47.A.deserts B.forests C.fields D.hills 查看更多



41、A 42、B 43、A  44、C 45、B 46、C 47、A 48、B 49、C 50、B


The boy  46 red is my classmate. He’s Jimmy. He  47 from the USA. Now he is in China to study(学习)Chinese. He likes  48 very much. He thinks China is great(非常好).

Jimmy is my good friend, too. He has a big problem. He speaks English well but only(只有)a little Chinese. He often helps me  49 my English. I often help him study(学习)Chinese. We  50 each other. He can  51 English.  52 his Chinese is not very good. We often study together(一起)after(在……之后)school.

I have a pen pal from Canada. He can speak English,   53  . He often helps me study English.

He  54 China, too. And he wants to visit the Great Wall(长城). I am very happy to have these 55 good friends.

(  )46.A.in                 B.from               C.of

(  )47.A.meets              B.comes              C.come

(  )48.A.Japan              B.Canada             C.China

(  )49.A.of                 B.from               C.with

(  )50.A.help                B.look                C.thank

(  )51.A.tell                B.speak           C.think

(  )52.A.And                B.But                C.Or

(  )53.A.to                 B.and                C.too

(  )54.A.likes            B.like                C.looks

(  )55.A.one                B.two                C.three



One day a poor boy, who was selling newspapers in a town, found that he had only ten pennies(便士)left, and he was hungry. He decided to ask for a   46   at the next house. However, he had another idea when a young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. But as he looked   47  , she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it, and then asked, “How much do I own(欠)you?”

“My mother teaches me that I should   48   get money for any kindness,” she replied. “So you don’t owe me   49  .”

Many years later, the woman became seriously ill. Then she was sent to a famous hospital in London. Dr Kelly was called in to study her illness. When he heard the name of the   50   which she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. As soon as he walked into her room, he got to know her at once. He did his best to   51   her. Then he gave special attention to her. After some time she got well.

Dr. Kelly asked for her final bill before she left hospital. He    52   it, then wrote something on it   53   it was sent to her. She was afraid to open it, for she believed it would cost the rest of her life to   54   for it all. But   55   she opened it, and read these words on it: Paid in full with one glass of milk.

(    )46.A.banana                           B.drink                             C.meal

(    )47.A.excited                          B.thirty                      C.hungry

(    )48.A.always                           B.never                      C.sometimes

(    )49.A.anything                        B.everything               C.nothing

(    )50.A.country                         B.house                            C.town

(    )51.A.protect                          B.remember                      C.save

(    )52.A.looked at                        B.looked after                    C.looked for

(    )53.A.after                       B.before                            C.when

(    )54.A.take                               B.pay                                C.spend

(    )55.A.finally                            B.quickly                          C.happily



I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang.   36   voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please come back soon. I miss you so much!” I thought that it was a wrong number. A short while later, the call came once again, so I   37   rudely, “You’ve dialed the wrong number!” and then hung up.

During the    38    days, I often got the    39   call. But I didn’t care much about it.

    Then one day she kept calling me,    40    I didn’t answer. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please come back. I miss you so much! Dad, I’m in so much    41   ! Mom said you were too busy to take care of me. But, dad, please    42    me again, OK?” It was     43    to refuse the innocent(天真的, 无邪的) ask. I made a    44    kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank you…Dad, I am so…happy, so…happy…”

    Shortly after this, I became curious(好奇)about    45    had been on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to have    46    you. My daughter has had bone cancer since she was born. And her father…died in a car    47    two weeks ago. I didn’t want to tell her the news. Poor baby. When she couldn’t    48    the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad because her dad always    49    her. I really don’t know what to do, so I gave her a random(随意的) phone number…”

    “How is your daughter now?” I couldn’t wait to ask.

“She has died. You   50    have kissed her on the phone, because she died with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone…”   Tears full of my eyes….

36.A.A boy’s                   B.A child’s                 C.My daughter’s         D.My son’s

37.A.spoke                    B.told                       C.returned                D.replied

38.A.following               B.front                    C.other                 D.coming

39.A.different              B.same             C.wrong           D.funny

40.A.so that                   B.and                   C.as if                   D.though

41.A.danger                   B.trouble                    C.pain                 D.difficulty

42.A.look after               B.kiss                        C.help                  D.encourage

43.A.easy                     B.sad                      C.happy                 D.difficult

44.A.soft                      B.sweet                        C.low                    D.loud

45.A.that                     B.what                    C.who                   D.how

46.A.troubled                 B.asked                    C.stopped             D.reached

47.A.experiment              B.event                  C.accident               D.activity

48.A.receive                   B.fight                       C.stand                   D.face

49.A.encouraged            B.amused                   C.caught                    D.missed

50.A.must                      B.might               C.should                    D.need


   Nobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes. 41__, when you fail an exam. Or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends or relatives. It's 42___ to have these feelings. If you don't know how to solve these problems, you may 43____something from Jeff.

      Jeff almost went mad when his 44____was killed in a car accident. He 45____play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. Instead, he just sat in his bedroom and didn't talk to 46____, even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was unfair. He was quite angry with the driver 47___ his car hit his brother, even though it was an 48____. After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. Now he still 49____ his brother, but he doesn't hate the driver any longer. He is beginning to talk to his parents and this makes them happy again. He doesn't 50____ in his room by himself any longer. Instead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends and he is feeling better now.

41.A.For example    B.In fact         C.Above all     D.After all

42.A.unusual        B.normal            C.likely        D.strange

43.A.stop           B.learn       C.protect       D.hear

44.A.friend         B.mother        C.father        D.brother

45.A.refused to     B.decided to      C.planned to    D.tried to

46.A.somebody       B.everybody       C.anybody       D.nobody

47.A.although       B.so                  C.because       D.while

48.A.experience     B.experiment    C.accident             D.instruction

49.A.helps          B.misses       C.likes          D.respects

50.A.live           B.play          C.lie            D.stay


