15.They thought important to look right and left when the road. A.it's,cross B.it,to cross C.it,crossing D.it was,to cross六.完形填空. My friend Mr. walker is an able doctor and has a hospital.So he has enough money to 1 all over the world.And he's been to a lot of places of interest.He likes to 2 the children and hasa lot of little 3 .They often ask him to tell them all kinds of funnythings he 4 .It makes them happy and his room is always 5 children when he's free. It was my little son's seventh 6 yesterday.The boy insisted onasking his old friend Mr. Walker to the 7 .He called Mr. Walker himself and told him about it.The joker 8 his invitationhappily.At half past seven the boy 9 his coming at the gate.As soon as hesaw his car.he ran towards him.Mr. Walker came on time.with a nice 10 in his hand.After dinner the children sat around the 11 and asked him to tell them some funny stories.Mr. Walker agreed and his stories made them l2 again and again.At last he told them the funniest story.He said.“One day I reached a city on a foggyday.The fog was the thickest in the world’’ “Please wait a 13 .Mr. Walker. said my son.“It's said the fog in 14 is the thickest in the world. “You're 15 .my boy. said the funny man.“But the city had much fog that day. “What's it.then?’’ “The fog was so thick that I couldn't see it at all. the joker said with a smile. 查看更多



They thought __________ important to look right and left when ________ the road.
A.it’s; crossB.it; to crossC.it; crossingD.it was; to cross

