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24. — Did you watch the TV show Super Brain (最强大脑) on Jiangsu TV yesterday?

      — Yes. ________ was really clever ________ a student to remember so many faces.

     A. It; of         B. That; of          C. It; for        D. That; for


23. — Tom got a “B” again. What a pity!

      — I am not surprised. He usually writes the answers ________ to get an “A”.

     A. too careless      B. too carefully     C. carelessly enough    D. too carelessly


22. — Look! Tom is running faster and faster.

     — But he is too far behind. I don’t think he is ________ win this time.

     A. too fast to      B. too slow to          C. enough fast to      D. fast enough to


二、单项选择 15%

21. — Is doctor Wang ________ UNICEF volunteer?

     — No, he is ________ ORBIS doctor. He has worked for it for years.

     A. a; an         B. an; a          C. an; an       D. a; a



A. 听对话回答问题


5. What will the weather be like?

  A. Sunny.              B. Cloudy.              C. Rainy.

6. What is Jane probably doing now?

   A. She is singing.         B. She is reading comics.    C. She is doing housework.

7. What do we know about the new mobile phone?

  A. The man bought it himself.

  B. It was a present from the man’s uncle.

  C. The man got it from a friend.

8. How long has it rained?

  A. For three hours.       B. For five hours.       C. For two hours.

9. What does the woman mean?

  A. He is good at climbing high. B. It is not high at all.    C. He may fall and hurt himself.

10. What does Miss Zhang think of David?

  A. He walks too fast.        B. He walks very slowly.    C. He can’t walk any farther.



11. What will Mary do this Sunday?

 A. Go to the park    B. Go to see Tom    C. Play football

12. What is wrong with Tom?

A. He has a bad cold   B. He has a headache  C. His leg is hurt


Ways to save eyes
Way 1
Wear __13__ and soft socks or cloth shoes
Make blood circulation better
Way 2[来
Walk on ___14 ___
Fight against eyesight trouble
Way 3
Skip rope so that one has to move quickly
Make both the brain and the eyes excited. Help one grow taller
Way 4
Pull one’s ears  __15__
Keep one’s eyes healthy

13. A. tight                       B. small                 C. comfortable

14. A. foot                          B. tiptoe                    C. legs

15. A. 10 times                     B. 20 times                C. 50 times


16. One day a man and a tiger were talking about who was ________.

A. the strongest               B. the tallest                 C. the happiest

17. The man thought _________.

A. men could do anything   B. men were the strongest    C. tigers were strong animals

18. When the tiger heard what the man said, he said _________.

A. tigers were the strongest     B. men were the strongest       C. ‘I think so’

19. As they walked on, they saw a picture with ____________.

A. some men on top of a tiger   B. a man under a tiger    C. a man on top of a tiger

20. Tigers don’t know _____________.

A. who were stronger        B. whose picture it was   C. how to draw a picture




wash the dishes
read a book
watch TV
clean the room
tell stories to me
watch TV
do homework
talk on the phone
play computer games

















10. Lily       (miss) her family and friends very much.


9. We must be        (friend) to people around us.


8.Pandas are one of Chengdu’s      (symbol).


7. The students have    (come) to school early.

