1.A.away B.around C.near D.inside 查看更多




  Last Sunday when Mei Mei was on  1  way to the cinema, she saw an old woman  2  by the side of the road The woman wanted to go to the  3  to see her husband But she could not  4  the address She was so  5  and didn't know  6  to do So Mei Mei decided to  7  her First she helped the old woman find the  8  It was  9  her inside pocket Next she asked the policeman the  10  to the North Street Hospital Then they  11  a bus to the hospital because it was not very  12   The woman was so  13  to see her husband  14  they looked around for Mei Mei, she was away quietly(安静地)and didn't wait for their  15 


(1)    Ahis




[  ]

(2)    Asitting




[  ]

(3)    Aschool




[  ]

(4)    Asee




[  ]

(5)    Aworried




[  ]

(6)    Awhat




[  ]

(7)    Aleave




[  ]

(8)    Aplace




[  ]

(9)    Aat




[  ]

(10)    Aroad




[  ]

(11)    Acaught




[  ]

(12)    Afar




[  ]

(13)    Aafraid




[  ]

(14)    AWhere




[  ]

(15) Athanks




[  ]


A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?

lf you are inside:

Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.

Don't stand near windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture of fireplaces.

If you're outside:

Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you. Squat(蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.

After the earthquake:

Check, take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right. Watch out for aftershocks.

Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved(长袖的)shirt and strong shoes. Listen to tile radio for the latest information.

1.If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, you'd better        .

A.run into a lift

B.not stay in the bathroom

C.stand near large mirrors

D.not stand near windows

2.lf you outside during an earthquake        

A.you must move into a building

B.you cannot squat

C.you have to stop the shaking

D.you must move away from streetlights

3.After the earthcluake, you should        

A.look after injuries

B.not help the others around you

C.protect yourself without wearing shoes

D.not listen to the radio for the latest information

4.The underlined word "aftershocks" in the passage means        in Chinese.







A little knowledge (知识) can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?
If you are inside:
●Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. Do not get into a lift.
●Don’t stand near windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture or fireplaces.
If you are outside:
●Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.
●Squat (蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.
After the earthquake:
●Check, take care of injuries (损伤) and help make sure people around you are all right.
●Watch out for aftershocks.
●Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved(长袖的) shirt and strong shoes.
●Listen to the radio for the latest information.
【小题1】If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, you’d better       .

A.run into a lift B.not stay in the bathroom
C.stand near large mirrors D.not stand near windows
【小题2】If you are outside during an earthquake,       .
A.you must move into a building
B.you cannot squat
C.you have to stop the shaking
D.you must move away from streetlights
【小题3】 After the earthquake, you should       .
A.look after injuries
B.not listen to the radio for the latest information
C.protect yourself without wearing shoes
D.not help the others around you
【小题4】The underlined word “aftershocks” in the passage means       .
A.震感 B.震源 C.余震 D.防震
【小题5】The passage is mainly about       .
A.what to do before an earthquake takes place
B.what to do if you are in an earthquake
C.how to escape from an earthquake when you are at home
D.how to predict (预知) an earthquake in the open air.


Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.

He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm.During sunrise he would take a break and climb up on the fence(篱笆)along the side of the farm.He could see a house with golden windows.“If they could afford golden windows,then there must be other nice things inside the house.” He imagined how great it would be to live there.Then he promised himself,“Some day I will go there and see this wonderful place.”

One morning,his father would go to the town and told him to stay at home for a rest.Knowing that this was his chance,he took a sandwich and headed across the field towards the house with the golden windows.

As the afternoon went on,he began to realize how wrong he was.The house was much farther than he had expected.As he went near the house.he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of a painting.A small girl very close to his age came out of the poor house and stood by the broken fence.He asked her if she had seen the house with the golden windows.The girl said,“Sure,I know.” and invited him to sit on the porch(门廊).As he sat there,he looked back from where he just came.There he saw the sunset(夕阳)turned the windows of his house to gold! Now he understood that everyone had his own house with golden windows.

1.During his break every morning,the small boy would         

A.fix the fence                                            B.eat sandwiches

C.climb up on the fence                                 D.walk around the farm

2.One morning,when knowing he would stay alone,the boy thought it was a chance for him to         

A.go to the town                                         B.play on the field

C.go to see the house                                           D.make the golden windows

3.What did the boy find when he got there?

A.Nobody lived in the poor house.                 B.No golden windows were in the house.

C.The house was as old as he expected.        D.The house was nearer than he thought.

4.The story tells us that people sometimes may have the thought “        ” .

A.Like father,like son                                   B.Love me,love my dog

C.Every dog has its day                                  D.The grass is greener somewhere else

5.Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?

A.Golden Windows                                     B.Father and Son

C.A Wonderful Place                                     D.A Boy’s Promise


A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?
lf you are inside:
Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.
Don't stand near windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture of fireplaces.
If you're outside:
Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you. Squat(蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.
After the earthquake:
Check, take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right. Watch out for aftershocks.
Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved(长袖的)shirt and strong shoes. Listen to tile radio for the latest information.
小题1:If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, you'd better        .
A.run into a liftB.not stay in the bathroom
C.stand near large mirrorsD.not stand near windows
小题2:lf you outside during an earthquake        
A.you must move into a building
B.you cannot squat
C.you have to stop the shaking
D.you must move away from streetlights
小题3:After the earthcluake, you should        
A.look after injuries
B.not help the others around you
C.protect yourself without wearing shoes
D.not listen to the radio for the latest information
小题4:The underlined word "aftershocks" in the passage means        in Chinese.

