9.It is better to keep your voice down in places? 查看更多




1.He likes playing soccer,_______ _______ (是吗)?

2.The reporter said we_______ _______ _______ _______ (将赢得这场比赛)·

3.Have you ever been to an______________ park(娱乐园)?

4.No one knows what will happen_______ _______ _______ (将来)

5.More than______ ________ (四分之三)0fthe students went to the museum last Sunday.

6.1 hope l can travel all_______ _______ _______ (世界各地)one day.

7.Giving him a calendar is not(特别) ______________enough.

8.The(胜利者) ______________of the man’s competition Was Holland Joe

9.It is better to keep your voice down in(公共的) ______________places·

10.He is a______________ (礼貌的)boy.He always speaks______________ (礼貌) to old people.

