0  114929  114937  114943  114947  114953  114955  114959  114965  114967  114973  114979  114983  114985  114989  114995  114997  115003  115007  115009  115013  115015  115019  115021  115023  115024  115025  115027  115028  115029  115031  115033  115037  115039  115043  115045  115049  115055  115057  115063  115067  115069  115073  115079  115085  115087  115093  115097  115099  115105  115109  115115  115123  447090 

32.--How long is he _________ in Lanzhou? –For two weeks.

A. staying    B. coming    C. going    D. leaving



31. What about _________ a walk after supper, John?

   A. take     B. taking    C. takes    D. to take


30. Will you go there by_______ train? No, I will take ______taxi.

   A. / ,a     B. a ,a      C. / , /     D. the , a


29. It is ten o’clock. I must go_________.

   A. to home   B. home     C. my home  D. his home


28. Jone eats _______ dinner at seven thirty in the evening.

A. a      B. an      C. the      D.  /


27. It takes me fifteen minutes _______ from my home to the bus station.

A. walk    B. walking    C. to walk    D. walks


26. ______ watch TV too much, Jim.

   A. Not   B. Doesn’t   C. Don’t    D. Can’t


25. --What time is it now? –Let me see, ______half past nine.

   A. its      B. it’s     C. this is    D. they are


24. Here _______ some food for you, Lucy. Come and eat.

 A. is      B. are     C. have    D. be


22. _______ have long legs and necks.

A. Pandas   B. Tigers   C. Giraffes   D. Elephants

(   ) 23.-Don’t talk in class, Li Ping. ___________.

   A. No, you can’t.  B.Yes, I can.  C.Yes, I do.  D. I’m sorry. I won’t.

