6.We found Tony when we hurried into his room. 查看更多



run, play, lie, look, imagine, climb, get off, draw, take  off, visit
1. The cat was so scared that it _________ up the tree quickly.
2. I can't wait. When can our plane _________?
3. We are going to _________ the old people's house this weekend.
4. When Tony called me yesterday, you can't _________ how surprised I was!
5. The boys _________ soccer when it began to rain.
6. The dog _________ down the street when we found it.
7. At the last bus stop, all the people _________ the bus. So there was no one left on the bus.
8. While we were _________ at Dave's photos, we heard a loud noise in the street.
9. The teacher found a book _________ on the floor when he came into the classroom.
10. The old man is interested in _________ pictures when he is free.


shout, play, run, look,imagine,climb,get off,buy,take off, visit

1. The cat was so scared that it         up the tree.
2. When will our plane         ?
3. Where did you         those shoes? They're very nice.
4. The man didn't see me at first, so I         his name.
5. We're going to         our grandparents next week.
6. While we         at Dave's photos, we heard a loud noise.
7. Tony called me yesterday. You can't         how surprised I was.
8. The boys          soccer when it began to rain.
9. The dog          down the street when we found it.
10. At the last stop a lot of people         the bus.


     It was a great day for a picnic and a picnic was a great day to start the summer holiday. Fred brought his
classmates John and Betty to a wonderful picnic place. After lunch, John said they should play football. When
the ball came to Fred, he locked it into some long grass. "I'll get it." he said and hurried off to find the ball.
Moments later there was a shout and out came Fred holding his leg,"I've bitten by a snake!"   
     As the others rushed over to help. Fred began laughing. "Ha! I'm not really hurt." But Betty didn't laugh, "I
can't believe you did that, Fred. I was really frightened for you."   
     The friends then decided to go for a swim. John and Betty jumped into the water. Fred was standing on a
long rock by the riverbank and said, "Watch me jump." They shouted excitedly as he went under the water, but
as the seconds passed he didn't come back to the top. The friends became worried. Suddenly they heard Fred's
laugh, "Won't you ever learn? I swam behind this tree when I jumped."   
     "Very funny, Fred?" said John angrily. "Anyway, I'm feeling tired and I'm going for a sleep." Betty joined
     Fred, however, moved to a narrow part of the river and jumped in. Although he was a good swimmer, the
water there was moving much faster and Fred found himself dragged away. He managed to catch hold of a tree,
but he was very tired now and with the water still moving very fast, couldn't pull himself out.   
     Back at the picnic place, as Betty and John were preparing to sleep, they heard Fred's cries for help, John
looked at Betty and said, "Does he really think we're so foolish? Wake me up in an hour. It'll be time to go back
home then."
1. What happened when Fred went to get the football?
A. He was bitten by a snake.
B. He fell and cut himself.
C. He called for the others to help him.
D. He let out a frightening shout.
2. At the end of the story, why didn't John and Betty go to help Fred?
A. They didn't believe that Fred was really in trouble.
B. They thought Fred was a good swimmer.
C. They couldn't hear his cries for help.
D. They were too tired and needed to rest.
3. The underlined word "dragged" means "_____".
A. pulled
B. held
C. guided
D. gave
4. What can you learn from this story?
A. It is important for a person to tell the truth.
B. You should know how to swim if toy want to play in the river.
C. You must watch out for snakes in the countryside.
D. Picnics can often be dangerous for children.


【小题1】My mother is a nurse. She works in a famous h          .
【小题2】Tom, if you are t          , drink this water.
【小题3】When little Jack gets excited, he j           up and down.
【小题4】With the help of the local people, we found the church e          .
【小题5】I wonder why I can't get good grades a           I have been studying so hard.


One day, when my wife and I were leaving a restaurant, I heard a man's voice from a car in the car-park. After a quick look at the ear, 1 noticed the Pennsylvania license plate (牌照) at once, so I knew they had come from far away. The young man had his head partly out of the window and spoke to me as I moved closer, "Excuse me, my wife and I are trying to find a room for the night and every place in the area seems to be filled up. Do you have any suggestions for us where we might find a room?"
Well, that didn't surprise me. After all, it was the busy time of the year for tourism. As he spoke, I noticed that his wife was pregnant (怀孕的). 1 told them that they should just keep searching (搜寻) and wished them good luck in their search. The young husband didn't say any other word and backed out of the car-park and headed off. We also got into our car and drove home.
After a short drive, I couldn't get this young couple out of my mind. Here they were, traveling in a different state, tired, the wife pregnant. It was at that moment that my wife told me we needed to go back and find that couple. We went back and looked for them. We even went as fat as the mountain. I'm happy that this story had a happy ending. We found them in the end, gave them a room, and now we are close friends.
【小题1】The main problem the young couple had was that they couldn't_______________.
A. find a place for the night              B. find a doctor
C, find their way                         D. afford to stay at a hotel
【小题2】When the writer told him to keep searching, the young husband____________            .
A.was very happyB.continued to ask other questions
C.thanked him and drove awayD.said nothing and drove away
【小题3】We can reach a conclusion from the passage that______________ .
A.the writer didn't agree with his wife
B.the writer's wife was a kind person as well
C.the writer had no trouble finding the young couple
D.the young couple found a room in a hotel in the end

