0  114343  114351  114357  114361  114367  114369  114373  114379  114381  114387  114393  114397  114399  114403  114409  114411  114417  114421  114423  114427  114429  114433  114435  114437  114438  114439  114441  114442  114443  114445  114447  114451  114453  114457  114459  114463  114469  114471  114477  114481  114483  114487  114493  114499  114501  114507  114511  114513  114519  114523  114529  114537  447090 

7. The number of students in our school _______five hundred.

 A. is     B.am    C. are     D. does


6. -Alice, could you _______ the rubbish? 

- OK. I’m coming.

A. look out    B. stay out  C.go out  D. take out


5.She _______ a lot of money on clothes.

A. takes      B. costs      C. spends     D. buys


4. -My little brother was really_______ at the _______ news.

A. surprised; surprised   B.surprised surprising 

C. surprising; surprising D. surprising;surprised


3.   _______ you _____the movie yet?

    -Yes.I _______it three weeks ago.

A. Have;saw;saw  B. Did;see;see  C.Have;seen;saw  D. Dia;see;saw


2.  -Mr. Wang, I have a fever. What should I do?

  -You should _____ your temperature

A. ask     B. test     C. see  D. take



I. 单项选择( 25分 )


- It doesn’t work..

A.  How are you?       B. Where is your watch?   

C. What’s wrong with your watch? D. How much is your watch?




What does Mr Brown do?
He is a scientist .
What was the weather like?
It was ____18_____.
What was he doing on the bridge(桥)?
He was waiting for his friend.
What did he take out from his pocket?
A ___19_____ and a pen.
What’s wrong with his clothes?
They are all ____20___ .



第二节 听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案(共12小题,计12分)


6.(   )What he will be in a few years ?

   A. A  singer    B. A  teacher   C. A  reporter


7.(   ) When will Bill be back?

   A. This Sunday  B. This Saturday  C. Next Saturday


8.(   ) What did Mary’s headmaster say about her math?

    A. Bad     B. Good    C. OK


9.(   ) What did Amy watch last night?

    A. Sport’s news  B. A soccer game  C. A soap opera


10.(   ) What will the boy do next?

    A. Watch TV  B. Cook meal  C. Do his homework


11.(   ) Why does Tom look sad?

    A. He lost his books      B. He argued with his mom 

    C. He did badly in his exams

12.(   ) What will the girl do this evening?

  A. Tell Tom the ways of studying 

  B. Go to see a movie with Tom  C. Go to a concert with Tom


13.(   ) What will the girl do this Saturday afternoon?

    A. Go shopping  B. Look after her sister  C. Do her homework

14.(   ) When will they go to see the new movie?

    A. Next Monday   B. Next Saturday  C. Next Sunday


15.(   ) Where is the food festival?(食品节)

    A. In a park   B. In a classroom   C. In a garden

16.(   ) How long is the food festival?

    A. 3 hours   B. 6 hours    C. 9 hours

17.(   ) What should Mike bring to the festival?

    A. Some books   B. Some food   C. Some flower



第一节 根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画。(共5小题,计5分)


(  )1.






        A         B          C

(  )2.







A         B          C

(  )3.







         A            B           C

(  )4

       A           B          C






A          B         C

5.(  )







A          B            C

