10.This experiment shows that . A.sometimes our sensesus B.we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands. C.hot water and cold water do not mix. D.one of our hands is stronger than the other.(C) Rice is a big part of Chinese life.In the past.people greeted each other by saying “Have you had your rice? Some people still say it today. 查看更多



“Tomato plants at the Royal Horticultural Society’s(英国皇家园艺学会) gardens will listen to voices through MP3 earphones for 30 days,” a reporter told people in a newspaper. At a time, many English people couldn’t believe in such a thing and some people even laughed at it.

Gardeners did the experiment by themselves. They wrote down how the tomato plants grew before, during and after the experiment. And then they compared the results with other tomato plants.

“We are taking it very seriously even though a lot of people may think it is a joke. However, studies show that certain sounds do help plants grow better,” the gardeners told a reporter.

“We want to get different kinds of voices. Through this experiment, we hope to find the most plant-friendly human sound for plants to grow,” said the gardeners.

“The plants will listen to poems, stories and songs,” the gardeners added.

Now, let our plants enjoy beautiful music.

1.How did the Royal gardens prove (证明)themselves?

A. Through the reporter himself.

B. By the experiment done by gardeners.

C. Through the gardeners and reporter.

D. By the results from common gardens.

2.By the experiment, we can learn that             .

A. stories especially suit green plants

B. many plants prefer the same voices

C. some plants prefer to talk to people

D. some sounds help plants grow better

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. People weren’t sure of the report at first.

B. The gardeners themselves did the study.

C. The gardeners hope to find the best voices.

D. Plants love to listen to all kinds of sounds.



     Do you know that you can use your watch as a compass (指南针) on a sunny day? Take a watch and point
the hour hand in the direction of the sun. Imagine a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point
half way between the hour hand and number one. This line will surely point south.
     If you know astronomy a little, you will understand why this works. In the northern half of the earth, the sun
is in the south at noon. In Russia, the real noon is one o'clock. If at that time we point the hour hand at the sun,
the hour hand and the number one will point south. That is why you must imagine a line which will run from the
center of the watch through a point half way between the hour hand and number one. It will point south. If you
are in the southern part of our planet, you must point number 12 at the sun. The line which you can imagine
between number twelve and the hour hand will then show north.
1. When we carry out this experiment in the northern part of the earth, we should point _____ at the sun.
A. number 12
B. the minute-hand
C. the hour hand
D. number one
2. What does the word "astronomy" mean in this passage?
A. 天文学
B. 地理学
C. 宇航学
D. 逻辑学
3. The passage tells us that we can use a watch _____ on a sunny, day.
A. to study the weather
B. to show direction
C. to enjoy ourselves
D. to keep good time
4. If you are in Australia, which tithe following is the,right way to show north?

                  A                              B                            C                            D
5. What's the best title for this passage?
A. Your Watch Becomes a Compass
B. The Story of a Watch
C. An Interesting Watch
D. The Sun and a Watch


   Do you know that you can use your watch as a compass (指南针)on a sunny day?Take a watch and point the hour-hand in the direction of the sun .Imagine (想象)a line which runs from the center of the watch through a point half-way between the hour-hand and number one. This line will surely point south.
    If you know astronomy a little, you will understand why this works. Inthe northern half of the earth, the sun is in the south at noon. In Russia, the real noon is one o'clock. If at that time we piont  the hour-hand at the sun, the hour-hand and the number one will point south. That is why you must imagine a line which will run from the center .If the watch through a point half -way between the hour-hand and number one. It will point south. If you are in the southern part of our planet, you must point number 12 at the sun. The line which you can imagine between number twelve and the hour-hand will then show north.
1 When we carry out this experiment in the northern part of the earth ,we should point ______at the sun.
A.number 12   B.the minute-hand   C.the hour-hand  D.number one
2 What does the underlined word "astronomy" mean in the passage?
A.天文学  B.地理学  C.宇航学  D.逻辑学
3 The passage tells us that we can use a watch ____on a sunny day.
A.to study the weather     B. to show direction   
C.to enjoy ourselves       D. to keep good time
4 If you are in Australia ,which of the following is the right way to show north?
5 What's the best title for this passage?
A. Your Watch Becomes a Compass  B. An Interesting Watch
C. The Story  of a Watch          D. The Sun and a Watch


Researchers(研究者) say that nearly two thirds of children don’t get enough sleep, and this can make them nervous and slower at school. So how long should young people sleep each night? The answer is between 8 and 10 hours. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’ll have less energy the next day.

A report shows that children sleep less because they have TVs and computers in their rooms, and busy parents don’t read to their younger children at night any more. The traditional “bedtime story” helps children to relax and fall asleep peacefully. Children with TVs and computers in their bedrooms were more likely to sleep badly, and to get less than eight hours sleep. Even losing one hour’s sleep a night can mean that children do worse than usual at school.

British scientists think that your brain(大脑) keeps working while you’re asleep. To show that they were right, they gave two groups of people a problem to work out. One group went to sleep, and the other group stayed awake. You want to know the result? The people who slept worked out the answer more quickly. Researchers explained that their brains were trying to find the answer while the people were asleep. So, make sure you get enough sleep tonight, and you’ll be at your best tomorrow!

40. Why is sleep good for your health?

  A. Sleeping helps you eat less.       

  B. Sleeping makes you need less energy.

  C. Sleep is good for the brain as well as the body.

  D. You can solve more problems while you are sleeping.

41. What happens to children at school if they don’t get enough sleep?

  A. They can’t run faster.                   B. They do less well at school.

  C. They walk more slowly.                  D. They will be afraid of learning.

42. How does a bedtime story help children get a good night?

  A. Children get to sleep earlier.

  B. Children have more energy.

  C. Children feel it helpful to relax.           

  D. Children become more interested in stories.

43. What did the British scientists’ experiment show?

  A. Parents should read bedtime stories.

  B. Sleep helps children learn to tell more stories.

  C. Losing sleep means children don’t learn well.

  D. Your brain is still working while you are sleeping.


Going to a friend’s house is very exciting. You may spend time with a friend and get to see where he lives. So remember to be polite.
When to arrive
The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come “around 3:00”, that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.
What to bring
Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend’s house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.
How to greet (问候)
When you visit your friend’s house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. or Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect (尊重) and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them Madam or Sir. 
It is a cool thing to visit a friend’s house. Be polite to your friend and your friend’s parents, and you will be invited again!
【小题1】 If you are told to get to your friend’s house around 5:00 p.m., it is polite to arrive at_____

A.5:02 p.m.B.4:50 p.m.C.4:30 p.m.D.5:30 p.m.
【小题2】When the writer was a child, he called his friend’s father _____.
【小题3】The passage mainly (主要) tells us _____.
A.when to arrive at your friend’s house B.how to greet people
C.what to bring to your friendD.how to be a good visitor

