32.Who earth did it?A.on B.for C.by 查看更多




  Since the earliest times, trees have always been very useful and important to man who made use of them in many ways.Even today trees continue to serve man so many ways.

  Trees provide man with fruits and buildings in the form of wood.Without trees it would be impossible to build houses, boats and even bridges.Furniture(家具)such as tables, chairs and beds is made of wood.

  In the tropics(热带地区)where it is very hot all through the year, trees protect man from the terrible heat.They are also useful in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains which are so common in the tropics.

  If there were no trees or vegetation(植被)of some kinds to hold back the soil with their roots soil, heavy rains would wash away the rich top soil that is so important and necessary to crops.The result is that the land becomes a desert.

  There are so many desert areas in the world.A long time ago these desert areas must have been very rich soil areas, but since the people in the past hadn't enough knowledge about science of nature, they cut down all the trees in the areas where they lived and never planted new ones.By and by, the rich top soil was blown away and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains.In the end the land was turned into useless deserts where nothing could grow.


According to the passage ________.

[  ]


people in the past did know how to make good use of trees


trees were more useful in the past than they are now


trees are not as useful now as they used to be


trees has always been very useful to man


The phrase“top soil”means ________.

[  ]


useless soil which is of no use for crops


soil on the top of the earth which is good for crops


a kind of soil which is found deep under trees


dry soil in desert areas which is bad for crops


According to the passage, some desert areas were once ________.

[  ]


lands with good soil


covered by ice and snow


very cold


very dry and useless


What would happen if there were no trees?

[  ]


The land would have richer soil.


Heavy rains would clean the tropics.


There would be no crops at all.


The rich top soil couldn't be held back.


From the passage we can see the writer wants to tell us that ________.

[  ]


man can do nothing to protect the environment of nature


man may do what he likes to do


man must do his best to keep the earth natural and green


the environment of nature is unimportant to man


  Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, “Look!That’s a spaceship up there and it’s going to land here.”

  Frightened by the strange spaceship, all the young people got into their cars and drove a-way as quickly as possible except peter and Mary.They were more curious(好奇的)than frightened.They watched the spaceship land and saw a door open, but nobody came out, so they went to look into it.In the center of the floor, there was a lot of food.Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not hear the door close behind him.The temperature fell in no time and very soon the two young people didn’t know anything.

  When they came to life, they were surprised to see that they were back by the river again.The spaceship had gone.Their car was nearby.

  “What happened?” asked Mary.

  Peter scratched his head, saying slowly, “Don’t ask me.Perhaps we had a problem.Come on.It’s time to go home.”

  After driving about fifty metres, they found a thick wall made of something like glass stood in their way.On the other side of the wall, a few strange aliens were looking through the wall and reading a notice which, translated into English, said:“New comers at the zoo:a pair of earth villagers in their field with their house on wheels.”


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


It was Peter who saw the spaceship first.


The spaceship landed on the river.


All the young people went for the picnic by car.


When Peter went into the spaceship, Mary followed him.


Why didn’t Mary and Peter drive away as quickly as possible?

[  ]


Because they were worried.


Because they were curious and frightened.


Because they were angry and worried.


Because they were happy to see that.


What happened after Mary and Peter entered the spaceship?

[  ]


They were asked to eat much food.


The temperature went up.


Someone they couldn’t see knocked them down.


The spaceship flew away with them and


What can we learn from the end of the story?

[  ]


Peter and Mary became villagers.


Peter and Mary were in another planet.


Peter and Mary went back home.


Peter and Mary visited the zoo.


The underlined part “house on wheels” means “________ ” in this story.

[  ]










Britney Bear is looking forward to a surprising adventure (冒险). "Having the chance to go to Antarctica (南极洲) is so wonderful," she says.

Bear is one of the 12 young people training for a chance to sail around the world. Next month, eight of them will set sail from South America. Explorer (探险者) Mike Horn will be the leader on a two-week trip. Their goal (目标) is to learn how to help the planet. The journey is called Pangaea. It will last four years. Twelve teams of young explorers will cross all of the oceans and visit the North and South Poles.

    Mike Horn is from South Africa.He has traveled much of the Earth.“The planet is a beautiful place,”he said,but his adventures have also shown that oar planet is in danger.Horn began exploring(探险)at the age of 8 when he got his first bicycle.“I love to know about things.”he said.Horn knew that not every kid got the chance to explore the world,so he started Pangaea to get young people taking part in.

      Different explorers will travel on each of the l2 Pangaea trips.They will work hard.Some will use nets to take rubbish out of the ocean.Others will plant trees in tropical(热带的) areas. Horn asks each explorer to teach others what they have learned on the trip.He believes that young people can help save the planet.“Kids have surprisin9:ideas,and they want to speak out,’’ he said.

(   ) 1.This story is mostly about______.

A.a man’s outdoor adventures

B.ways that young people can help the planet

C.Pangaea trips of young people and Mike Horn   

D.kids who will travel with Mike Horn

(   ) 2.Why did Mike Horn start Pangaea?   

A.He wanted to go to Antarctica.   

B.Many young kids wanted him to organize it.

    C.He had to do so if he wanted to protect the planet.

    D.He wanted more.young people to help save the planet.

(   ) 3.Some young explorers will help by_____.   

A.using nets to take rubbish out of the ocean   

B.riding bicycles to talk about their ideas

C.showing Horn that the planet is in danger   

D.teaching young people how to plant trees

(   ) 4.How many Pangaea trips will there be?

    A.One.                 B.Twelve.             C.Eight.                   D.Foul

(   ) 5.Which word describes Mike Horn best according to the passage?

    A.Silly.                 B.Brave.               C.Quiet.                  D.Serious.


When I was young, I always helped my grandfather in the fields. As I worked beside him, he     to tell a story about a man named Joe, and his wife, who moved to a new farm with their three sons. They were setting into the new place     a nearby farmer told Joe that there was gold in the earth. Joe was very   3 , and told his sons about it.

They began to dig in one corner, and they got to the end of the field. At the same time, Joe thought he would   4  some crops where the earth had been   5 . The plants included corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. His sons continued to dig through the soil, made up their mind to find the gold. Since   6  soil was being turned, Joe could plant more crops. Joe had never farmed before, but it had always been his   7 .

As different crops came ready to be harvested, Joe started to   8  that there were more vegetables than he and his family could ever   9 . One of Joe’s neighbors suggested that he   10  a vegetable shop. Joe and his wife did that very thing. They called it Joe and Family Vegetable. Joe even had to leave some crops in the fields,   11  he had more than enough to supply the vegetable shop.

This went on for years, and Joe and his wife became quite   12  from their little vegetable shop. They were even able to   13  their sons to college.

Remember the beginning of the story, when Joe was told by his new neighbor that there was gold in the land? Well, the truth is, Joe’s   14 of the English language was less than perfect. His new neighbor friend actually meant that his land had rich   15 . So you can see where the concept(概念)of gold comes from.

1.                A.feared         B.agreed         C.used D.failed


2.                A.while          B.as             C.when D.after


3.                A.happy          B.disappointed     C.angry D.calm


4.                A.harvest         B.plant           C.water    D.feed


5.                A.controlled      B.burned         C.destroyed D.turned


6.                A.more          B.most           C.much D.few


7.                A.job            B.problem        C.pity  D.dream


8.                A.realize         B.promise        C.relate    D.regret


9.                A.feed           B.sell            C.plant D.eat


10.               A.take up         B.set up          C.turn up    D.make up


11.               A.now           B.though         C.so    D.because


12.               A.careful         B.rich           C.alone D.cheerful


13.               A.bring          B.take           C.send  D.make


14.               A.understanding   B.knowledge      C.thinking   D.skills


15.               A.mud           B.gold           C.soil   D.material




What did you do on April 23, World Book Day, last year? Did you find some interesting books to read? Now let me introduce some good books for you to read.
Title: Dear Andreas
Author: Long Yingtai&Andreas

Andreas is a college student studying in Germany. His mother is a writer working in Taiwan. By writing letters to each other for more than three years, Long Yingtai says she clearly understands what an 18-year-old man is like, Andreas says he knows his mother better. This is a great book full of love. Don’t miss it.
Title: Climate Change+2 Degrees
Author: Yamamoto Ryoichi

If the earth’s temperature went up 2℃, what would happen? In this book we learn about the history, today’s situation and the future of global warming. The author also tells us proper and useful ways to protect our world.
Title: The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56
Author: Rafe Esquith

Perhaps the most famous fifth-grade teacher in America, Rafe Esquith,  helps his children understand literature, love life, and become happy, self-confident people using his successful methods in his Los Angeles public school classroom. He has created surprising miracles. This is a powerful book. You’d better read it.
Title: The Last Lecture
Author: Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch, a professor from New York was asked to give a lecture. He knew it would probably be his last lecture, because he was dying of illness. His lecture wasn’t about dying, but about getting over the difficulties, helping others to realize their dreams.
小题1:Who wrote the book The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56?
A.Rafe Esquith.B.Yamamoto Ryoichi.
C.Randy Pausch. D.Long Yingtai&Andreas.
小题2:From the book Climate Change+2 Degrees, we can know ________.
A.the earth’s temperature will surely go up 2℃
B.the future of different countries in the world
C.proper and useful ways to protect our world
D.something about the history of global warming
小题3:Andreas and his mother know each other better by ________.
A.writing lettersB.sending e-mails
C.talking on the phoneD.chatting on line
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true in the book The Last Lecture?
A.The professor is from America.
B.The professor was in his poor health.
C.The professor talked about getting over the difficulties.
D.The professor talked a lot about his illness in his lecture.
小题5:The passage may be taken from ________.
A.a diaryB.a book advertisement
C.a novelD.a film review

