11.What are they talking about? A.A son. B.A shower. C.Work at night. 查看更多



My tears run down when I talk to my parents on the phone. What are they doing when I 41 them?
Dad works from 7a.m to 9p.m. Mum does all the 42 . She also has to work in the vineyard (葡萄园). But I can’t do 43 for them. Every day she got up earlier than Dad. When I 44 call her at 7:30 in the evening, she is still working and 45 supper. How hard it is for a daughter to stop the 46 in heart! And even harder to keep back the tears. 47 only thing I can do is to promise her that I’ll study hard in the university. I also 48 her to take care of herself and dad. I can not live 49 them.
Mum says the happiest time for dad and 50 is when my sister and I return home. We play 51 in the room, watch TV or do anything we like, with dad 52 mum cooking together in the kitchen. It is 53 the happiest time for me. I’ve never thought my holidays at home could be so 54 . I wanted to do more housework because mum really needs more rest.
Love, sometimes, doesn’t need too many 55 . We may be too shy to say the warm word out. Then give them a call and tell them you miss them.
A.was callingB.callC.will callD.called
A.exercisesB.homeworkC.problemsD.farm work
A.isn’t havingB.is havingC.doesn’t haveD.has


My tears run down when I talk to my parents on the phone. What are they doing when I 41 them?
Dad works from 7a.m to 9p.m. Mum does all the 42 . She also has to work in the vineyard (葡萄园). But I can’t do 43 for them. Every day she got up earlier than Dad. When I 44 call her at 7:30 in the evening, she is still working and 45 supper. How hard it is for a daughter to stop the 46 in heart! And even harder to keep back the tears. 47 only thing I can do is to promise her that I’ll study hard in the university. I also 48 her to take care of herself and dad. I can not live 49 them.
Mum says the happiest time for dad and 50 is when my sister and I return home. We play 51 in the room, watch TV or do anything we like, with dad 52 mum cooking together in the kitchen. It is 53 the happiest time for me. I’ve never thought my holidays at home could be so 54 . I wanted to do more housework because mum really needs more rest.
Love, sometimes, doesn’t need too many 55 . We may be too shy to say the warm word out. Then give them a call and tell them you miss them.

A.was callingB.callC.will callD.called
A.exercisesB.homeworkC.problemsD.farm work
A.isn’t havingB.is havingC.doesn’t haveD.has


    Daisy's class had a painting lesson with Ben's class. The teacher told them    1  different colors.
    "There are three primary colors," she said. "Who knows    2   ?"
    All the children    3  their hands. Everyone knew the primary colors: red, blue and yellow.
    "   4   know what a secondary color is?" the teacher asked next. Ben knew. He put up his hand. " It's a color made from two primary colors," he said.
    "Can you give me    5  ?" the teacher asked.
    "Orange," Ben said. "We make orange by    6   red and yellow."
    Daisy put up her hand. "Purple is     7   secondary color," she said. "We make purple by mixing red
and blue."
    "Good," the teacher said." Now I want you all    8   a secondary color. "
    The children began mixing colors. The teacher    9   round the class. She looked at all the colors the
children were mixing. She    10   Harry's easel(画架). "What color is that?" she   11   him.
    "I don't know," he said. "I mixed all the primary colors    12   ," he said. "I wanted to see what color
  14   ."
    "That    15   secondary color," the teacher said. "That    16  mud(泥巴)!"
(     )1. A. to make          
(     )2. A. what they are    
(     )3. A. put down        
(     )4. A. Does anyone      
(     )5. A. an idea          
(     )6. A. mix              
(     )7. A. another          
(     )8. A. do              
(     )9. A. walked          
(     )10. A. came to        
(     )11. A. said            
(     )12. A. each            
(     )13. A. can I get      
(     )14. A. is              
(     )15. A. looks          
B. what to make  
B. what are they  
B. put up        
B. Is anyone      
B. a way          
B. mix up        
B. the other      
B. to do          
B. goes          
B. came          
B. said to        
B. then          
B. I can get      
B. is            
B. looks like    
C. how to make          
C. where they are      
C. put off              
C. Does someone        
C. an example          
C. mixing              
C. other                
C. make                
C. ran                  
C. went                
C. asked                
C. together            
C. did I get            
C. is not              
C. looked              
D. why to make  
D. where are they
D. put on      
D. Is someone  
D. a color      
D. to mix      
D. one          
D. to make      
D. talked      
D. visited to  
D. asked for    
D. all over    
D. I got        
D. is not a    
D. looked like  


1. We play a game _____(call) trick or treat.
2. ---What do you buy the pumpkins for?  
   ---  ________(make) lanterns.
3. I don't know what _____(wear) for the dinner party.
4. The library is on the ______(two) floor.
5.We are ________(excite) to see you.
6. I clean my room _______(two) a day.
7. You must brush your ______(tooth) every day.
8.What about _______(cut) out eyes and noses.
9. There is lots of _______(turkey) on the table.
10. Would you please _______(not knock) on the door?
11. They celebrate the festival by       (give) presents and cards.
12. Let him ______(clean) the blackboard today.
13. I will go to the park if it______________(not rain) tomorrow.
14. Thanks a lot for ______(give) us so many candies.
15. What are they looking forward to _________(do)?


1. 我今天有太多的工作要做。  
    I have _____ _____ work to do today.
2. 汤姆经常穿一双运动鞋。  
    Tom  often  wears _____ _____ _____ sports shoes.
3. 今年年底,我的女儿将成为一名医生。  
    My daughter will become a doctor _____ _____ _____ _____ this year.
4. 孩子们坐在桌子旁。
    The children are sitting _____ _____ _____.
5. 我们通常在周末去购物。  
    We usually go shopping _____ _____ _____.
6. 他们用英语说什么呢?  
    What are they talking about _____ _____?
7. 我的桌子在教室的前面。  
    My desk is _____ _____ _____ _____ the classroom.
8. 他仍在住院,但已脱离了危险。
    He is still _____ _____, but out of danger.
9. 我们可以用很多方法来完成这项工作。  
    We can finish the work _____ _____ _____.
10. 我每天走路去上学。  
      I go to school _____ _____ every day.
11. 我的朋友们这周正在度假。
      My friends are _____ _____ this week.
12. 苏珊出生在1980年5月1日的晚上。  
      Susan was bom _____ _____ _____ _____ May lst, 1980.
13. 我一点也不喜欢吃水果,但我喜欢吃蔬菜。  
      I do _____ like fruit _____ _____, but I like vegetables.
14. 当我进来时,他正在用餐。
      He is _____ _____ when I come.
15. 在回家的路上,我买了些吃的。  
      I buy some food _____ _____ _____ home.

