48.A.look for B.find out C.look out D.take out 查看更多



A Dear Mrs. Web


       Dear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend… Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and comments. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her email address is mrsweb@advice.com.

B Help Line Volunteers


       Every year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English-speaking aged people. We are in need of volunteers who are:

l       good listeners, warm-hearted and patient

l       excellent English speaker

l       can work 10 hours every week

Please call us at 0241-85902 or email us.helper@lineservice.com

C Save the Earth Club


       Earth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Club’s goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also meet to discuss some real solutions to save the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4 times a month. Come and Join us!

D The King Sweeper


       “My great, great grandfather invented the carpet sweeper 125 years ago. This King Sweeper is by far the best. I invite you to try it in your home. You’ll find it used daily in hospitals, restaurants, offices and homes throughout the world. This is just the thing to keep your carpet soft, clean and fresh. Only for $29.99!

We’re so sure that you’ll be delighted with the result of using our product.

E Trendy Sunglasses


They can protect your eyes when driving, gardening or reading in the sun. It can make your life easier and happier, and make you look smarter!

$10.99 each or 2 for $19.99!


1.Sam will spend his holiday in Hawaii where there is lots of sunshine. Maybe he needs to buy something to protect his eyes!

2.Mr. Read has been out of work for weeks, and he feels very upset and don’t know what to do.

3.The 16-year-old girl, Nancy, is a student in Green School. She cares much about the environment on the earth.

4.Miss Hope is always ready to help others. She is a nurse and can speak good English.

5.The Kings have just moved into a new house. They need to buy something to clean the floor and the carpet.


6.Dear Mrs. Web receives and answers email questions only from America.

7.If you want to be a Help Line volunteer, you can telephone 0241-85902 or email mrsweb@advice.com.

8.Save the Earth Club can help keep the neighborhood, school and city cleaner.

9.The King Sweeper has an old history and is widely used in homes, offices and so on.

10.If you need two pairs of Sunglasses, you need to pay more than twenty dollars.


For a long time being happy was considered natural,and there was nothing special to do about it. Now we know that we can work at getting along well with other people. It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better.

One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything your own way or asking for the best share of everything, including the attention of your friends. Another way is to look for good points, not bad ones in other people.

You don’t have to be spineless(无骨气的)in order to be popular. In fact,you will be liked and respected if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights. But do it politely and pleasantly. One way to develop a good character is being friendly and polite to your own group, to older people,to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you.

______ ▲ _______, so you must learn not to be too unhappy when you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is to be blamed(责备) unless he refuses to learn from them. Many young people become discouraged(泄气的) when they know their unpleasant qualities—selfishness,laziness,etc. Just remember that we all have some of these faults and have to fight against them.

When something is wrong,it is best to try to make it right. Perhaps you don’t like a teacher or a classmate. Try to see why,and look at yourself,too. Make sure that you are not doing something to make others dislike you. In time, things may turn out all right, then you simply have to learn to get along the best you can with the situation, without thinking too much about it. Worrying never helps in a situation you can’t change.

48.Which sentence is the most suitable for the blank______ ▲ _______?

A. You cannot expect(期待) to be perfect

B. You may expect to be perfect

C. You must be happy

D. We can’t be happy

49.How can we get along well with others according to the passage?

A. Fight against our unpleasant qualities.

B. Show others our unpleasant qualities.

C. Stand up for our rights in any way we like.

D. Find out unpleasant qualities in others and in ourselves.

50. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to be perfect B. How to avoid mistakes

C. Ways of being unselfish      D. Ways of making people like us better


No family wants its home to catch fire, but it's good to plan for a fire just in case (以防万一). Talk with your family about  36 to do if a fire starts.   37  should have a plan for getting out of the house. Be sure to choose a safe place to   38  after everyone gets away from the fire.

What should you do   39  there is a fire?  First,   40  people know about the fire. Yell (叫喊) the word "fire". Knock on the walls with your hands.

Then   41  the door of your room. If the door is warm, don't open it. If it's cool, open it just enough to  42 . If you see fire or much smoke, close the door fast.

If you can't see fire or smoke, you can go out of the door. Shut the  43  behind you. That will slow down the fire. Now find a   44 out. Stay away from the smoke. The air is the  45  near the floor. So it   46  be the safest to crawl(爬)when you leave the house.

If you can't leave your room,  close your door. Cover the crack (缝隙) under the door

  47   clothing. Then open the window or   48  the glass with a chair. Crawl out, of the window   49 .If the window is high off the ground,   50 jump! Wave a towel out of the window, and yell for help. When you get out of the house, run to the place where you and your family chose to meet.











D.No one



























A.put out

B.find out

C.look out

D.take out
























D.has to



























Last week I went to a supermarket. After I  36  the bill and was passing through the door, the alarm suddenly started to ring. Suddenly, a young guard ran toward me and ordered me to  37 him. I felt so upset and   38  . He took me to a small room, but I was   39  frightened that I stopped at the door. Finding me  40to enter the room, he shouted that I had to go into the room.

He closed the door. I thought he was going to hurt me. Suddenly, a   41   voice said in my ear: “Take out the things you’ve stolen!” “I stole nothing.” I said. “Do as I tell you. If we find them, you’ll be in trouble.” “There is nothing.” I answered. “I didn’t take anything.” I said, taking everything out of my pockets and bag.

  42   this point, a guard came in and asked a salesgirl to   43  me.   44  , they found nothing.

But they didn’t believe that I hadn’t stolen anything. So the young guard ordered me to pass through the door alarm again.

I was   45  when it rang again. I felt   46  and burst into tears. I didn’t know how to prove   47  I was innocent(清白的).

They made me go into the small room again.

 “Take out the stolen things quickly,  48  we will dial 110.” They said.

 “OK, call the police. I’ m not afraid.” I said  49.

Suddenly,  they  50 their tone. After a while, a salesgirl asked me to raise my feet. I did   51   she had told me. There was a label (标签) on the bottom of my shoe. That was it! That was the  52 thing that had brought me such great trouble. But it  53my innocence.(清白)

After that, they 54  to me in the small room, But they should have apologized 55  , shouldn’t they? A lot of people were there when I was taken away. What did they think of me?

1.A.buy                B.paid            C.passed          D.paid for

2.A.obey               B.beg             C.follow          D.listen to

3.A.angry              B.excited         C.happy           D.puzzled

4.A.very               B.much            C.such            D.so

5.A.disagree           B.unwilling       C.voluntarily     D.willingly 

6.A.high               B.low             C.sound           D.sharp

7.A.On                 B.In              C.At              D.From

8.A.look at            B.watch           C.examine         D.keep

9.A.Needless to say B.So far             C.On one hand     D.As a result of

10.A.afraid            B.frightened      C.shocked         D.sad

11.A.wronged           B.upset           C.scared          D.unpleasant

12.A.what              B.whether         C.that            D.how

13.A.and               B.but             C.or              D.so

14.A.unhappily         B.forcefully      C.terribly        D.widely

15.A.changed           B.raised          C.increased       D.closed

16.A.like              B.as              C.according to    D.as if

17.A.only              B.last            C.very            D.just

18.A.tested            B.showed          C.proved          D.gave

19.A.said              B.apologized      C.agreed          D.promised

20.A.loudly            B.together        C.politely        D.in public



Last week I went to a supermarket. After I  36  the bill and was passing through the door, the alarm suddenly started to ring. Suddenly, a young guard ran toward me and ordered me to  37 him. I felt so upset and   38 . He took me to a small room, but I was   39  frightened that I stopped at the door. Finding me  40to enter the room, he shouted that I had to go into the room.
He closed the door. I thought he was going to hurt me. Suddenly, a   41  voice said in my ear: “Take out the things you’ve stolen!” “I stole nothing.” I said. “Do as I tell you. If we find them, you’ll be in trouble.” “There is nothing.” I answered. “I didn’t take anything.” I said, taking everything out of my pockets and bag.
  42  this point, a guard came in and asked a salesgirl to   43  me.   44 , they found nothing.
But they didn’t believe that I hadn’t stolen anything. So the young guard ordered me to pass through the door alarm again.
I was   45 when it rang again. I felt   46  and burst into tears. I didn’t know how to prove   47  I was innocent(清白的).
They made me go into the small room again.
“Take out the stolen things quickly,  48  we will dial 110.” They said.
“OK, call the police. I’ m not afraid.” I said  49.
Suddenly,  they  50 their tone. After a while, a salesgirl asked me to raise my feet. I did   51  she had told me. There was a label (标签) on the bottom of my shoe. That was it! That was the  52 thing that had brought me such great trouble. But it  53my innocence.(清白)
After that, they 54  to me in the small room, But they should have apologized 55 , shouldn’t they? A lot of people were there when I was taken away. What did they think of me?

A.buyB.paidC.passedD.paid for
A.obeyB.begC.followD.listen to
A.disagree B.unwillingC.voluntarilyD.willingly
A.look atB.watchC.examineD.keep
A.Needless to sayB.So farC.On one handD.As a result of
A.unhappilyB.forcefully C.terriblyD.widely
A.likeB.asC.according toD.as if
A.loudly B.together C.politelyD.in public

