D. school
A. before B. though C. when D. because
A. charged B. applied C. provided D. changed
A. managed B. persuaded C. promised D. wanted
A. any more B. badly C. well D . anyway
A. later B. above C. behind D. over
A. go B. play C. stay D. think
A. idea B. doubt C. way D. need
A. won B. tolerated C. scared D. insisted
A. took in B. broke in C. sent in D. gave in
A. families B. stands C. corners D. queues
A. puzzled B. unknown C. boring D. polite
A. accept B. believe C. defeat D. stop
A. ball B. judges C. score D. fans
A. fly B. jump C. pass D. pause
A young boy loved football with all his heart. But being half the size of the other boys, this hopeful athlete 36 the bench and hardly ever played.
This young man was still the 37 of the class when he entered high school. He decided to try his best at every 38 , and perhaps he could play later. All through high school he 39 neither a practice nor a game, but 40 a bench-warmer all four years.
When the young man went to 41 , the coach kept him on the roster(候选名单) 42 he always put his heart and soul to every practice, and at same time, 43 the other members with the spirit they badly needed. But during his four years at college, he never 44 to play in a game,
In the last football match, the game was not going 45 . When the team was ten points 46 , the silent young man came to the coach and said “Coach, please let me 47 . Believe me.” The coach pretended not to hear him . There was no 48 he wanted the worst player in this close playoff(决赛) game.
But the young man 49 , and finally the coach, feeling sorry for him, 50 . “All right,” he said. “You can go in.” Soon, the coach, the players and everyone in the 51 could not believe their eyes. This little 52 man, who had never played before, was doing everything right. The opposing team could not 53 him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.
The 54 was(were) soon tied, In the closing seconds of the game, he intercepted(拦截) a 55 and ran all the way for the winning touchdown(触地得分). The fans applauded(鼓掌) and his teammates raised him onto their shoulders. Such cheering he never heard.
【小题1】 |
【小题2】 |
【小题3】 |
【小题4】 |
【小题5】 |
【小题6】 |
【小题7】 |
【小题8】 |
【小题9】 |
【小题10】 |
【小题11】 |
【小题12】 |
【小题13】 |
【小题14】 |
【小题15】 |
【小题16】 |
【小题17】 |
【小题18】 |
【小题19】 |
【小题20】 |
A young boy loved football with all his heart. But being half the size of the other boys, this hopeful athlete 36 the bench and hardly ever played.
This young man was still the 37 of the class when he entered high school. He decided to try his best at every 38 , and perhaps he could play later. All through high school he 39 neither a practice nor a game, but 40 a bench-warmer all four years.
When the young man went to 41 , the coach kept him on the roster(候选名单) 42 he always put his heart and soul to every practice, and at same time, 43 the other members with the spirit they badly needed. But during his four years at college, he never 44 to play in a game,
In the last football match, the game was not going 45 . When the team was ten points 46 , the silent young man came to the coach and said “Coach, please let me 47 . Believe me.” The coach pretended not to hear him . There was no 48 he wanted the worst player in this close playoff(决赛) game.
But the young man 49 , and finally the coach, feeling sorry for him, 50 . “All right,” he said. “You can go in.” Soon, the coach, the players and everyone in the 51 could not believe their eyes. This little 52 man, who had never played before, was doing everything right. The opposing team could not 53 him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.
The 54 was(were) soon tied, In the closing seconds of the game, he intercepted(拦截) a 55 and ran all the way for the winning touchdown(触地得分). The fans applauded(鼓掌) and his teammates raised him onto their shoulders. Such cheering he never heard.
1.A. stood by B. sat on C. carried up D. moved away
2.A. smallest B. smartest C. bravest D. biggest
3.A. risk B. step C . practice D. match
4.A. missed B. hated C. joined D. watched
5.A. forgot B. earned C. displayed D. remained
6.A. his hometown B. his coach’s C. college D. school
7.A. before B. though C. when D. because
8.A. charged B. applied C. provided D. changed
9.A. managed B. persuaded C. promised D. wanted
10.A. any more B. badly C. well D . anyway
11.A. later B. above C. behind D. over
12.A. go B. play C. stay D. think
13.A. idea B. doubt C. way D. need
14.A. won B. tolerated C. scared D. insisted
15.A. took in B. broke in C. sent in D. gave in
16.A. families B. stands C. corners D. queues
17.A. puzzled B. unknown C. boring D. polite
18.A. accept B. believe C. defeat D. stop
19.A. ball B. judges C. score D. fans
20.A. fly B. jump C. pass D. pause
31.(1分)B 32.(1分) C 33.(2分)戌时;19―21点
35.(1分)A 36.(1分)C 37.(1分)A 38.(1分)C 39.(1分)C 40(1分)D
41.(1分)C 42.(1分)A
44.(1分)D 45.(2分)(1)3 (2)7 46.(1分)D 47.(1分)B 48.(1分)D
49.(1分)D 50.(1分)B 51.(1分)D 52.(1分)采用喷灌和滴灌,节约用水
53.(1分)B 54.(1分)A 55.(1分)紫 色 橙色 绿色
57.(2分)植物的蒸腾作用 ①减慢蒸发,保持土壤水分; ②提高土地温度
60.(1分)C 61.(2分)燃料的化学能;东 62.(1分)D 63.(1分)发明专利
64.(1)(2分)3.6 8424 (2)(2分)可循环使用 不能随意丢弃 65.(1分)A
67.(4分)(1)(1分)110; (2)(1分)1010; (3)(2分)512 1000000000
69.(1分)D 70.(6分)(1)(1分)将生活垃圾分类处理 (2)(1分)分解者
71.(1分)A 72.(1分)C 73.(1分)C
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