0  114901  114909  114915  114919  114925  114927  114931  114937  114939  114945  114951  114955  114957  114961  114967  114969  114975  114979  114981  114985  114987  114991  114993  114995  114996  114997  114999  115000  115001  115003  115005  115009  115011  115015  115017  115021  115027  115029  115035  115039  115041  115045  115051  115057  115059  115065  115069  115071  115077  115081  115087  115095  447090 

10. Wendy, don’t waste the food!     all the vegetables on the plate.

A. Eat up           B. Wash up         C. Clean up         D. Put up



9. —Daniel, can you repeat what I said just now?

—Sorry, sir. I     something else.

A. thought about                      B. will think about 

C. was thinking about                   D. have thought about


8. —I     hear you read English in the morning. It’s really a good habit.

 —My teacher encourages us to do so every day.

A. never           B. seldom         C. sometimes       D. always


7. —It’s reported that a big shopping centre will be built in Hexi New Town.

—Really? I think it’s good news for my mother     bad news for my father.

A. and            B. but            C. or             D. yet


6.    , our world is more connected than before because of the Internet.

A. In some ways     B. In this way      C. On the way      D. By the way


5. —What’s the advantage of shopping online?

—I think buyers     spend a lot of time going to shops.

A. shouldn’t       B. mustn’t         C. can’t            D. needn’t


4. —Some young people like reading novels on their mobile phones after turning off the light at night.

—Don’t you think it is     to their eyes?

A. helpful           B. helpless         C. harmful         D. harmless


3. Australia is in the south of the earth so the seasons there are the opposite of    .

A. our             B. ours            C. us             D. ourselves


2. —What do you think of the 3-D printer?

—It’s great although it still needs further    .

A. arrangement     B. education       C. information      D. development




1. The Korean actor called Kim Soo Hyun has been famous in China     2013.

A. since            B. from            C. for              D. in

