13.Chinese tigers live in the south of China.They aye the (old) typle of tigers living in the world. 查看更多



1. 一I _________ (have) lunch when Bill knocked at the door.
2. He used to enjoy _________ (listen) to rock music.
3. Chinese tigers live in the south of China. They aye the _________ (old) typle of tigers living in the world.
4. The rainforests can give us a lot of _________ (use) things.
5.一Would you mind _________ (teach) me? 一Not at all.


     It is possible that in 50 years the only tigers in the world will be in zoos. One
hundred years ago there were  maybe 100,000 tigers in the world. Today scientists are not sure how many are left, as it is difficult to count them. There rnay be only between 5,000 and 7,000 tigers in the world.
      Tigers are only found in Asia. Already they have disappeared from many
countries. There are no longer any Caspian(黑海的) tigers in Central Asia. They have died out in the two  islands  of Java (爪哇 ) and Bali (巴里) . The situation in some
parts of Asia is also very serious. There are perhaps only 100 Chinese tigers left. In
eastern Russia, the number is a little higher. There are about 450 tigers left. On the
island of Sumatra (苏门答腊) , which has many thick forests , there are maybe 500
      Why has the number fallen so quickly? The first reason is that tigers are
meat-eaters. They need a lot of land to find enough food. Also they live in forests and many of these have been cut down. At one time, tiger shooting was a sport ,
especially in India. Local(当地的) people some- times kill tigers because they kill their cows. The other reason is that dead tigers are used for Traditional Chinese Medicine. All parts of the body are used, including the bones and whiskers (须) . People who
take TCM think chat these medicines will make them live longer.
      How can we protect the tigers that are left? First, some wildlife parks have been
created. In these reserves (自然保护区 ) ,local people may not kill tigers and the
forests may not be cut down. And 145 countries have agreed to stop selling tiger
parts for medicine. With luck , the tigers can be protected in the few areas of the
world where they still live.             
1. Which part of the world has the most tigers today?
A. Central Asia.          
B. Fastern Russia.
C. Sumatra.              
D. China.
2. Why arc there fewer tigers today?
A. Forests are needed for cows.
B. Tigers don't like living in forests.
C. Tigers have been killed for TCM and to protect other animals.
D. People still kill tigers for sport.
3. The third paragraph tells us that         .
A. only two parts of the tiger's body are used in TCM
B. all parts of the tiger's body are used in TCM
C. people have kept tiger's body parts for a long time
D. scientists know that TCM gives people a longer life 
4. Which of these plans will not protect tigers?
A. Stop local people from killing tigers.
B. Protect cows from tigers.
C. Stop selling tiger's body parts for TCM.
D. Stop cutting down forests.
5. What's the best title for the passage?
A. Killing the tigers
B. Saving the tigers
C. Fewer and fewer tigers left
D. More and more tigers needed


     The leaders (领导人) of 13 countries had a big meeting in St Petersburg, Russia from November 21
to 24, 2010. The  meeting was  about  tigers. They  talked about the ways to protect the animals in their
countries. They agreed to spend more money protecting tigers and they wanted to double the number of
tigers in the world before 2022.
     Tiger is one of the world's most endangered animals. The  World  Wildlife Fund (WWF) says, there
are only about 100,000 wild tigers now. And  the  number  is  becoming  smaller and smaller. 'If nothing
happens, tigers will face disasters,' said WWF spokeswoman Marie von Zeipel.
     Nine types of tigers lived 100 years ago, but now at least three of them have died out. 'If people leave
tigers alone and don't kill them, then the number of tigers will double in 10 years,' said Jean
ChristophVie, a French tiger expert (专家).
      China is one of the 13 countries where tigers live. There are about 50 wild tigers in China now. They
are  the  Bengal  tigers in Tibet,  Indochinese   tigers  in  China's  southwest,  and  Siberian  tigers  in  the
northeast. The  South  China  tigers  lived in southeast  China  many  years  ago but  disappeared  in  the
1970s. Many experts think they have already died out.
1. What's the meeting in St Petersburg mainly about?
A. How to help tigers find a better place to live.
B. How to protect tigers in their countries.
C. How to stop people from hunting the wild animals.
D. How to count the number of tigers in the world.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the WWF?
A. Many tigers have died only because people hunt them.
B. About 3,200 tigers have died in the past 100 years.
C. There are more and more tigers these years.
D. There are about 100,000 wild tigers in the world now.
3.In Jean-Christoph Vie's opinion, the best way to double the number of tigers in10 years is __________.
A. to do nothing                    
B. to keep all of them in the zoo
C. to stop people from killing them      
D. to build more nature reserves for tigers
4. How many types of tigers were there in China 50 years ago?
A. 3          
B. 4          
C. 13        
D. 50
5. The Chinese meaning of 'die out' in the 3rd paragraph is ___.
A. 死亡      
B. 灭绝       
C. 变弱     
D. 死于


A. Where do they live?
B. there are lots of them.
C. why are they endangered?
D. We're trying to save them.
E. the number is reducing.
F. there aren't enough trees for all of them to live among.
G. What is it?

A: Can you tell me something about the southern Chinese tigers?
B: Sure, (1)__________
A: Why? Are they endangered?
B: Yes. There used to be a lot of southern Chinese tigers, but now (2)__________
    Since then the government has done something to protect them.
A: (3)__________
B: Their favorite habitat is the mountains full of trees.
A: And (4)__________
B: Many of the trees have been cut down, so (5)__________
A: I see, thank you.


Chinese TV shows that describe young people's lives in modern society are crossing the cultural divide and attracting a lot of foreign audiences.

One of the examples is the Chinese TV series "A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era", a light comedy about a modern Chinese couple.

The TV series was first aired in Shanghai in November 2009. It was dubbed in Swahili and broadcast in east African countries in 2011. Two Kenyan(肯尼亚人) actresses were chosen to do voice dubbing for the two leading roles in the African version of the series. It was a great success in Africa.

Tanzanians(坦桑尼亚人) say that they are able to understand how young Chinese people live happily in modern times and they may be able to find ways to solve their personal problems by watching the series.

Although China is one of the world's most prolific(多产的) producers of TV series, its series are not particularly popular overseas. The popularity of "A Beautiful Daughter-In-Law Era" may serve as an example for Chinese TV producers who want to bring their work to other countries.

In recent years, some TV series that show the lives of people in Chinese cities have achieved some success in the foreign market.

"Go Lala Go!," a TV series that details the adventures of a female office worker named Du Lala, has also started to reach global audiences. The series has been exported to Singapore, Malaysia, the United States and Canada.

"The Chinese dream will be more easily accepted by foreign audiences when it is manifested in small and touching stories," said Meng Jian, a professor at Fudan University.

1.What can Tanzanians do by watching the Chinese TV series "A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era"?

A.They can be chosen to do voice dubbing for the leading roles.

B.They can bring their work to other countries.

C.They can find ways to solve their personal problems.

D.They can be successful at work.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A."Go Lala Go!," is very popular in Africa.

B.All the Chinese TV series are popular overseas.

C.Some Chinese TV series that show the lives of people in Chinese countries have achieved some success in the foreign market.

D.Africans can understand the happy lives of Chinese young people in modern times.

3.What does the word “dub” mean in the third paragraph?

A.表演             B.配音             C.制作             D.拍摄

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Cultural crossing                        B.Chinese TV shows

C.A great success                         D.Young people’s lives


