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76. It’s only about 3 ________(月) before we take the big exam.


35.(   ) --How are you going, buddy?  --________. A little busy, though.

A. Can’t be worse      B. By train   C. Not too bad      D. on my own


34.(   ) They played carelessly, _________ they lost the match.

     A. as a result   B. first of all     C. such as      D. in order to  


33.(   ) --Excuse me, Could you tell me      ?

--There’s a bank on the third floor. You can make it there.

     A. how I can get to the bank     B. if there is a bank neat here

C. Where the bank is        D. where I can exchange money


32.(   ) It’s reported that many people in the west don’t have enough money _______ medical treatment.

        A. of          B. for          C. to         D. as


31.(   ) I buy _______ China Daily from the bookstore at the corner of the street.

      A. a page of      B. a piece of      C. a copy of      D. a pair of


30.(   ) --I want to know _______ we’ll have a day off for the coming Tomb-sweeping Day.

--Of course.

     A. that         B. if         C. how        D. what


29.(   ) -- Who's the most modest boy in your class?

     -- Daniel. He never _______ in public,

     A. gets off    B. takes off     C. shows off          D. turns off

